Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1639 Show off your power

After putting on a complete show, before preparing to set off, Lu Yu asked the elders to lead Feishi Camp back to Xihai City.

Before parting, several elders naturally tried to persuade Fu Jing to think twice. After all, this action was too risky.

Fu Jing asked: "If you don't do this, do you have any other better ways?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and finally had no choice but to sigh and leave sadly.

Watching everyone go away, Lu Yu laughed at himself: "These guys will definitely sue me when they go back. Now I'm afraid my wife will have even greater opinions on me!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but think of the conversation between the two the night before, rolled her eyes at him and said, "Did you do it on purpose?"

"What's the purpose? Didn't I go deep into the tiger's den with you? If you die, my life will definitely be ruined."

"That's not what I meant...Why did you tie me up so tightly?"

"Oh, you're talking about this, it's a complete show! I used to tie up wild boars in the mountains, and I always tied them up like this!"

"...You did it on purpose!"

"Shut up! What are you yelling about? You are our prisoner now, can you be a little more conscious? Believe it or not, I will slap you!"

Fu Jing looked at him in surprise.

Lu Yu suddenly relaxed again and said with a smile: "Miss, it seems that I really have to slap you a few times, otherwise it won't look like... Why don't you bear it a little longer?"

"I'll put up with you, you big-headed idiot!"

After some fuss, the relationship between the two became obviously more harmonious, and the awkward barriers caused by the conversation last night were completely eliminated.

Lu Yu finally convinced Fu Jing and slapped her twice on the face, because this was more in line with their "script".

He struck very measuredly, with two slaps, Fu Jing's delicate face was already swollen, but in fact the injury was not serious.

The Lu family brothers and others on the side didn't know what was going on, and couldn't help but stare blankly, secretly sighing that this senior staff officer was really cruel, and he could deal with such a delicate beauty like Jingshuai so harshly.

Fu Jing also had new doubts about him, wondering where he practiced his "craft".

"Of course you get it from being beaten! Miss, do you want to learn? As long as you get beaten a lot, you will naturally learn it!" Lu Yu said with a smile.

So he received another look from Fu Jing.

"How sure are you?"

On the way, Fu Jing couldn't help but ask again.

"What's the degree of certainty? Are you talking about the certainty of finding the person? Or the certainty of killing the person?"

"...all of them!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I am absolutely sure about finding someone. Although that boy Nan Lucai lied a lot, at least he didn't lie about one thing, that is, Marquis Dingjun was really angry that you rejected his engagement. , otherwise he would not be so anxious to get angry and come here. After the Shenfeng Army arrives, it will be a safer choice for the east and west to advance together..."

"Since he cares about you so much, why wouldn't he come over after hearing the news about you?"

"As for whether you can kill him after you find him, that depends on you, Miss... Miss, are you sure you can chop off his head with a sword?"

Fu Jing thought for a moment and said: "If his strength is similar to Nan Lucai, then he will definitely die."

Lu Yu analyzed: "This guy is the second son of Duke Heng Yue, and his reputation as Marquis Dingjun is so great. He will probably be much more difficult to deal with than Nan Lucai... But Miss, don't worry, we can do calculations with our minds but not with our intentions. You cover up, I don’t think this is a big problem!”

Fu Jing looked at him and knew where he got his confidence, and then said: "But even if we successfully kill this person, what will we do next? Duke Heng will be furious, and a new commander will be sent over." …Besides, how can we escape?”

Lu Yu said: "Let's take it one step at a time. We'll make our own decisions when the time comes... In the worst case, we can sneak all the way and sneak into Hengzhou City and kill that old man, Duke Heng Yue!"

Fu Jing was completely speechless. Sometimes she thought Lu Yu was very wise, but sometimes he seemed like a complete reckless man.

"There's a situation ahead!" Lu Guoguang suddenly said, "Someone is coming!"

Suddenly, several members of the Flying Stone Battalion pretending to be guards became nervous.

"Don't be nervous, don't forget our identities at this time." Lu Yu reminded, "Even if there are people in front of us, they are our allies."

Everyone calmed down a little, followed Lu Yu, and continued to stride forward without concealing what they were doing.

Soon, the people on the opposite side also noticed them and shouted, "Who's in front of you?"

Lu Yu raised his voice and said: "Is the Shenhui Army ahead? We were sent here by the Sixth Young Master!"

"Sixth Young Master? Which Sixth Young Master?"

"Of course it's Nan Lucai, the sixth son of Grand Duke Nanlu! Are all Dingjunhou's men such a bunch of losers? Have they never even heard of our son's name?"

Perhaps because Lu Yu's tone was too harsh, the other person was silent for a while.

When they appeared again, they were already holding bright weapons and surrounded Lu Yu and others.

"Brother, did you eat shit last night? How dare you have such a bad mouth in front of the Shenhui Army?" said a person who looked like a leader.

Lu Yu didn't panic at all and laughed: "What about the Shenhui Army? If you know the purpose of our coming here, I'm afraid you will kneel down and imprison us right away!"

The squad leader's face was stern: "Looking for nonsense! Tell me, what is your purpose here?"

Lu Yu said contemptuously: "We are here under the orders of the Sixth Young Master to give a big gift to the Lord Ding!"

"What kind of gift?"

Lu Yu pushed his tied-up father forward and said, "It's this stinky bitch. She is the current Lord of Xihai City, but she doesn't know what is good or bad. She dared to blatantly refuse Ding Junhou's engagement, which made Ding Junhou extremely angry. …My sixth son couldn’t stand it, so he ordered us to tie her up and present her to Marquis Dingjun, so that Marquis Dingjun could vent his anger!”

When the team leader saw Fu Jing's scarred cheek, he was startled and asked, "How did it get like this?"

"Oh, my Sixth Young Master has a long history and has already taught Marquis Dingjun a lesson in advance for this stinky bitch... This bitch has no knowledge of good and evil and deserves to be taught a lesson!"

With that said, Lu Yu grabbed Fu Jing, raised his hand and slapped Fu Jing so hard that he spun around in the air, and then fell hard to the ground.

The squad leader's eyelids twitched. Seeing that Lu Yu seemed to want to continue, he quickly stopped: "Stop!"

Lu Yu reluctantly retracted his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, these girls are very strong and won't be broken easily... I tell you, you have to deal with disobedient girls severely! Ding Junhou is probably too kind-hearted, so this bitch refuses to obey him. In this regard, Ding Junhou should learn from our Sixth Young Master!"

The squad leader's expression changed slightly.

He finally figured it out. These people clearly came here to show off their power...

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