Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1633 All the people are soldiers

Lu Yu's words had a huge impact on the hearts of several elders.

But he didn't explain too much, and the elders finally had to leave with full of questions and surprise.

Early the next morning, still in the City Lord's Mansion, when the first ray of sunlight shone, Lu Yu stood on top of the cobblestones at the door, read out the names of the five lucky ones aloud, and awarded them the newly released Transformation Pill. .

For a time, the area around the City Lord's Mansion was crowded again.

Amid everyone's extremely envious gazes, the five lucky ones excitedly took over the elixir that exuded a faint luster from Lu Yu's hand.

"You'd better take the elixir right here!" Lu Yu said with a smile, "After all, no one else has taken this elixir except Miss. If anything goes wrong, I can help you on the spot. solve!"

Without any hesitation, the five people immediately raised their necks and swallowed the pills in their hands.

Even without Fu Jing's successful example, they had seen with their own eyes the scene of auspicious clouds gathering above Shenfuro Castle, so they had great confidence in the brand-new elixir in their hands.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up.

Strong lights burst out from the bodies of the five lucky people one after another. This is exactly the effect produced by the recombination of the secret laws within the golden elixir.

The golden elixirs of the five people actually transformed!

There was an uproar at the scene.

Although they had known for a long time that this would be the result, seeing the process of the elixir taking effect and transforming with their own eyes still gave everyone a great shock, especially the effect produced by the five lucky people at the same time in no particular order. At the same time, it brought great encouragement to everyone.

Lu Yu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the elixir this time was refined in batches. It was different from the one customized for Fu Jing last time. If this batch of elixirs didn't work, he might have to customize it for these five lucky people...

Lu Yu was not afraid of trouble, but it would be a serious waste of materials, which he couldn't tolerate.

Now that he saw that these elixirs were still effective, he could finally feel at ease.

However, batch refining is not as good as tailor-made. In fact, the effect of these five pills is not as good as the one Fu Jing took before. But everyone does not know this, and even if they know it, they will not care.

Not everyone can get a tailor-made opportunity.

In the end, the golden elixirs in the bodies of the five lucky people were upgraded to a higher level. Although the improvement was not large and it was far from reaching the peak level, it already meant that their destiny had been completely rewritten.

The five people couldn't help but burst into tears and expressed their gratitude to Lu Yu: "Thank you, Alchemy God! Thank you, Alchemy God!"

Before Mr. Xu died, his evaluation of Lu Yu Alchemy God had already spread like wildfire, and the scene before him once again proved this point.

"Alchemy God! Alchemy God!"

Influenced by the five lucky people, everyone at the scene also knelt down and shouted loudly.

"Everyone, you are mistaken, I am not an alchemy god!"

Lu Yu stood on the high pile of rocks, waved his hand and said.

"Everything I did was just on the orders of the city lord! If we must say that this is something that can only be done by a god, then our city lord is a real god!"

Someone in the crowd immediately shouted:

"Please the city lord give us some more elixirs!"

"Yes, yes! Why don't we just do Operation Meteorite again!"

"I'll move whatever you say, wherever you say I'll move!"

Lu Yu waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"I still have a hundred pills like this in my hand!"

The crowd suddenly fell silent, and the scene suddenly became audible. Everyone looked at Lu Yu with burning eyes.

"I will release all these hundred pills today!"

People's eyes suddenly became even hotter, as if they wanted to eat Lu Yujian alive.

Even the elders present could not help but sit still.

One hundred pills, so much!

And they all have to be released today. How come they don’t know about such a big thing!

Even as elders, they already have high-quality golden elixirs of excellent quality, but there is still a need for such elixirs. Even if they can't use them themselves, they can still give them to their cronies and juniors, right?

For a moment, even these elders became hot-tempered and stared at Lu Yu unblinkingly.

Lu Yu took in the changes in the atmosphere at the scene, smiled slightly, and said: "However, these hundred pills cannot be distributed in the same way as before. The city lord has already said that these pills can only be awarded to those in Xihai City. Loyal and brave men can only be redeemed through military exploits!”

"So, these one hundred elixirs will all be redeemed today with the value of 300 battle merit. Anyone with a battle merit of more than 300 can apply for redemption at the City Lord's Mansion on a first-come, first-served basis. While supplies last, only today!"

Suddenly there was a commotion in the crowd.

Some people screamed and immediately rushed towards the city lord's mansion behind Lu Yu.

But more people still stayed where they were. Although one hundred battle merits was not too high, not everyone could have it.

More people didn't even have any military merit at all. They only gained their first military merit during yesterday's stone transport operation, which was recorded as ten points.

Lu Yu looked at everyone and continued:

"Don't worry, today is just the first batch. From now on, the store will regularly come out with a batch of elixirs for everyone to redeem, and there will be only one way to redeem them, and that is war merit!"

"Everyone also knows that our city lord is now holding a divine sword in his hand. Everyone must have heard about its power..."

"We, the city lord, are the ones chosen by God. We will surely prosper in the future, and Xihai City will also usher in huge opportunities for development! With all due respect, the current scale of Xihai City is no longer worthy of our city lord's current size. strength."

"So, our Xihai City will turn to external expansion, which will create more opportunities!"

"If you still want to redeem the elixirs, please hurry up and join the Xihai City Army to earn military merits! From now on, all the troops in Xihai City will be expanded! We only have to look forward to today to make great achievements!"

The crowd became excited again and flocked to various government offices in Xihai City.

Soon after, as the first batch of people who exchanged their military exploits for the elixir came out and drank it in public on the spot, the whole Xihai City started to boil...

Lu Yu stood on the high pile of rocks and looked down at the crowds of excited people, with a satisfied smile on his face.

There is no doubt that Xihai City at this time has unprecedented unity, and it is not an exaggeration to say that all the people are in arms.

Although most of the majestic army composed of tens of thousands of golden elixir masters are only the lowest-equipped golden elixir masters, such a force is enough to make people palpitate.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look up at the sky.

His eyes passed through the clouds and the sky, and seemed to be looking at a powerful force outside the star field that was far away.

All this is just the beginning.

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