Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1643 Becoming Friends

"Shall I become your subordinate?"

Ding Junhou couldn't help but laughed out of anger: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Isn't it possible?" Lu Yu said, "Is it possible that even now the Marquis still doesn't understand the situation and still feels that he is superior to others?"

As Lu Yu said this, he stepped forward and stepped on Marquis Dingjun's face with his foot.

"Don't forget, your life is in our hands now. I call you Lord Marquis out of politeness. If you are not polite, you are just a little Tian!"

"You are so brave!"

Marquis Dingjun was furious and wanted to retaliate against Lu Yu, but as soon as he made a move, the Galaxy Sword in Fu Jing's hand immediately moved forward slightly.

"do not move!"

Fu Jing shouted coldly, then raised his head and looked at Du Rulong and others in front of him: "The same goes for you!"

After seeing that the situation was under control, Lu Yu continued: "How about I come and analyze it for you? If you become my subordinate, the first obvious thing is that you can avoid a lot of suffering and save your own life... …”

"Secondly, you have also seen how powerful this divine sword is in the hands of my young lady... By the way, let me declare that there is actually no messy relationship between me and the young lady as you said, but I It is an indisputable fact that I embraced her as a big tree... As long as you become my subordinate, then you will naturally embrace her as a big tree. Don't you think she is more valuable than your father, Duke Heng Yue? The future?"

"Then my father, Grand Duke Heng, has a great reputation on the surface. People say that his power is not under that of Emperor Da Rui... But in fact, after so many years, isn't he still a Grand Duke? He doesn't dare to proclaim himself a king? If you If you follow us from now on, then this won’t necessarily be the case..."

"Also, your attack in such a big way this time is not just to teach Xihai City a lesson, right? Do you also want to get involved in the miraculous treasure? Now the clues to the treasure are in our hands. How should I treat my subordinates? I have always been generous, as long as you become my subordinate, I promise that I will not lose your share when I find the treasure!"

"Xiaotian, you might as well think carefully, is this the best way out for you?"

Lu Yu smiled like a devil.

Even Lu Guoguang and others on the side felt that his current performance was really scary, but fortunately they were not enemies.

"Madman, madman... you are really fucking crazy!" Marquis Dingjun scolded angrily, "Du Rulong, quickly order them to be killed! You want to control my life and death!"

"I want to see if they dare to really fight to the death...ah!"

Before he finished speaking, Ding Junhou's voice suddenly turned into a scream.

I saw Lu Yu already holding a bloody arm in his hand, and said with a serious look on his face: "Do you think I dare to kill you?"

Du Rulong on the side was already very anxious when he saw this, and before he could threaten Lu Yu, Lu Yu took the lead and looked at him.

"General Du, don't forget, but you brought us here!"

Du Rulong's heart suddenly pounded and his eyes were about to burst: "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I just want to remind you that if Xiaotian dies here, you must be the biggest responsible. You will definitely have to bear the consequences. Even if Heng Grand Duke kills your entire family, it is considered a light thing..."

Du Rulong's teeth chattered: "If you let Mr. Hou go, I guarantee that you can leave safely!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Do you think we spent so much effort to get here just to leave safely?"

Du Rulong said: "What do you want? As long as it doesn't hurt Mr. Hou's life, we can talk about everything else!"

Lu Yu said: "Then you should first order the Shenhui Army to retreat twenty miles, and then we will talk about other things!"

Du Rulong looked hesitant.

Lu Yu said again: "General Du, I only give you time for one stick of incense. If the troops of the Shenhui Army are still here after one stick of incense, then I will remove Xiaotian's other arm!"

Du Rulong gritted his teeth: "Send the order and the entire army will retreat twenty miles immediately!"

As a result, the sound at the scene immediately became chaotic, and the troops of the Shenhui Army began to retreat.

Seeing this scene, Fu Jing and the ten Feishi Camp soldiers couldn't help but relax. Although the crisis was still not resolved, at least the imminent threat was gone.

Everyone couldn't help but cast complicated glances at Lu Yu. Although his performance before was already very impressive, only when he faced the critical moment of life and death did he realize how amazing his wisdom and courage were.

Fu Jing's eyes flashed with confusion. The hand holding the sword was clearly his, but it was Lu Yu who really did it.

"Mr. Afeng, can we have a good talk now?" Du Rulong asked when he saw that the troops around him had already left.

"Then come and talk!" Lu Yu said.

So Du Rulong came over.

Lu Yu turned to Fu Jing and said, "Miss, put down your sword first!"

Fu Jing said: "Are you sure?"

After all, this Ding Junhou is a powerful Jindan monk. If it weren't for the magic sword in his hand, he would not be able to control him.

What's more, there is another Du Rulong next to him, who is also a Dajindan monk.

"We were able to restrain him in the situation just now. Are we still afraid of him running away now?" Lu Yu smiled, "Besides, I think Xiaotian should be self-aware, and he won't act rashly!"

Marquis Dingjun remained silent, his eyes filled with resentment.

Lu Yu said: "Don't look at me with such eyes. Although I just disabled one of your arms, I also have a panacea here. You have already seen its effect just now. It can recover the injury very quickly. It’s not a problem at all for your arm to be reconnected..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu took out a pill that shone with gleaming white light.

"However, this elixir is very valuable. There are countless people in Xihai City who are looking forward to getting such an elixir. I cannot give it to anyone casually, I can only give it to my subordinates..."

Marquis Dingjun's face was ashen. After dealing with him just now, he also knew that the Afeng in front of him was not easy to mess with, but he couldn't do it no matter what if he wanted him to be the grand duke's son and have others bow down to him.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm just joking... In fact, my pills are not only given to subordinates. If you are a friend, you can also get my pills! Xiaotian, are you willing to be my friend?" Lu Yu smiled. road.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do..." Marquis Dingjun said with a cold face.

Lu Yu said: "Friends, naturally we should help each other and solve each other's problems! Our biggest difficulty now is that we are facing the joint offensive of the Grand Duke of Heng and the Grand Duke of Nanlu at the same time. We are in danger... Do you have any way to help? Shall we solve this problem?”

Marquis Dingjun thought for a moment: "I can persuade my father to take back his life, stop all actions against Xihai City, and form an alliance with Xihai City... This will not be easy for Luo Shi, but for my sake Come on, father will agree!"

The Luo family is Fu Tianlin's mother clan. If Grand Duke Heng now forms an alliance with Xihai City, it will be equivalent to supporting Fu Jing. In this way, the Luo family, who is Fu Tianlin's mother clan, will naturally not be happy.

Lu Yu said: "It sounds good, I feel your sincerity, Xiaotian... But how to ensure the stability of the alliance? Will the Hengda Guild change the order day and night? Besides, even if you don't cause trouble for us, then Nannan What about Grand Duke Lu?"

Marquis Dingjun looked at Lu Yu and asked, "Then what do you mean?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "It's very simple. As long as we both join hands and kill Grand Duke Nanlu! Then naturally all problems will be solved!"

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