Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1645 Will I die?

Lu Yu dared to let Ding Junhou leave like this, so naturally he had absolute confidence that he did not dare to go back on his word.

Because at the moment when the two of them communicated privately, in addition to helping the other person to reattach his arm, he also planted the "Infinite Circle" spell on the other person's body.

This spell based on the Xuanyang Dao Lock is also applicable to people in this world.

In addition to the Secret of the Stars and the Galaxy Sword, this spell is also Lu Yu's biggest killer. The reason why it has been useless before is because there is no occasion where it needs to be used, but now it has to deal with a powerful archduke. That's when it comes in handy.

At this time, Lu Yu had already cast the spell on Marquis Dingjun. When the time came to fight with Grand Duke Nanlu, he could directly initiate the transfer from Marquis Dingjun. Not only would the casting process be faster, but it would also be more unexpected.

Marquis Dingjun was deeply shocked when he saw the process of Lu Yu casting the spell and experienced the magnificence and breadth of the infinite circle.

It can be said that he is the first person in the world to see Lu Yu's true strength.

But after seeing such strength, he could no longer betray and regret it.

Naturally, Marquis Dingjun would not think that Lu Yu actually came from other worlds. He only thought that his spells were the same as the divine sword in Fu Jing's hand, and also came from miracles. Therefore, for the gods mentioned by Lu Yu, Ji Bao couldn’t help but have higher expectations.

Because of this, not only did he not have any resistance to Lu Yu using him as a spell-casting medium, but he also cooperated as much as possible.

Next. It will be up to him to take the initiative to create an opportunity to meet Duke Nanlu alone to facilitate the assassination operation.

Lu Yu would naturally not tell Fu Jing these secrets. Before he could fully understand the world, he still needed her identity to provide him with cover.

After Marquis Dingjun left, Lu Yu and others took care of their injuries on the spot. In the previous battle, everyone except Lu Yu, including Fu Jing, had suffered considerable injuries, and they had not had time to deal with them.

Therefore, even though Fu Jing was full of questions, he had to suppress them for the time being and deal with everyone's injuries first.

At this time, Lu Yu's superb treatment methods came in handy. Although there was no healing elixir for the time being, it was more than enough to deal with these injuries with only some medicinal materials he carried with him and the power of his red lotus. After taking the hand, everyone's injuries improved immediately.

After Lu Yu worked for a while, he returned to Fu Jing's side.

"Did you learn these healing methods while hunting in the mountains?" Fu Jing looked at him and asked.

Lu Yu said: "Of course, don't you know that hunting in the deep mountains is a very dangerous thing? If I didn't have such skills, I would have died a long time ago. I can be regarded as a good doctor after a long illness!"

Fu Jing rolled her eyes at him and couldn't help but want to kick him: "It's weird to believe you!"

Lu Yu grabbed her feet and suddenly said: "Don't move!"

"What...what's wrong?" Fu Jing was stunned, but her foot fell into Lu Yu's hand, which made her feel a little nervous, and she unconsciously wanted to pull her foot back.

"Don't move!" Lu Yu emphasized again.

Seeing Lu Yu's serious expression, Fu Jing didn't dare to move anymore this time, but her face couldn't help but blush slightly.

"What's going on..."

Lu Yu didn't say anything and gently rolled up her trouser legs. He saw a black wound on her delicate white ankle.

She had several scars like this on her body, so she didn't pay much attention to it, but when she saw the color of this wound, she couldn't help but be shocked.

"Poisonous?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu nodded.

"Will you die?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh: "That's not a big deal, but... it will leave scars!"

Fu Jing suddenly showed a look of horror, as if this was something more terrifying than death.

"The methods you learned while hunting in the mountains should be able to solve the problem, right? Otherwise, you have been hunting for so long and you haven't seen any scars on your body..."

"let me try!"

This small injury is nothing to Lu Yu. For his power of red lotus, it can be easily cured, but he can't use it directly in front of Fu Jing, can he?

So he randomly took out a handful of medicinal materials, ground them into powder, mixed them with water, and applied them evenly on her wounds. Using the smearing action, he secretly exerted the power of the red lotus.

Lu Yu held her delicate feet with one hand and slowly applied it with the other hand, feeling an amazing smooth touch on his hand.

"What on earth is this? Why do you feel itchy?" Fu Jing asked.

Lu Yu replied: "It's just itchy, it means the toxins are being removed."

"Then you can help me apply more and make sure the toxins are removed."

"Uh, okay..."

In fact, with the efficiency of Red Lotus's power, that little bit of toxin has been cleaned up long ago, but since the other party actively requested it, Lu Yu couldn't refuse it openly.

Besides, it feels really good...

"I...can I ask you a question?" Fu Jing hesitated.

"Just say it!"

"Just before... Tian Youliang promised you various benefits, why didn't you agree to him?"

"What did you promise him? Be his subordinate? Am I crazy?" Lu Yu laughed.

"But you are working as my subordinate..."

"So what? Does the young lady think she is inferior to him?"

Fu Jing said quietly: "After all, he is the son of a dignified prince, and he has the status of a marquis. At least on the surface, he has far more things than me... You can indeed get better conditions from him. !”

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "Even if he has everything, Miss, you still have something that he will never have."

When Fu Jing heard this, she didn't know what she thought of, and suddenly her face turned even redder.

Seeing her reaction, Lu Yu thought for a moment and understood. He knew that she was probably thinking wrong, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Actually, I'm talking about the divine sword in the lady's hand... This divine sword was chosen by the lady. Tian Youliang will never have a second sword!"

Fu Jing said: " will follow me solely because of this sword?"

Lu Yu asked back: "Don't you think this is not enough, Miss?"

Fu Jing didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Lu Yu added: "Miss, don't be disturbed by Tian Youliang's words. There is only a simple exchange of interests between me and him, but I am different from the lady. In addition to interests, we also have friendship. This is why we have friendship." It’s the most important thing.”


Lu Yu nodded and said seriously: "Miss, haven't you always been curious about my past? Now I can tell you part of it..."

"The reason why I ended up living here is because I was chased by my enemies..."

"I have a group of very terrible enemies - not one, but a group of them... They are far more powerful than you can imagine."

"Perhaps they will find me that time, will you help me?"

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned. Judging from Lu Yu's current performance, he was not even afraid of powerful men at the level of Grand Duke. He didn't know what kind of powerful enemy would make him so afraid.

"Who...are they?"

Lu Yu blinked and said, "Don't worry about who they are for now. Just ask, will you help me when the time comes?"

"Nonsense... If that time comes, I will naturally help you!" Fu Jing said matter-of-factly.

Lu Yu smiled brightly: "Look, this is why I chose to be with you."

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