Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1624 Strategic Deterrence

"Of course it's alchemy."

Lu Yu smiled.

"Haven't Madam and Miss already seen its effects with their own eyes?"

Fu Jing and Mrs. Ru were startled again.

Indeed, the elixir refined by Lu Yu had a very significant effect, which improved the quality of Fu Jing's golden elixir, which also greatly improved her strength.

"Do you plan to use elixirs to help everyone improve their strength?" Madam Ru asked with a frown.

Pills are good pills, but frankly speaking, according to Lu Yu's previous refining consumption, even if all the material warehouses in Xihai City were emptied, he would not be able to refine many pills.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "There may be some differences between my vision and Madam's vision..."

"First of all, there is not only one kind of elixir that the Divine Sword can provide, nor is it only the elixir that improves the quality of the golden elixir that can improve combat power. As long as the lady is willing to give the Divine Sword to me to study for a while, I will definitely find more. s Choice."

"Secondly, the elixir that improves the quality of the golden elixir does not need to be taken to be effective. As long as you have a few such elixirs in your hands, you can have a huge influence. I dare not say more about anything else, but as long as you take them If the news that we can refine the elixir to improve the quality of the golden elixir is spread, the entire Xihai City will inevitably be distraught. The so-called internal and external troubles that Madam had before do not exist at all. "

Mrs. Ru was stunned.

Indeed, being able to improve the quality of golden elixirs has great appeal to the world in this world where single-product fertilizers are already at the same level.

If this matter spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation. It is really an easy thing to use this to win over people's hearts.

She has also experienced too many things since this day, and she did not think of taking advantage of this for a while.

"Are there many other prescriptions hidden in this divine sword?" Fu Jing looked at the divine sword in his hand and said in confusion.

Lu Yu said without batting an eyelid: "That's natural. The magical effect of Miss's divine sword is far beyond our imagination. In fact, when Miss you were in a coma, I was manifested through this divine sword." The elixir was refined in the elixir furnace, which Madam saw with her own eyes. It was also when I was refining the elixir that I discovered that there were many other elixirs hidden in the divine sword. "

Fu Jing was surprised and cast a questioning look at Mrs. Ru, who nodded gently.

Fu Jing marveled again: "Then you can understand all these prescriptions?"

Lu Yu said: "How can I guarantee this? But if it is similar to the previous single, give me more time to study, I think I should be able to understand it."

Fu Jing began to look at Lu Yu with straight eyes again.

Lu Yu made a gesture of surrender: "Okay, miss, I admit that this is actually a professional profession. Before I went into the mountains to hunt, this was my old profession."

Fu Jing's eyes sparkled: "I'm becoming more and more interested in your story now!"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "When I finish the current work, I will definitely tell the story to the young lady."

In fact, what he was thinking in his heart was: I will tell you after I finish it.

After a pause, Lu Yu continued: "With these two points, we should be able to greatly improve the current combat power of our Xihai City in a short period of time! However, if we want to deal with Grand Duke Heng, I am afraid that we will be a little short of people, so we You have to rely on the help of a third party.”

"The power of a third party?"

"As for the previous representatives from all parties, haven't they all left yet?"

"Those representatives?" Fu Jing shook his head, "They just said some nice words. Their purpose is to use us as gunmen in Xihai City. It is simply impossible for them to confront Duke Heng Yue with real swords and guns. thing."

"Don't be so absolute!" Lu Yu said with a smile, "After all, the current situation has changed. Our Xihai City is no longer the original Xihai City. I think as long as the stakes are clearly stated, they are still very likely to Those who have been won over... why don't I go talk to them first!"

With that said, Lu Yu turned around and left.

Mother and daughter couldn't help but be stunned. Mrs. Ru asked: "Are you going to find them now? What are you going to talk to them about?"

This matter was originally supposed to be done by her.

As Fu Jing's mother and a prominent figure in Xihai City, she is the most suitable candidate. However, because she has not yet decided what to talk about, she has not yet gone to find these representatives from various forces. I plan to postpone it for a day or two and think about it before going.

Lu Yu said: "Anyway, it's just a casual chat. I think we have quite a lot of chips now, especially the divine sword in the lady's hand, which should allow us to win a lot of initiative..."

He smiled and then said: "Don't worry, madam. I'm just going to take the lead and get a feel for what's going on. If we can't reach an agreement, it doesn't matter if the table is turned over. Then madam, you can take action!"

Mrs. Ru nodded: "Then it's all your fault, Xiaofeng..."

Fu Jing said: "Is it okay for you to be alone? Do you want me to go with you?"

Lu Yu waved his hand quickly: "No, no, no... Miss, you are our trump card. It is best to maintain a sense of mystery now. This is called strategic deterrence!"

Fu Jing was confused.

Lu Yu, however, went straight to Manager Zhong and ordered him to clear an area immediately, and then bring the representatives from various forces to see him.

At this time, Guanshi Zhong had transformed and became the commander of the Dongcheng Army and Horse Division. He was busy with the handover work of the Dongcheng Army and Horse Division. Hearing Lu Yu's words, he couldn't help but be confused and asked: "Those special envoys are here now." Next door, is it necessary to find another place? Besides, given their status, it seems a bit inappropriate to bring them here!"

Lu Yu stared: "If you don't call them, how will they know who is the master of this place? Just go as soon as I tell you to go, don't procrastinate with so much nonsense!"

"Yes Yes……"

So, the newly appointed Commander Zhong trotted away quickly.

Fu Jing and Mrs. Ru, mother and daughter, watched this scene from behind and exchanged glances in unison.

"This Ah Feng is really not a simple person..."

Mrs. Ru clicked her tongue in surprise.

"Jing'er, how did you meet her? Tell me in detail!"

So Fu Jing told all about the process of getting acquainted with Lu Yu, as well as the two people's experiences of breaking through the siege, hiding their traces, and finally escaping back to Xihai City.

After hearing this, Mrs. Ru's expression changed slightly: "So, he has been carrying you all the way. There should have been skin-to-skin kisses between you two?"

Fu Jing's face turned slightly red: "The situation was urgent at that time. We were just running for our lives. How could we have time to think about so many things? Some direct physical contact is definitely unavoidable..."

Mrs. Ru said nothing and her expression became strange.

Fu Jing originally didn't think anything of it, but seeing her mother's reaction, she couldn't help but feel some subtle emotions in her heart.

After a while, Mrs. Ru came back to her senses, looked into her daughter's eyes, and said solemnly: "You must not let anyone know about this."

"Of course I won't publicize this kind of thing...but why is this?"

"You'll find out later."

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