Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1638 A bold strategy

The Lu brothers resolutely carried out Lu Yu's orders, and it wasn't long before Nan Lucai was covered in bruises.

"Master Feng, do you really want to kill him?" Fu Yusheng asked.

Although he was a Dajindan cultivator, he did not dare to have the slightest contempt for Lu Yu in front of him, because Lu Yu's various behaviors had already won his respect.

Putting aside everything else, he asked himself that it was impossible to do it with the blow that directly shattered Nan Lucai's thigh.

But even so, Fu Yusheng couldn't help but feel worried when he heard the shrill wails.

"It's rare to find such a good training target. Wouldn't it be a pity not to use it?" Lu Yu said, "Besides, you all have high expectations for Feishi Camp. This is a hurdle that must be overcome sooner or later. If this happens If you don’t practice, when will you wait?”

"But... this man is the son of the Grand Duke after all!" Another elder named Liao Zhun said.

"So what?" Lu Yu smiled coldly, "Elder Liao wants to say that this person, since he is the son of Grand Duke Nan Lu, can be used as a bargaining chip in our negotiations with Grand Duke Nan Lu, and can even be used to blackmail Grand Duke Nan Lu. Retreat, huh?"

"The question now is who will negotiate? Elder Liao, are you sure we can negotiate? Or should Elder Fu do the negotiation?"

Fu Yusheng couldn't help but smile bitterly. Although he was a Dajindan monk and had huge influence in Xihai City, Grand Duke Nanlu would not sell his face.

Lu Yu looked at the other elders on the side and said, "Or are you elders going?"

Everyone shook their heads and smiled bitterly, and no one dared to look directly into Lu Yu's eyes.

Lu Yu said with a smile: "That's it. We are not sure that the negotiation can be concluded, so why bother to bother with such efforts... Besides, what if the negotiation is concluded? At most, the Sixth Young Master can only influence Grand Duke Nanlu. , Can he influence Grand Duke Heng? Can he change our current situation? "

Everyone was speechless for a moment.

Fu Jing said: "Then what do you think we should do now?"

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a sharp edge: "The sixth young master just now made it very clear. The reason why we are in the current situation is because these big shots regard us as reptiles and think that We don’t deserve to be on an equal footing with them at all, we don’t even have the qualifications to talk to them…”

"If that's the case, then let's go show them how awesome we are and let them get to know us again!"

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised, feeling that Lu Yu's words were full of danger.

"What are you going to do?" Fu Jing frowned slightly.

"It's not what I want to do, but we work together. I can't do anything alone..." Lu Yu smiled softly: "Next, we have to take the initiative!"

"Take the initiative?"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

At this time, what was in front of them was the Shenhui Army, commanded by Marquis Dingjun, followed by tens of thousands of elite Nanlu Grand Dukes, and the Shenfeng Army who was about to arrive on the west road... Under such circumstances, Doesn't taking the initiative mean hitting an egg with an egg?

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Don't look at me like this. I'm not stupid enough to rush over and fight the opponent with open swords and guns. The so-called proactive attack naturally requires certain strategies."

"What strategy?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked behind him. At this time, it was not just the Lu brothers who were "practicing" Feishi, but the rest of the Feishi camp soldiers also joined in.

Some of them do it to hone their skills, but most of them do it to vent their hatred, because the process of besieging Nan Lucai just now also caused a lot of casualties to the entire Feishi camp, and those people are their brothers and sisters. brother.

"Let's wait and see! In fact, it's not enough for just the two of us."

After a while, the wailing stopped suddenly, and there seemed to be no sound anymore.

"Master Staff Officer, that man's golden elixir has been broken, and he has run out of energy..." The Lu brothers came back and reported to Lu Yu.

The elders around him couldn't help but close their eyes.

From now on, no matter what Lu Yu's plans are, he can only follow him until the end.

"Very good!" Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction.

As a great golden elixir monk, Mennvcha, the golden elixir in his body is combined with the power of Tiangang Earth Evil. It is not a simple matter to defeat his golden elixir defense.

Now that the soldiers of Feishi camp can do this, at least it means that they have the ability to break through the defense of the Dajindan monks, which means that they already have a certain combat effectiveness.

"Although Nan Lucai is dead, our current crisis is still not over. There are more dangerous and powerful enemies ahead, and they will kill us soon. If we don't want to sit still and wait for death, we have to take the initiative and strike first!"

"Next, Marshal Jing and I will go deep into the enemy's formation and directly capture Dingjunhou, the second son of Duke Heng Yue, the enemy's commander. This trip will be extremely dangerous, but if we don't enter the tiger's den, how can we catch the tiger's cubs? Who dares to go with us? ?”

Lu Yu looked directly at everyone with murderous intent.

The elders around him were stunned. They didn't expect that Lu Yu's strategy was so crazy, and he actually wanted to directly assassinate Marquis Dingjun.

Fu Jing couldn't help but glance at Lu Yu in surprise, but she didn't say anything in the end.

"I'll go!" Lu Guoguang said.

"I'll go too!" Lu Guoyong also said immediately.

"I'm going!" "I'm going!" "I'm going too!"

Everyone agreed one after another.

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction again. Regardless of their strength, at least the courage and courage of this unit deserved recognition.

"Not too many, I only need ten people! General Lu, pick these ten people!" Lu Yu said.

"No!" Lu Guoguang responded loudly.

Soon ten people were selected.

Lu Yu walked straight to Nan Lucai, groped around on his body, and found a jade plaque representing his identity.

"From now on, our identity is no longer the warriors of Feishi Camp, but the guards of the Sixth Young Master... This time, the Sixth Young Master went deep into the enemy's formation and showed great power. Not only did he directly conquer the Feishi Camp, but he also took advantage of the opportunity to capture him. The Lord of Xihai City..."

"Next, the Sixth Young Master is not satisfied with the status quo. He plans to continue to pursue the victory and go to Xihai City to persuade everyone to surrender. We, on the order of the Sixth Young Master, are responsible for escorting the Lord of Xihai City back... Do you understand?"

The amount of information hidden in these words was so great that everyone was stunned for a while. In the end, it was the Lu brothers who were the first to react: "I understand."

Lu Yu nodded and pointed at Nan Lu Cai's dead guards: "Put on their clothes!"

So ten people immediately rushed forward and stripped the corpses naked in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yu turned around again and smiled at Fu Jing: "Miss, I'm sorry!"

As he spoke, he magically took out a rope and tied it up to Fu Jing in front of him.

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