Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1644 Finding Wealth in Danger

"What? How is this possible?" Marquis Dingjun said with a surprised look on his face.

Fu Jing, Du Rusong and others on the side also looked at him in surprise.

Lu Yu said calmly: "Nothing is impossible. Before this, would you have thought that this place would be like this?"

Everyone was suddenly speechless.

Before things actually happened, they never imagined that Xihai City would dare to capture Marquis Dingjun with only a dozen people, and they would actually succeed...

Please be sure that if Army Monkey can succeed, then it is not completely impossible to be more bold and plan to ambush Grand Duke Nanlu.

"The Duke of Hengyue and the Duke of Nanlu have always been at odds with each other, and they are not in harmony with each other. This time it was just because of the miraculous treasure matter that they excluded several other grand dukes, so they chose to cooperate..."

Lu Yu continued.

"If it's for the miraculous treasure, don't you, the Hengyue Principality, think that cooperation with our Xihai City would be a better choice?"

"Besides, as long as Grand Duke Nanlu is removed, the territory of Nanlu Principality will naturally fall into the hands of Grand Duke Hengyue, which will further enhance the strength of Duke Hengyue. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone?"

Dingjunhou's face was uncertain. He thought for a while and finally shook his head: "No, although our Hengyue Principality is not afraid of Nanlu Principality, both of them belong to the Darui Empire. This move is no different from rebellion. , Father will not agree."

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "Xiaotian, I have no intention of letting you go back and ask Duke Hengda!"

Everyone couldn't help being stunned again.

"That's right, I don't intend to rely on Grand Duke Heng's power for this matter. Miss, me, these ten brothers from Feishi Camp, General Xiaotian Du, and the Shenhui Army under your command will all be part of our operation. strength!"

Lu Yu said in a deep voice.

"If we don't kill first and tell later, how can Xihai City and Hengyue Principality be tied together to ensure the stability of the alliance between the two parties in the future?"

Everyone was stunned and completely stunned by Lu Yu's bold idea.

"Are you... sure you can do it?" Du Rulong asked.

"Do you believe me when I say I'm sure?" Lu Yu asked back, and then laughed: "Wealth can only be found in danger. How can we wait until we are absolutely sure before doing anything? It depends on whether you dare to give it a try. "

Everyone was silent for a while.

After a while, Marquis Dingjun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Father will definitely not let me go..."

Lu Yu said: "Xiao Tian, ​​if you are my friend, if the situation calls for it one day, my lady and I will fully support you and let you become a new Grand Duke!"

Marquis Dingjun was startled, and his breathing became rapid involuntarily. Although he was a marquis and seemed to have an extremely noble status, precisely because he was granted the title of marquis early, he knew that his title had come to an end and he would never have the chance to inherit the title of duke in this life.

But after experiencing the charm of power, who wouldn’t want to go a step further?

If it were in the past, he would have sneered at Lu Yu's words, but after this series of dealings just now, he did not dare to have any contempt for Lu Yu anymore.

This person does have such ability.

Marquis Dingjun took a deep breath, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Lu Yu smiled: "Xiaotian, do you agree?"

Marquis Dingjun stretched out his only remaining hand to Lu Yu and said with a smile: "Brother Afeng, you have convinced me! You are right. Wealth can be found in danger, so let us join forces and fight for it." !”

The two held hands together.

This scene is really weird. It was clear that not long ago, the two sides were in a fight to the death. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, they had shaken hands and made peace, and even formed an alliance.

Except for the two people shaking hands, everyone around them couldn't help but feel an unreal feeling.

Then, the two held hands and walked aside.

Firstly, it was to reattach Ding Junhou's arm, and secondly, the two of them needed to work together in private to discuss what method should be used to kill Grand Duke Nanlu.

Fu Jing was originally a little worried, worried that Ding Junhou would take the opportunity to attack. Even if he only had one arm left, Lu Yu could not be his opponent with his strength as a Great Golden Pill cultivator.

But Lu Yu was very confident and told him not to worry, so she had no choice but to hold back her temper and stay where she was waiting, but the Galaxy Sword in her hand was already ready to go.

After a while, the two walked back again.

Lu Yu still had a calm expression on his face, but Ding Junhou had a strange look on his face. He seemed to be deeply shocked. He even ignored the reattached arm and seemed not to care about the reattachment at all. What's the situation like?

It wasn't until he walked back in front of everyone that Ding Junhou came back to his senses and said with infinite emotion: "Brother Feng is really talented and has such a wonderful strategy. Duke Nanlu is doomed this time!"

Everyone couldn't help but wonder that this was the reason that shocked Marquis Dingjun so much.

I don't know what Lu Yu's idea was that shocked Marquis Dingjun so much and made him full of confidence in this strategy.

But if the two of them didn't say anything, it wouldn't be easy for others to ask questions.

"Okay! This matter is settled! Brother Feng and everyone please stay here for a while. After I go back and make arrangements, I will invite you again!" Marquis Dingjun said again.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Then it's all down to Brother Tian!"

So Dingjun Hou left without Lu Yu trying to stop him.

Everyone couldn't help but be confused by the performance of the two people, and they didn't know what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourds.

After walking more than ten steps, Marquis Dingjun suddenly stopped again, turned around and asked, "Brother Feng, let me ask one more question, how is Nan Lucai doing now?"

"Dead." Lu Yu replied simply.

Marquis Dingjun showed a true expression: "Brother Feng, please rest assured. After seeing these methods of Brother Feng, I, Tian Youliang, know the depth and will never betray me like Duke Nanlu did!"

After that, he left in a hurry and never looked back.

Du Rulong trotted behind him. The place they went to was the direction in which the Shenhui Army was evacuating.

The series of changes left everyone stunned.

"What did you just say to him?" Fu Jing looked at Lu Yu up and down and said with a surprised look on his face.

These last performances of Marquis Dingjun surprised her even more than if someone died directly at the hands of Lu Yu.

"It's nothing, we just want him to see how powerful we are." Lu Yu said, spreading his hands.

Fu Jing blinked her watery eyes and frowned when she saw that Lu Yu had no intention of further explanation: "Then just let him go like this? What if he regrets it and turns around and beats him up?"

"Will not."

Lu Yu smiled: "If that's true, it means he still hasn't seen enough of our power!"

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