Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1634 Candidates for Hedan

In less than half a day, Fu Jing and Mrs. Ru hurried back to the City Lord's Mansion.

They were training troops outside the city. After the transformation of the Moon Stones was completed, Fu Jing assigned all the Moon Stones to the most elite unit in Xihai City and renamed it Feishi Camp.

The Feishi Battalion was originally an elite division. With Guan Yueshi's equipment, the entire army became even more powerful, and its combat power increased dramatically. Even with the Shenfeng Army under the command of Duke Heng Yue, it was no problem to engage in a head-on battle.

The original intention of Fu Jing and Mrs. Ru to set up the Flying Stone Camp was indeed to counter the Shenfeng Army. After all, the representative of Duke Heng had already put down harsh words before. If Xihai City did not act in accordance with Duke Heng's wishes, then Shen Feng would be in trouble. The vanguard will come immediately.

At that time, the Hengyue representative also boasted about Haikou that if Xihai City disobeyed, Fu Tianlin would personally command an army to attack. This was obviously impossible to do now, because Fu Tianlin was currently being held in a black cell in Xihai City. , there is no such opportunity anymore.

Originally, Fu Jing and Mrs. Ru were already making final polishing and adjustments to Feishi Camp, preparing to welcome the upcoming envoys from all sides with the most magnificent military appearance. Unexpectedly, something like this suddenly happened, and they had to rush away. return.

When they returned to the city lord's mansion, all the government offices in the city were already overcrowded, and they came back with only one purpose, which was to urgently negotiate with the Presbyterian Council on the specific matters of military expansion.

The meeting was held as scheduled, and all matters were quickly agreed upon. A brand-new army named "Miracle" was born, and it would then be used to deal with the fresh blood who were eager to show off their skills.

But when the meeting came to the last item, who should lead this army, something unexpected happened at the scene.

Originally, according to everyone's thinking, the creation of the Miracle Army was entirely due to Lu Yu, and it was natural for him to serve as its commander. However, unexpectedly, Lu Yu actively refused and his attitude was very firm.

In the end, there was no choice but to take command in the name of Fu Jing, with three elders as deputy commanders, responsible for handling specific affairs, and first setting up the framework of the entire Miracle Army.

After the meeting, everyone left in a hurry and continued to deal with various things, but Lu Yu was left behind by Fu Jing.

"What exactly do you think?" Fu Jing looked into Lu Yu's eyes and asked, "Why did you refuse the position of commander-in-chief of the Miracle Army?"

Lu Yu stretched out and said, "What's the good thing about being a commander-in-chief? It's hard, tiring, and extremely busy. Especially now that the army is being founded, there are so many things going on, and I'm bored to death... I have to continue to spend time studying the divine sword elixir recipe, how can I have time to care about these things..."

Fu Jing didn't know what to say for a moment. It was precisely because of the early establishment of the army that it was more suitable to deploy people, which meant a huge space for power... She originally thought that Lu Yu did this to transfer power. He held it tightly, but now it seems that this is obviously not the case.

She felt that she could not understand the man in front of her more and more...

"If you feel bad about it, why not let me serve as a staff officer in your Feishi camp!" Lu Yu said coldly.

Fu Jing was stunned and said, "Didn't you say you don't have time? Why are you interested in managing Feishi Camp again?"

Lu Yu said: "I'm just a staff officer, not a general, and not a commander in chief. I'm only responsible for making suggestions on the side, and will not be involved in the management of daily affairs...Besides, how is Feishi Camp the same as the Miracle Army? There are already veterans in the Feishi camp. They know what to do when given an order, but they won’t be as nervous as the Miracle Army..."

Fu Jing was speechless.

But if you think about it carefully, Lu Yu's talents are not limited to running the army. If he is not the commander-in-chief, he can indeed play an role in many other places.

"Okay!" Fu Jing finally nodded in agreement, "The establishment of Feishi Camp is ultimately your fault, and it is right that you should be responsible for the command."

Lu Yu waved his hands repeatedly and said: "I don't give orders, I don't give orders, I'm just the one who comes up with ideas!"

So Lu Yu's first actual position in Xihai City was determined - staff officer of Feishi Camp.

Although he is only a staff officer in name, no one in Xihai City will regard him as an ordinary staff officer.

After the matter was finalized, Fu Jing looked at Lu Yu and showed a hesitant expression.

Seeing this, Lu Yu took the initiative and asked, "Miss, do you have any other instructions?"

Fu Jing hesitated and said: "My mother went to Shenlu Castle to see you before. Did you say something..."

Lu Yu nodded and said: "Yes, Madam and I had an in-depth exchange of views... Ah, originally I promised Madam to refine a batch of elixirs as your bargaining chip at the negotiation table, but now these batches of elixirs have been used I dropped it, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to take it out for the time being, but I think the effect should still be okay, right?”

Fu Jing rolled her eyes at him and said: "I'm not asking you this, I want to know how you offended her. After coming back from Shenlu Castle that day, she seemed very unhappy and had a lot of opinions about you..."

Have a big opinion?

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Isn't it just a matter of holding her hand? Is it necessary to be so angry? Can't hold back in front of your own daughter?

"I didn't do anything..." Lu Yu said without changing his expression, "My wife asked me about my identity, but I kept it quiet and didn't say anything. Is it because my wife has a problem with me?"

"Then will you tell me the answer?" Fu Jing blinked and looked at Lu Yu intently with her watery eyes, "You said before that you would tell me your past stories when you have time. Now you have Has time told this story?”

"Well, miss, now is indeed not the right time..."

"Timing, timing again!" Fu Jing snorted dissatisfied, "Why do you all use the same excuse? Can't you have some other creative ideas!"

Lu Yu looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, and he was silent.

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, just pull it down! At least you didn't lie to fool me!" Fu Jing shook her hand and said.

"But my mother gave me a suggestion about your arrangements. I think it is necessary to ask your opinion first..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but sit up straight, wondering what kind of arrangements Mrs. Ru would make for him.

Fu Jing's expression suddenly became awkward: "Well, that's right. Have you ever heard of Hedan?"

Lu Yu was startled: "He Dan?"

"It means two people come together, combine each other's golden elixirs, and then influence each other, interact with each other, each other, each other..."

Lu Yu quickly flipped through the memories in his mind, and soon found relevant records in the memories of the two powerful natives.

Hedan is actually a combination of dual cultivation, but most people in this world have golden elixirs, so they call it "hedan". They open up each other's golden elixirs to each other without reservation, and exchange what they need. To make up for the shortcomings, there are many benefits.

Seeing that Fu Jing was struggling to explain, Lu Yu took the initiative and said, "I know what He Dan means."

Fu Jing immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Now that you know, that's great... Didn't I promise you before that I would find a way to help you form an elixir? The most suitable way right now is to find someone to form an elixir with you."

"So, Madam, you want to arrange a marriage for me? Find someone who can combine elixirs with me to help me form elixirs?" Lu Yu immediately guessed what Fu Jing wanted to say, and showed a strange look on his face. .

Fu Jing nodded and said: "The other party is my cousin, her name is Fu Qiutang. She is the best choice for her appearance and qualifications. In her early years, her family made mistakes and was implicated, so she has not been allowed to be reused. Otherwise, anyone who comes to ask for her hand in marriage must have already trampled on her. The threshold of home..."

"Now that I have become the new Lord of Xihai City, everything in the past has naturally changed. Moreover, now is the time to employ people, and Fu Qiutang's family has been re-employed. No matter from every aspect, she is the most suitable candidate... "

"Of course, it ultimately depends on what you mean..."

After saying that, Fu Jing looked at Lu Yu steadily, looking a little uneasy.

Lu Yu met her gaze, smiled slightly, and asked, "Since she is the young lady's cousin, how does she compare to the young lady?"

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