Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1647 The Power of the Grand Duke

Upon hearing Marquis Dingjun's request, everyone's expressions couldn't help but change again.

Luzhou City is the capital of Nanlu Principality, and its importance is self-evident.

The reason why the Shenhui Army was allowed to come outside the city is because the Shenhui Army had already used the Nanlu Principality before. Although the matter in Xihai City has been resolved now, it is still necessary to use the power of the Shenhui Army to defend against other attacks. Several Grand Dukes asked the Shenhui Army to come here regarding the need to mobilize troops and horses.

But even so, this is still a very sensitive issue. At this time, the army of Nanlu Duke is stationed around the Shenhui Army as a precaution. Under such circumstances, how can it be possible for Dingjun Hou to lead the troops? Entering the city?

"Master Marquis, this is impossible..." Huang Jinnan said with an embarrassed look on his face: "If you don't consider anything else, Luzhou City alone cannot accommodate such a large number of people. If these troops of yours are allowed to If everyone enters the city, there is only one way..."

He did not continue speaking, but the meaning was already very clear. If so many Shenhui Lords were allowed to enter the city, it would be equivalent to handing over the defense of Luzhou City.

"What's the problem if there are more people? Is it possible that the city of Luzhou, where the dignified Grand Duke Nanlu is in charge, is still afraid of the remnant soldiers under my command?" Marquis Dingjun said with a smile.

Huang Jinnan said: "This matter is unreasonable, and there has never been such a precedent in Luzhou City."

"Since we can't reach an agreement, let's forget it! I won't enter Luzhou City and let Grand Duke Nanlu come out to see me!"

Marquis Dingjun snorted coldly, tossed his sleeves and left.

As prisoners, Lu Yu and others were naturally escorted back together.

Only a group of officials from the Nanlu Principality were left at the scene, looking at each other in shock.

"So, our plan is to lure Grand Duke Nanlu out and then kill him directly here, right?" Fu Jing asked in a low voice.

Lu Yu said: "Actually, it doesn't matter where he dies, but he must die in full view of the public. Only in this way can he achieve the effect of taking the lead, and in this way can the entire Nanlu Principality collapse instantly... This place is located in front of the two armies. It is indeed a very good place. choose."

Fu Jing said: "But will Grand Duke Nanlu really be fooled? He is a Grand Duke after all..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Although Grand Duke Nanlu has the airs of a grand duke, Xiaotian is not simple either. He can lay out the pedigree of his second generation ancestor. Let's see how he performs!"

Sure enough, Marquis Dingjun did not let the situation remain deadlocked. He quickly sent Du Rulong to take the Nanlu Duke official who had reprimanded him in person back to the Shenhui Army camp.

This move immediately caused an uproar, and the two sides almost drew swords at each other.

"Shen Huijun, what do you mean?"

"This is the boundary of our Nanlu Principality. Why do you deal with the people of our Nanlu Principality here?"

"This is really nonsense! Do you want to start a war?"

Du Rulong followed the instructions of Marquis Dingjun. He thought the matter was not big enough and would not care about it. He smiled coldly and said:

"This person just openly insulted our Marquis, you all saw it! Since Grand Duke Nanlu is unwilling to give an explanation to our Marquis, then we have no choice but to give ourselves an explanation!"

Next, no matter how hard and soft the Nanlu Principality side said, Du Rulong remained indifferent and his attitude was extremely tough.

When the matter has reached this point, Nanlu Duke has no choice but to completely fall out, otherwise it can only ask Nanlu Duke to personally come forward to resolve the matter.

Not long after, Luzhou City finally responded. Suddenly, the sky and the earth were filled with wind and clouds, and a thick billowing cloud gathered above Luzhou City.

It seemed that the entire Luzhou City changed colors in an instant.

Lu Yu immediately sensed it and said in astonishment: "Is this the power of the Grand Duke?"

A Grand Duke not only has a superficial status and title, every Grand Duke is an unparalleled strong man, and his every move has a profound impact on everything in the territory.

Fu Jing also turned to look in the direction of Luzhou City and said, "It seems that Grand Duke Nanlu is really angry this time... Are you really sure you can handle it?"

Lu Yu did not respond. He was still immersed in the shock caused by Grand Duke Nanlu's appearance.

Judging from the scene between heaven and earth at this time, the Grand Duke's strength is indeed far superior to that of the Dajindan monks. The entire land of Luzhou City is responding to his power... In other words, the Grand Duke of Nanlu is very able to directly influence The laws of heaven and earth in Luzhou are all within his domain.

In Lu Yu's original world, although Tiangang realm experts could also have a very large domain, the degree to which they were integrated with the laws of heaven and earth was different.

The Grand Duke of this world is more deeply integrated with the laws of heaven and earth, and his influence on heaven and earth is also greater.

At this moment, Lu Yu finally had the most intuitive understanding of the top powerhouses in the Guantian world. Judging from the signs in front of him, the Grand Duke was obviously a more powerful existence than the powerhouses in the Tiangang realm.

Of course, the Tiangang Realm is also divided into many levels. This does not mean that the strength of Nanlu Grand Duke has reached the point where he can crush all the old Tiangang Realm friends that Lu Yu knows.

But Grand Duke Nanlu is just an entry-level Grand Duke in this world. There are only seven Grand Dukes in the Darui Empire. Outside of the Darui Empire, there are many other more powerful ones. The number of kingdoms and grand dukes is countless...

This place is actually a world full of strong people. What Lu Yu has seen now is just the tip of the iceberg.


Lu Yu smiled and whispered to himself.

This discovery at this time did not make him discouraged, but made him more passionate.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Fu Jing asked with her head tilted.

"Oh, nothing..." Lu Yu came back to his senses, smiled at her, and responded to her previous question: "What do you mean by whether I am sure or not? Shouldn't we work together?"

Fu Jing rolled her eyes at him and said, "I would like to work together, but you have to tell me the direction... What exactly do you want me to do later?"

Lu Yu said, "You will only be responsible for one thing later, that is, to chop off the head of Grand Duke Nan Lu!"

Fu Jing was stunned.

At this time, the sky was full of lightning and the wind was blowing back. The powerful pressure had already moved to the vicinity of the Shenhui Army camp, causing countless soldiers of the Shenhui Lord to stand unsteadily and kneel down involuntarily.

This means that Grand Duke Nan Lu has arrived outside the camp.

Under the huge pressure, Lu Yu's face was slightly distorted, but he still withstood the huge pressure, turned his head and smiled at Fu Jing: "Miss, are you ready? After today, maybe you will be famous all over the world!"

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