Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1631 Stone Transport Operation

Even when facing a great golden elixir cultivator, Lu Yu could see through the state and power composition of the golden elixir in the opponent's body.

Only when facing Mrs. Ru, Lu Yu couldn't see through her reality.

Obviously she is just an ordinary Golden Core Realm, but she is able to face the pressure of the Great Golden Core cultivator and stand up to him.

It was obvious that there was an invisible strength hidden in her body.

Lu Yu has always been curious, what is hidden in this?

After the close contact just now, although he still didn't know the whole story at this time, Lu Yu had already made some basic judgments.

There is a powerful blood power lurking in her body.

This situation is somewhat similar to Ye Weilan...

If Lu Yu hadn't become a Taoist couple with Ye Weilan and knew everything about the situation before and after the awakening of the Yehuang clan's bloodline, she would have almost concealed it.

It is this powerful bloodline power that gives her extraordinary performance.

However, this power is not the blood power of the Night Phoenix Clan, nor is it the power of several other ancient heavenly clans that Lu Yu is familiar with. Lu Yu also does not know what its origin and background are.

Since there has been no head-on collision, Lu Yu cannot judge how powerful the bloodline power hidden in Mrs. Ru's body is, but at least one thing is certain, that is, it is absolutely mysterious...

Somehow, Lu Yu had a hunch that there must be a very exciting story behind all this.

"This world beyond the heavens is really exciting enough!"

Lu Yu murmured to himself.

This discovery just now strengthened his intention to continue to support Fu Jing.

He believed that as the power of the mother and daughter continued to increase, the full story of the whole matter would soon be revealed.

"Okay, hurry up and make elixirs! I hope our Miss Fu Jing can become an overlord comparable to the Grand Duke as soon as possible..."

Just do it, Lu Yu immediately called Zhong Si.

Although he had not shown up just now, Zhong Si had been waiting not far away. When he heard Lu Yu's call, he immediately trotted over.

"Master Feng, what are your orders?"

Lu Yu was keenly aware that the look on Zhong Si's face was a little strange, and he couldn't help but feel something in his heart, and asked: "Commander Zhong came so quickly, was he always nearby just now?"

Zhong Si's expression immediately changed and he said, "Don't worry, Mr. Feng, I have a very tight mouth and will never go out and talk nonsense!"

In other words, he really saw himself teasing Mrs. Ru just now...

Lu Yu said casually: "You have a tight mouth? Then how did the things I discussed with the representatives in the banquet hall reach the young lady's ears?"

Zhong Si knelt down on the ground and apologized repeatedly: "Master Feng, I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong... I didn't intend to spread that matter to the outside world, but when the lady pressed me, I couldn't help it... …”

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Come on, I don't blame you. I didn't make any special explanation to you about that matter at that time. This is not your responsibility... However, if I make a special explanation to you in the future, Would you still tell the lady or madam these words?"

Zhong Si promised: "Don't worry, Mr. Feng, you are the person I admire the most, Zhong Si. As long as it is your order, I will never give any discount! Not to mention the young lady or madam asking, it is my biological father, My dear mother, even if my great-grandfather asked me, I would never say a word!"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Commander Zhong is indeed a man of wisdom. I think you will have a bright future in the future. But what you said today must not be known to my wife and young lady!"

"No, no, I know the importance!" Zhong Si promised again and again.

Lu Yu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, go get the materials! I'm going to start making alchemy!"

Zhong Si trotted away again.

The materials needed for alchemy have been prepared in advance and have been guarded and kept by the people from the Dongcheng Military and Horse Division. Moreover, Zhong Si was also the one who had gone to the warehouse with Lu Yu to obtain materials. He also knew exactly what types of materials were needed. .

The materials were quickly brought over.

Lu Yu didn't have any unnecessary nonsense and just threw everything into the alchemy furnace, then lit the fire to start refining.

This time the alchemy process was very peaceful and did not cause any strange phenomena in the world.

Although the alchemy furnace has been completely renewed after his inscription, what was refined this time was originally the most common elixir, so this is also a normal phenomenon.

However, although it did not cause any strange phenomena between heaven and earth, it still caused a man-made scene, and suddenly a chaotic sound came over.

"What happened?" Lu Yu asked with a frown.

After a while, Zhong Si ran over panting and replied: "Master Feng, it's not good... After the news that you started refining elixirs spread, many people came over to ask for elixirs, not just gods. People from Hearth Castle and Xihai City are also here! My current manpower is limited, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to maintain order on the scene soon…”

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

It seems that the previous publicity was really thorough. I didn't expect these people to be so fanatical about the elixir.

This is also human nature. For them, a pill means changing their life's destiny. Naturally, no one is willing to give up such an opportunity.

However, it is precisely because these pills are so important that they cannot be distributed casually. They must be used on the edge of the knife. Moreover, he has just promised Madam Ru that these pills will be an important bargaining chip in negotiations with the princes of all parties.

But the current situation cannot be left alone...

While he was thinking about it, Zhong Si said again: "Master Feng, do you think you should avoid the limelight for a while? I'm afraid that if the situation continues to develop, it will lead to looting incidents..."

"Although the purpose of these people is to seek elixirs, most of them will not harm you, but there will be people with ulterior motives among the people who are not safe, and they will take advantage of the chaos to harm you..." Zhong Si added.

"No need." Lu Yu shook his head and said, "Even if I hide, where can I hide? Besides, even if I can hide, can this pill furnace also hide?"

"Go on, the transformation pill is extremely precious and can only be given to the most loyal tribesmen in Xihai City. All transformation orders will be redeemed based on military merit. No one is allowed to rely on connections or use backdoors. Even the first-level elders must rely on military merit to redeem them. !

"But today is a special day. I will take out five transformation pills and select five lucky ones. These five lucky people will directly receive the transformation pill..."

"The selection method is that after the order is given later, everyone can go to the moat outside Shenforc Castle to collect cobblestones, and then transport the cobblestones back to the city lord's palace. Taking into account both the time spent and the number of cobblestones, the top ranking The five people are the lucky ones today!”

"No malicious fighting, no killing each other! Otherwise you will be disqualified!"

"Everyone who participates in this stone transporting operation, as long as it is successfully completed, regardless of the final result, can be regarded as resolutely executing the combat instructions. They are loyal people of Xihai City and will be remembered for their military exploits!"

"If you disobey orders, even after burning incense, if there are still those who linger outside the Divine Furnace Castle without any reason, no matter who they are, they will all be killed without mercy!"

One instruction after another, one after another, Zhong Si could not help but listen to it.

It seems that Master Feng also has a lot of experience in running an army...

"Hurry up and go!" Lu Yu urged.

Zhong Si just woke up from a dream and quickly accepted the order: "No!"

It didn't take long for the road between Xihai City and Shenlu Castle to become busy and noisy.

Countless people holding cobblestones were rushing around in the darkness, and the scene became a spectacle for a while.

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