Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1646 Luzhou City

On the other side, after returning to the Shenhui Army formation, Marquis Dingjun immediately ordered a meeting of his generals.

Killing Duke Nanlu was only the first step. After the plan was successful, the next step was to take full control of Nanlu Dukedom, which required a solid plan.

"Master Hou, do you really want to cooperate with them?" Du Rulong asked cautiously.

Marquis Dingjun glanced at him: "General Du, isn't what I said clear enough? At this time, you still have such questions?"

"But... Mr. Hou, this is no small matter!"

Marquis Dingjun said: "This is naturally not a small matter. This is a major matter related to the fate of many people, including me!"

"General Du, I know what you are worried about. Although Nanlu Principality is not as powerful as our Hengyue Principality, it still has tens of thousands of elites. Its strength cannot be underestimated. It is simply not something that our Shenhui Army can handle..."

"But all this is based on the fact that Grand Duke Nanlu is still alive. As long as Grand Duke Nanlu dies, the entire Nanlu Principality will fall into a leaderless situation. The tens of thousands of elites are nothing more than a piece of sand. There is no way they can be our opponents!"

"So, although this operation may seem risky, it actually doesn't have much risk. As long as we plan properly and don't make mistakes, the entire Nanlu Principality will soon fall under our control!"

Du Rulong was speechless.

There is nothing wrong with what Ding Junhou said. There is only one problem, and that is that all this must be based on the sudden death of Grand Duke Nanlu.

Du Rulong didn't know what Ah Feng said to Marquis Dingjun that made him so confident in this matter, without considering the possibility of failure. After all, he was a powerful man at the Grand Duke level...

Du Rulong even wondered whether the Dingjunhou in front of him had been controlled by some magic spell by that Afeng...

"Lao Du, I know what I am doing. I have never been as clear-headed as I am now in any moment in my life! So, please don't doubt this anymore, okay?"

Marquis Dingjun's tone became friendly, but his eyes became stern.

Du Rulong's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

He knew that Marquis Dingjun was giving him an ultimatum just now.

There is no room for compromise in this matter. Either fully support and cooperate with his decision, or keep this secret forever...

"Yes, I will obey my orders!" Du Rulong replied.

Soon, the generals gathered and the meeting officially began.

Everyone was surprised when they heard that they were leaving Xihai City and turned around to blockade and control the Nanlu Principality. However, this was an order given by Marquis Dingjun himself, and everyone did not dare to question it at all and just obeyed it.

The specific execution plan was quickly determined. After Dingjunhou gave the order, everyone immediately rushed to various places. The entire Shenhui Army began to move slowly like a ferocious and terrifying monster.

"Okay, now go and inform Brother Feng that you can come and meet us, and then we can go to Luzhou together!"

Finally, Marquis Dingjun gave these instructions to Du Rulong.

Luzhou is where the capital of Nanlu Principality is located.

After the two parties met, they walked together all the way.

At first, Fu Jing, the Lu brothers and others were very nervous. Every day they paid close attention to every move of the Shenhui Army, for fear that they would suddenly turn against each other.

But as they got closer to Luzhou and saw the various performances of the Shenhui Army, everyone gradually felt relieved.

They have been convinced that the military lord is indeed not playing tricks. This army is indeed going to attack the Nanlu Principality. The various orders issued by the army are all in preparation for this.

Three days later, the army arrived outside Luzhou City.

Officials from Grand Duke Nanlu's side came out of the city to greet him.

"Hahahaha... Who am I to ask? Isn't this our Lord Feng?"

The leader walked towards the crowd with a long smile, and it turned out to be the Nanlu representative who had come to Xihai City to attend the rally.

Of course, Lu Yu already knew his name at this time - Huang Jinnan.

"Master Feng, weren't you very arrogant before? You also said that we were not qualified and asked us to send a more senior envoy to talk to you... Why have you become like this now?" Huang Jinrong said with a wild laugh.

Lu Yu lowered his head, with a cold face, and ignored him, continuing to act as a prisoner.

Naturally, it was impossible for them to enter Luzhou City openly, so they were now prisoners of the Shenhui Army.

Huang Jinnan originally wanted to continue mocking Fu Jing for a while, but when he saw that Marquis Dingjun looked displeased, he gave up the opportunity to show off his power.

Turning to Marquis Dingjun, he said: "All this is thanks to Marquis Dingjun. As soon as the Marquis steps out, he is so powerful that he can easily capture him! The Shenhui Army is worthy of being an elite division, and Marquis, you are an invincible commander!"

Marquis Dingjun said coldly: "Where is Grand Duke Nanlu? Why doesn't he come out to greet me?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone around him suddenly changed.

The title of Grand Duke Nangong is equal to that of Grand Duke Heng. Although there is a difference in power between the two sides, their ranks are exactly the same. When Marquis Dingjun said such words at this time, he obviously regarded the Duke of Nanlu as a subordinate of the Duke of Hengyue.

Of course, Nanlu Principality also had uneasy intentions when it asked Huang Jinnan to come forward to greet Marquis Dingjun.

As Ding Junhou, the one he should be competing against should at least be the son of Grand Duke Nanlu. Duke Nanlu just wanted to deliberately slight him and give him a blow.

But what they didn't expect was that Marquis Dingjun was even more arrogant than them. He directly asked Grand Duke Nanlu why he didn't come.

"Arrogant! You, a little marquis, are worthy of our grand duke coming out to greet you? You are so shameless and shameless!" an official from the Nanlu Principality yelled angrily.

Marquis Dingjun sneered: "I don't distinguish between superior and inferior? I am shameless? Then what does it mean that you, a person without any title, speak rudely to me?"

"Go and call Grand Duke Nan Lu. I want him to explain to me face to face what is going on! Otherwise, I will not enter Luzhou City!"

Everyone was in an uproar. They didn't expect Marquis Dingjun's attitude to be so tough.

Huang Huangrong's expression changed several times.

It would definitely be impossible for Marquis Dingjun not to enter Luzhou City. Apart from anything else, the prisoners he brought with him were extremely important, and he certainly could not be allowed to take them away like this.

So, in the end, he took the initiative to stand up and said with an apologetic smile: "Master Hou, calm down, my Grand Duke actually attaches great importance to Master Hou. He heard that Master Hou was victorious and wanted to escort the prisoners over. He had already prepared a celebration banquet for Master Hou... It’s a pity that I’m temporarily in a bad situation and it’s inconvenient to go out of the city to greet you. When you enter the city, my Grand Duke will definitely come out to greet you in person!”

Marquis Dingjun's face softened slightly and he said, "You can go in if you want me to, but my people can't stay outside. They all have to follow me into the city!"

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