Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1642 Same solution

"Stop! Stop it all!"

Du Rulong shouted hurriedly.

Immediately, all the Shenhui troops stopped, and the leader was stopped by his neck with a sword. They had no choice at all.

The soldiers from Feishi Camp dragged their scarred bodies to support each other and immediately moved closer to Fu Jing.

Fu Jing looked around and finally focused on Lu Yu, asking with concern: "A Feng, how are you?"

The other people's injuries were just external injuries. Only Lu Yu had suffered a full blow from Marquis Dingjun. Even the Moon Moon Stone had shattered into pieces. Such injuries were no joke.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu just grinned and said, "I'm fine... Can this equal the previous disrespect to the lady?"

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned: "How could you be fine? Just now..."

Lu Yu opened his palms and sprinkled a piece of powder: "Thanks to the moon stone, miss!"

"Even if it's a closed moon stone, it's impossible to do this..." Fu Jing said in disbelief.

After all, Ding Junhou is a Dajindan monk. Judging from the battle just now, his strength is indeed far greater than that of Nan Lucai. Even after graduation, it is impossible to completely block his offensive.

Seeing that he couldn't be fooled, Lu Yu added, "Of course it's not just the moon-closing stone. I also took a pill in advance. As you know, miss, our pills are very effective!"

Fu Jing immediately stopped talking.

She had personally experienced the effect of the elixir. At that time in Liu Ruju, her injury was indeed cured in the blink of an eye.

But this elixir is not just for treating injuries, it can also transform into a golden elixir. But now Lu Yu doesn't even have a golden elixir, he just uses it to heal his injuries. This always feels like a waste...

However, after all, these elixirs were all refined by himself, so Fu Jing had nothing to say.

In fact, she didn't know that Lu Yu actually didn't even take the elixir, but only relied on the recovery effect of his own red lotus power to fully recover from his injuries.

The attack Lu Yu received from Marquis Dingjun just now was intentional. The purpose was to verify how powerful the Great Golden Pill cultivator was.

Although he had had several opportunities to fight against the Dajindan cultivators before, he had never personally experienced the power of the combination of the power of Tiangang Earth Demon and the Golden Pill Law. Therefore, this opportunity was just right, so he deliberately tried it. I experienced it.

The final result is that this combination of the power of Tiangang Earth Demon and the law of golden elixir is indeed very overbearing, but it is not invincible. At least at the level of Ding Junhou, he can still handle it. If it were replaced by Heng If the Duke is older, that may be a different matter.

"A Feng?" Marquis Dingjun heard the conversation between the two, and his eyes became vicious, "It turns out that you are not from Nan Lucai at all. No wonder... I am still surprised, how could a waste like Nan Lucai suddenly become Risking such a powerful subordinate like you!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Master Hou, I'm just telling you, you can't afford what I want!"

"If you want to use my head, of course I can't afford it, but if it's replaced by something else, that's not necessarily the case!"

Marquis Dingjun said, looking at Fu Jing and then at Lu Yu: "Are you willing to fight so hard, even if you go deep alone and take risks, just for the beauty of this woman?"

"If this is the case, then you come here and help me. What I said before is still valid, and this woman will also be yours!"

Fu Jing was furious. He gently moved the divine sword forward and drew a blood mark on Ding Junhou's neck: "Are you tired of living? Don't you know whose hands your life is now?" "

Ding Junhou's neck was bleeding profusely, but his expression remained unchanged and he smiled proudly: "Fu Jing, don't deceive yourself here. You don't dare to kill me. If you kill me, you will never have the chance to leave here." , and the entire Xihai City will also be buried with me!"

Fu Jing frowned and tightened his grip on the sword, but he really didn't dare to continue stabbing.

Marquis Dingjun just pretended that she did not exist, and continued to Lu Yu who was standing aside: "Whether you like power or beauty, I can satisfy you. If you only like her, I can also satisfy you... "

"Although she rejected my engagement before, which once made me very angry. I originally planned not to let her go easily, but if it is to recruit talents like you, I can not pursue the matter. , and send you my sincere blessings!”

"In every sense, this is your better choice, don't you think?"

Lu Yu said: "Master Hou, are you mistaken? I am just a small character. My lady is pointing the miraculous sword at your neck. Instead of trying to communicate with her, you come to instigate rebellion against a small character like me? "

Marquis Dingjun said with a smile: "You are not a small role. Fu Jing was able to return safely from Fenghe Province, successfully became the Lord of Xihai City, and now he has successfully lurked here and pointed his sword at my neck... among all these things , you all contributed, so I think you are the more critical person!”

"Even in this current situation, although she is the one holding the sword, I feel that you are the one who really controls the situation. As long as we come to an agreement with you, we will all be fine!"

"I think you'd better think it through. Although my life is in your hands now, how to leave here now and how to deal with the subsequent troubles is a very difficult problem for you..."

"And as long as you are willing to become my subordinate, then all these problems will be solved... All subsequent matters related to Xihai City will be decided by you. If you really like this woman and want to think about her, this is also Your best way out!”

After Ding Junhou finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yu in front of him with a smile.

Fu Jing's heart was filled with anger. She had never been despised like this before. But Dingjun Hou was right about one thing, that is, she had not yet figured out how to deal with it...

Subconsciously glanced at Lu Yu...

At such times, Lu Yu was always able to make the most correct choice, but he didn't know how much influence Ding Junhou's temptation just now would have on him.

"Is this the best way out?"

Lu Yu shook his head and smiled softly: "Master Hou, actually I have a better choice!"

Marquis Dingjun was startled: "What is it?"

Lu Yu said: "Why don't you become my subordinate? As long as you become my subordinate, can't all these problems be solved?"

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