Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1640 Going deep into the tiger’s den

The squad leader was just the commander of a sentry team and did not have much authority.

Soon, Lu Yu and others were brought to a more senior general.

"Are you from Nanlucai?" the general asked.

"Not bad." Lu Yu took out the jade token he took out from Nan Lucai and threw it towards the opponent.

The general took it casually, glanced at it without saying anything, and then asked, "What's your name?"

Lu Yu said: "Shouldn't you identify yourself first before asking someone's name? What's your name?"

The general frowned slightly.

A young general next to him was furious: "How brave! Our general is asking you now!"

"General?" Lu Yu smiled softly: "I don't mean to argue with you, but I have to know your identity in order to determine what should be said and what should not be said. You know, not everything It’s appropriate to say it directly here!”

The general waved his hand towards the young general beside him and said, "My name is Du Rulong."

"It turns out to be General Du!" Lu Yu said, cupping his hands, "I have admired you for a long time!"

In fact, he had never heard of Du Rulong, but looking at his current demeanor, he obviously has a lot of weight in the Shenhui Army. At this time, it is always wrong to say "long admiration".

"My name is Zhang Chao." Lu Yu made up a name casually and said.

"Zhang Chao?" Du Rulong frowned, "Your name seems very unfamiliar..."

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "The division of labor between me and the general is different. General, the more people have heard your name, the better, but my name is heard by as few people as possible. If the general has heard my name, that is My fault!"

Du Rulong's heart was slightly shaken. No matter what, at least the calm demeanor shown by Lu Yu made him feel that this person was very special.

"Where is the Sixth Young Master? Why didn't he come over?" Du Rulong asked again.

Perhaps out of respect for Lu Yu, even his name for Nan Lucai changed.

Lu Yu said: "My Sixth Young Master naturally has more important things to do. It is estimated that he will soon arrive at Xihai City and prepare to collect the remaining forces in the city! General Du congratulates you. It seems that the Shenhui Army can make this trip Finished early!"

"What did you say?" Du Rulong was shocked, "Sixth Young Master has entered Xihai City? did he do it?"

Lu Yu said: "Sixth Young Master naturally has the methods of Sixth Young Master, but this time he also borrowed the power of the Shenhui Army. How many people in the world can simultaneously withstand the pressure of the two Grand Dukes Hengyue and Nanlu?"

"Compared to the Sixth Young Master, I think you, General, should pay more attention to the matter in front of us... I don't know how much you know about the details of the two Grand Dukes joining forces this time, but you should be able to understand that it must involve Very huge interests, these interests are hidden in a secret, and this secret is hidden in this woman..."

"The reason why the Sixth Young Master sent us here this time and made such a move was to put pressure on her and force her to tell the secret..."

Du Rulong said thoughtfully: "You mean, you hope that we, the Marquis, will cooperate with you to get the secret out of her?"

Lu Yu smiled: "You can't say it's cooperation, it's cooperation. This is for the common interests of our two families!"

Du Rulong said: "Leave her to me, I will take her to see the Marquis, and the Marquis will find a way to make him talk!"

Lu Yu said: "Of course I won't doubt Ding Junhou's methods, otherwise we wouldn't bring people here... But it's impossible for us to hand over people. When she told the secret At the time, people from both sides must be present at the same time, and this is a characteristic that our Sixth Young Master specially explained!”

Du Rulong sneered: "We are already here, do you think it is your turn to make these decisions?"

Lu Yu directly grabbed Fu Jing's hair with one hand and lifted him up. He unsheathed his sword with the other hand and placed it on Fu Jing's neck.

The sharp sword drew a bright red line on the snow-white neck.

Lu Yu smiled proudly: "If we can't reach an agreement, the worst possible outcome will be death. Let's break up!"

Du Rulong couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.

This Zhang Chao is so crisp and clean!

Moreover, the two sides have been facing each other for so long, and he has not noticed the condition of the golden elixir in the other person's body at all, which shows that this person's strength is also unfathomable...

"Mr. Zhang, why are you so excited? This matter is not something you and I can decide. I will report the matter to the Marquis truthfully. As for the final decision, it depends on what the Marquis wants..."

Du Rulong turned to comfort him.

"But before I report it to the Marquis, there is another issue that needs to be clarified... Since Mr. Zhang mentioned Miss Fu Jing's secret, he should know that the secret is actually tied to the Miracle Sword. Then Where is the sword now?"

Lu Yu winked at the Lu brothers behind him.

Lu Guoyong immediately stood up, untied the rope on his body, and took out a long wooden box from behind.

The wooden box is covered with various mantras and runes. At a glance, it is filled with a strange power.

"General Du doesn't want to open the box, does he? I advise you not to do this. Miracle and this woman's thoughts are consistent. She can drive the divine sword with just one thought. If the box is opened suddenly, it will only Afraid that we will soon become souls killed by the sword..."

"We also spent a lot of effort to seal this sword. Otherwise, do you think we can get here alive?" Lu Yu said.

Du Rulong originally wanted to take a good look at the wooden box, but after hearing Lu Yu's words, he had to retract his hand timidly.

As for taking the sword away, he didn't even mention it because he knew it was even more impossible.

"General Du, I advise you to hurry up! I have no idea how long the seal on this box can last. If the seal fails early, then we will all be doomed!" Lu Yu urged again.

"I know that Marquis Dingjun must be very busy with his affairs. If it is not convenient for him to come here, then you can bring us over to see him as well!"

Du Rulong's eyes were gloomy, he was silent for a moment, and finally made a decision: "Come with me!"

It wasn't like he was completely free of suspicion.

But after all, the opponent only has a total of more than ten people in total. Now he is in the camp of the Shenhui Army. No matter how powerful these people are, how much trouble can they cause?

So the group of people left the camp, and under the escort of heavy troops, walked towards a more heavily guarded camp.

They finally entered the deepest part of the tiger's den.

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