Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1641 Close combat

"You guys wait here first. After I go in and report to the Marquis, we will see what the Marquis decides!"

After arriving at a brand new camp, Du Rulong said these words and turned around to leave. He was surrounded by soldiers who were eyeing the Shen Hui Army. It can be said that Lu Yu and others were already under heavy siege, and Du Rulong was not worried that they could still play. What a trick.

Being stared directly at by thousands of pairs of eyes, no one dared to communicate directly, and even eye contact was avoided as much as possible, for fear of being noticed by the other party.

Only Lu Yu turned a blind eye to the thousands of pairs of eyes around him. Not only did he not feel any pressure, he actually went to talk to the surrounding Shenhui Army generals who were watching over him.

The surrounding Shenhui Army generals naturally did not want to pay attention to him, but Lu Yu always had a way of provoking sensitive topics that made the other party have to talk. It seemed that the surrounding generals were more stressed.

Seeing Lu Yu's performance, Lu Guoguang and others couldn't help but feel that the pressure on their bodies had been reduced a lot. This experience was unprecedented for them. After this experience, as long as they can leave here alive, I believe they There will be tremendous improvement and growth in all aspects.

"Are you the subordinate sent here by Nan Lucai?"

Suddenly, a voice came unexpectedly.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a tall man walking towards this side at a fast pace. He was handsome and had an extraordinary bearing. His armor wrapped with gold threads looked extremely dazzling among the crowd.

Du Rulong followed him step by step.

After seeing this person appear, the generals also stood up straight and saluted.

Lu Yu immediately understood that this was the arrival of the real master. He turned around, cupped his hands and said, "Zhang Chao has met Marquis Dingjun!"

Marquis Dingjun laughed: "I didn't expect that Nan Lucai would have such a talented person. He could face thousands of troops and still keep his composure and talk and laugh happily. It seems that I really underestimated him..."

"Mr. Zhang Chao, it's too humiliating for an outstanding talent like you to stay under Nan Lucai! Why don't you come over and help me? What Nan Lucai can afford you, I, Tian Youliang, will not miss. You, and I will only give you more than him!”

The clan of the Grand Duke of Heng took Tian as their surname, and Tian Youliang was the name of the Marquis of Dingjun.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Thank you, Lord Marquis, for your kindness, but I'm afraid you can't give me what I want, Lord Marquis!"

Marquis Dingjun laughed: "Really? Your Excellency, you are so bold. Is there anything in the world that I can't afford? Then you might as well tell me!"

Lu Yu said lightly: "Your head."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, thinking that they heard wrongly, but they saw that Lu Yu had raised his hand and pointed sideways. In the direction of his gesture, Lu Guoyong was cooperatively raising the rectangular wooden box that sealed the Miracle Sword high.

The spells and talismans kept slipping down one after another as if they were alive, and the seal on the wooden box had loosened contact.

Du Rulong's expression suddenly changed and he shouted: "Master Hou, be careful!"

It was not that he had never thought that the other party might commit murder, so he made some special preparations. However, he never expected that the other party would strike directly and unabashedly as soon as they met him, leaving him with no time to prepare. Come in handy.

With a "whoosh" sound, the Galaxy Sword broke through the wooden box and flew out.

Fu Jing, who was on the side, had already broken free from the rope, and was now using his fingers to move his sword, flying towards Ding Junhou.

The Galaxy Sword went from slow to fast, accelerating crazily. In just the blink of an eye, the speed reached its extreme, and an unparalleled bright light erupted from the sword, like a comet.

It was only then that Marquis Dingjun finally felt the threat and realized how powerful this rumored miraculous sword was.

The power of this sword must not be confronted head-on!

Marquis Dingjun quickly shrank, and many guards came up to cover him behind him.

The Galaxy Sword drove straight in, like piercing a candied haws, directly piercing a whole row of guards, but it still continued to stab Ding Junhou unabated.

Ding Junhou made a backhand sword, trying to sweep the Galaxy Sword away, but he didn't expect that after being buffered by so many people, the sword was still extremely heavy and could not be swept away, and it still stabbed him hard in the chest.

However, this time the force was somewhat relieved, and the gold-wrapped armor on his body also played a big role. He was not pierced, but was knocked away violently.

"Protect the Marquis! These guys will kill them all without mercy!" Du Rulong shouted with red eyes.

Thousands of soldiers and horses rushed out, and the scene was rumbling.

However, before these soldiers and horses could get closer, they were immediately violently blown away.

It was the flying stone offensive launched by Lu Guoguang and others. Although it was not enough to counter Suqian's code, it was still no problem to control the surrounding area in a short time.

Ding Junhou took advantage of the opportunity of being hit by the sword and retreated. He was about to escape from the locking range of the Galaxy Sword, but was disrupted by the flying stone offensive and finally failed to escape and fell into the battle group again.

"Tian Youliang, where can you escape!"

Fu Jingjiao scolded, rubbed herself up, and became one with Xinghe Sword.

After all, remote control was too expensive, so she held the Galaxy Sword in her hand and continued to chase after Ding Junhou, like a tiger chasing its prey.

She completely ignored her own safety, and only had eyes for Dingjun Hou, while the soldiers of Feishi Camp tried their best to cover her with the flying stone offensive and buy her more time.

But Feishi Camp only had ten people after all. With the continuous influx of soldiers and horses around them, they could no longer hold on and were about to be drowned by the Shenhui Army soldiers and horses like a torrent.

As time went on, Dingjun Hou felt the pressure on his body gradually reduced, and he was about to completely escape the pursuit of Xinghe Sword.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly blocked him.

It was Lu Yu.

Dingjun Hou was stunned. He couldn't figure out why this guy named Zhang Chao suddenly appeared here. He didn't have time to think so much for a while. He raised his hand and swung a sword, roaring: "Get out!"

Lu Yu didn't react, holding the Biyue Stone in his hand, standing still.

The Biyue Stone in his hand was Fu Jing's identity token. It was originally designed as a talisman. Since it can be used to launch an offensive, it can also be used as a protective device.

With a loud bang, the Moon-Blocking Stone in Lu Yu's hand shattered, and the whole person was swept away by Ding Junhou fiercely, but because of this moment's delay, he lost the chance to escape.

Fu Jing followed closely with the magic sword in her hand, and Ding Junhou was also chopped to the ground.

Facing the large army of the Divine Emblem Army that followed one after another, she swung her long sword, and the tip of the sword with a cold light pointed at Ding Junhou's throat.

"If you don't want him to die immediately, stop it!"

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