Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1630 The Alchemy God is alive

I don’t know how much time has passed.

When Lu Yu raised his head again, the surrounding situation had changed drastically.

A graceful and charming figure stood beside him.

"Madam?" Lu Yu said slightly surprised, "Why are you here?"

This person is Mrs. Ru, who is extremely beautiful and charming.

"Old Mrs. Xu is dead," Mrs. Ru said.

"What?" Lu Yu was stunned, "When did it happen?"

"Not long ago, when you dismantled all the outer shells of the divine furnace and modified the core." Mrs. Ru replied.

Lu Yu was silent, not knowing what to say.

Originally, he really wanted to shock old Mrs. Xu, but he didn't expect that this old lady was so careless that he died like this!

Regardless of his personal position, Lu Yu still has a certain amount of respect in his heart for this old man who has devoted almost his whole life to the Divine Furnace Castle and has high admiration for the art of alchemy...

"Is there any trouble?" Lu Yu asked.

He has already experienced the prestige of this old lady, but if he suddenly dies at this juncture, how can those who support the old lady give up?

Maybe this wouldn't be a problem at other times, but at this time, Xihai City is experiencing the transition from old to new and is in turmoil. The positions of Fu Jing and Mrs. Ru, mother and daughter, are not stable, and something will inevitably happen...

But it's strange that the entire Shenforc Castle seemed very quiet at this time, and it didn't seem to cause any commotion. Could it be the calm before the storm?

Mrs. Ru smiled slightly: "Don't worry. Although this matter happened because of you, it did not cause any trouble. Instead, it solved a lot of trouble for us..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but show a confused look.

Mrs. Ru raised her head leisurely, stretched her swan-like snow-white neck, and said, "Look up there!"

Lu Yu also raised his head.

I saw the rays of light floating in the sky, and a piece of auspicious clouds gathered in the sky above Shenlu Castle for a long time.

Lu Yu suddenly understood in his heart.

This was probably a vision of heaven and earth caused when he was inscribing patterns on the alchemy furnace, but he was too focused on it, so he didn't notice this change.

In fact, you can't blame him. For him, visions of this level have long been commonplace, and there is nothing surprising about them.

But for others, that's obviously not the case.

"Did Old Mrs. Xu pass away after seeing this vision?" Lu Yu said thoughtfully.

Mrs. Ru nodded: "He left very peacefully, with a very happy expression on his face. When he left, he firmly believed that all this was God's will. You are the Alchemy God sent here by God!"

Alchemy God...

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a sense of ridicule in his heart.

Obviously not long ago, the old guy pointed at his nose and scolded himself as a pretty boy who used magic to confuse people...

Unexpectedly, in the end he regarded himself as a god, and I don't know if he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Mrs. Ru added: "Old Mrs. Xu has been retiring for many years. The reason why he came here to obstruct us is actually the result of being deliberately incited by someone with a deliberate intention..."

"There are very important interests involved in Shenfuro Castle. I didn't expect that you would suddenly ask Jing'er to come here. We haven't had time to straighten out the relationship here. Originally, this was a troublesome matter... "

"It's good now. All the problems have been solved. Not only does no one from Shenlu Castle dare to fight with us anymore, but many things in Xihai City have been solved... Although you haven't refined a It took just one pill, but the effect it achieved far exceeded expectations!”

After Mrs. Ru finished speaking, her eyes shone with astonishing energy, her eyelashes fluttered gently, and she stared at Lu Yu unblinkingly.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "So, is my work completed? I don't need to continue refining alchemy anymore?"

Mrs. Ru ignored his question and asked directly: "So, where are you from? I went to find someone to find out. The mountain where you and Jing'er met is called Milong Mountain. You are familiar with the local situation. People have no idea that there is a mountain hunter like you hidden in the charming mountains..."

Lu Yu shrugged and said: "What's so surprising about this? I hid in the mountains because I was fleeing, so naturally I wouldn't let outsiders discover my existence..."

Mrs. Ru's eyes were like water: "Is it possible... that you are really a god?"

Lu Yu laughed: "Madam, do you think I am like a god?"

Mrs. Ru looked at him quietly without saying a word, as if she wanted to see him through completely. However, the more she looked at him, the more she felt that the man in front of her was shrouded in fog and could not be seen clearly at all.

"Madam, please stop looking at me like this..."

Lu Yu's Adam's apple rolled and he swallowed hard: "Do you know how charming you are? If I were really a god, I would definitely find a way to satisfy my desires first!"

As he spoke, he suddenly approached and held Mrs. Ru's hand.

Mrs. Ru was taken aback and quickly broke away from Lu Yu's hands and backed away. Her face was crimson and she looked at Lu Yu with disbelief in her eyes.

Lu Yu put his hand to his nose, sniffed it gently, feeling the residual fragrance on it, and made a look of lust.

"It seems that in Madam's mind, she doesn't really think that I am a god!"

Mrs. Ru was completely speechless.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that a tall image collapsed in front of her, and she secretly blamed herself in her heart for why she had such strange thoughts just now... In fact, this guy was no different from other men.

"Madam, I am not a god."

Lu Yu stood with his hands behind his back, his expression becoming solemn and solemn.

"I am just a person who is very good at seizing opportunities. Getting to know the lady is an opportunity that I take the initiative to seize. All other things are also opportunities that I seize. If there is anything outstanding about my performance, it is also the opportunity of Excalibur. given!”

"It is undeniable that I do have secrets hidden in my body, but don't my wife also have secrets hidden in her body? We all have our own difficulties..."

"Madam, you just need to understand that my secret will not hurt you and the lady. We are in the same camp. What I am doing now is to get a ride on the lady. I hope that the lady can become a A big tree that protects you from the wind and rain..."

"I think our goals should be the same, ma'am, what do you think?"

Mrs. Ru was silent for a moment, and finally nodded slowly: "I agree."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "I was just joking with Madam. I hope Madam won't be offended!"

Mrs. Ru smiled awkwardly and said nothing more.

But in her heart, she had decided that Lu Yu was more courageous than she thought. He dared to tease her like this in front of her, but she didn't know what kind of thoughts he had secretly.

It seems that the best way to remind Jing'er to be careful about him is...

"By the way, Xiaofeng, you'd better keep refining the elixir!"

Mrs. Ru suddenly said again.

"Those representatives who were driven away by you before have sent higher-level envoys here. They are all direct relatives of the Grand Duke. It seems that your strategy is indeed working!"

"We were notified of this matter in advance through a letter sent by the flying beast. Maybe they will arrive in the near future. Jing'er is preparing for this matter, so she did not come..."

"If you can refine a batch of elixirs before they arrive, this will definitely become an important bargaining chip in our hands!"

Lu Yu nodded clearly. It seemed that the news of the miraculous treasure was indeed very attractive to these grand dukes.

"Don't worry, madam! Now that the alchemy furnace has been renovated, you will see this brand new batch of elixirs soon!"

"Then thank you for your hard work!"

After Mrs. Ru finished speaking, she twisted Chu Chu's waist and left.

Lu Yu looked at her graceful back and couldn't help but smile.


The intimate contact just now was not just for acting, it was also a test of the secret hidden in Mrs. Ru.

And now, he already knew part of the answer.

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