Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1635 A strong enemy attacks

The topic ended abruptly.

Fu Jing made a random excuse, got up and left in a hurry, almost as if he was running away.

Looking at her embarrassed figure, Lu Yu didn't feel too much in his heart.

It wasn't until Fu Jing's figure disappeared outside the conference room door and Lu Yu was the only one left in the huge conference room that he seriously thought about this issue again.


I have to say that this is a different approach.

The combined elixir is just similar to the combined dual cultivation, but there are still many differences between the two in details.

The most obvious point is that the so-called combination of elixirs cannot only be performed by two people who have golden elixirs. If one of them does not have a golden elixir, then the other party can use his own golden elixir to affect the other party's Dantian, thereby giving birth to a brand new elixir. Golden elixir.

This brand new golden elixir will be based on the opponent's golden elixir, which is equivalent to a copy of the opponent's golden elixir.

Of course, the golden elixir on the replica side will also be restricted to a certain extent by the other party, which is equivalent to being controlled by others.

The reason why this world is full of powerful people with golden elixirs is that the method of "combining elixirs" plays a very crucial role.

However, copying the golden elixir through "joint elixir" is not completely without restrictions. The party that originally owned the golden elixir will suffer huge losses and be weak for a long time, as if experiencing the pain of childbirth.

Therefore, if you don't really care about someone, you will never use the method of combining elixirs to help the other person achieve the golden elixir.

The reason why Mrs. Ru made such a suggestion to Fu Jing was probably because she felt that she was uncontrollable and wanted to tie a chain to herself in this way.

But she underestimates herself too much. Does she think that just any person can become a chain that restricts her?

To be fair, it's not that he doesn't want to form a golden elixir, but if he wants to form a golden elixir in this way and let him be controlled by others forever, this is something he absolutely cannot accept.

Moreover, Lu Yu had already formed the golden elixir seeds in his body and determined the general frame structure. If such a move suddenly happened again, I wonder if the cloned golden elixir seeds would fight with his own golden elixir seeds?

In the end, Lu Yu shook his head and determined that this was a path that would not work.

In fact, his path to the golden elixir has long been determined, which is to find more secrets of the stars and continue to complete the legal structure of the golden elixir.

However, the current situation clearly lacks such an opportunity...

"Senior Tianjian once said that there are eighteen secrets of stars in all the worlds, but in my original world, I have only twelve secrets... I don't know if I can understand it in this great world of observing the sky. The new secret of the stars.”

"Perhaps it's time to meet the top experts in this world!"

Lu Yu thought silently in his heart.

The night passed.

Unexpectedly, when I woke up the next morning, such an opportunity seemed to come right before me...

In the early morning, the sound of rapid footsteps woke Lu Yu up from his trance.

"Master Staff Officer, I am here to invite you to discuss matters in front of the army on the orders of Commander Feishi, General Lu Guoguang of Feishi Camp!" A tall man with firm eyes stood in front of Lu Yu's residence and said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

Lu Yu didn't expect that as a staff officer, he would take office so quickly, and that something big would happen as soon as he took office, so he asked, "What happened?"

Lu Guoguang replied: "The men of Grand Duke Heng are coming."

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his brows slightly: "So fast?"

In fact, Xihai City is not close to Hengzhou City, the center of the Hengyue Principality. The Presbyterian Council has made a study and judged that the message transmission between the two places, coupled with the dangerous roads, will take at least fifteen days. Under the command of Hengyue Duke, Only the troops could reach Xihai City.

Now, only seven or eight days have passed since that bloody coup, which is only half of the estimated time. I don't know which link caused the problem, but the opponent's speed has increased so much.

As a result, all planned rhythms can't help but be disrupted.

First of all, the quantity of elixirs refined is far from enough.

Secondly, the Miracle Army has not yet had time to form combat effectiveness.

Even the other envoys from Datong have not yet arrived at Xihai City, so they are unable to form an alliance and join forces to fight.

The only thing that the entire Xihai City can rely on seems to be the force of Feishiying.

Now Lu Yu finally understood why it was Lu Guoguang, the general from Feishi Camp, who came to inform him, and not his old acquaintance Zhong Si or other elders.

Lu Yu didn't say anything at the moment. Under the guidance of General Lu Guoguang, he left Xihai City and headed to the front line of the battle between the two sides.

At this time, the entire Xihai City was under martial law and was in a very tense wartime state. The streets were full of soldiers running in formations.

Not only the Feishi Camp, but also the City Guards Camp and the Soldiers and Horses Division were already in preparation.

However, Feishiying, as an elite ace, was naturally the first formation to fight against Grand Duke Heng.

Along the way, Lu Yu asked Lu Guoguang for more details, and then he learned that a small-scale army had appeared at the border of Xihai City's sphere of influence.

The combat power of this small-scale force was very powerful, and it continuously destroyed several outposts in Xihai City with lightning speed, making Xihai City blind and deaf overnight, and had no idea about the external situation. known.

Because of this, the entire Xihai people suddenly entered a state of wartime emergency overnight.

Moreover, a small vanguard force has already appeared, will the subsequent large force be far behind?

Not long after, Lu Yu arrived at the camp where Feishi Camp was located.

At this time, Fu Jing, Mrs. Ru, and several elders from Xihai City were already in the camp, and all of them looked tense and frowned.

Even Lu Yu's arrival did not attract the attention of these people.

Lu Yu suddenly felt that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit strange. Looking around, he discovered that among the crowd, there was an aristocratic young man in gorgeous clothes.

The attention of everyone on the battlefield was attracted by this noble man.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

He has been in Xihai City for a long time, but he has never seen this young man.

And judging from the incompatible atmosphere between him and everyone around him, this person is obviously not from Xihai City.

As if sensing Lu Yu's gaze, the young man suddenly turned his head, his eyes as sharp as knives:

"Your Excellency, this is Afeng? Hello... My name is Nan Lu Cai, the sixth son of Grand Duke Nan Lu. As you wish, I am the special envoy sent here at your request!"

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