Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1648 Spell Transfer

"Where is Marquis Dingjun? Didn't you say you wanted to see me?"

Grand Duke Nanlu stood in front of the gate of the camp, with his hands behind his back.

He was determined to establish his power, so he pushed his pressure to the extreme, and the surrounding Shenhui Army soldiers were unable to move even an inch.

"Duke Nanlu is really good at it..."

Ding Junhou gritted his teeth and walked forward with difficulty. He walked out of the camp one step at a time: "Is this an insult to me?"

Grand Duke Nanlu said: "If you want to show off your power, it's you who gave us the power first. I just retaliate... Stop talking nonsense and let my people go first!"

Marquis Dingjun grinned: "I can let him go, but there is another thing that we need to talk about first..."

"What's up?"

Marquis Dingjun didn't answer and turned to look aside. He saw Lu Yu and Fu Jing stomping towards this side.

Grand Duke Nanlu couldn't help but frown slightly. Naturally, he didn't know Lu Yu and Fu Jing, but the calm posture of the two of them moving freely was particularly eye-catching in a difficult environment.

Soon, he noticed the Galaxy Sword in Fu Jing's hand.

It was the existence of this sword that caused a flaw in his domain, as if a hole was poked in the dark curtain, and a bright ray of sunlight shone in, making it particularly eye-catching.

This was something completely beyond his control.

"The Miracle Sword?" Grand Duke Nanlu asked in surprise.

Now that the sword is recognized, the identity of the person holding the sword is already clear.

"So, did you choose to cooperate with Xihai City? They are not prisoners at all?"

Marquis Dingjun smiled and said: "About the miracle in Fenghe Province, the truth is far beyond our expectations, so I decided to cooperate directly with Xihai City. This is the most correct choice...

"Originally, your Nanlu Principality also had such an opportunity, but unfortunately, you made the wrong choice in the end. Now it is our Shenhui Army's turn to fight back against you. I have to say, this is really retribution. !”

"Unhappy retribution?" Grand Duke Nanlu couldn't help laughing, "Can you tell the difference between right and wrong? Are you really sure that you made the right choice?"

While they were talking, Lu Yu and Fu Jing had already walked up to the two of them. The Galaxy Sword burst out with bright light, and strong winds rolled up around it. The ground roared and shook faintly. This was the powerful power contained in the sword that could compete with Grand Duke Nanlu. result.

Ding Junhou couldn't help but glance at Xinghe Sword and said with a smile: "I'm sure this is an extremely correct choice, but no matter what I do, you must have only one choice left - submit to me. , this is your only way out!"

Grand Duke Nanlu's attention could not help but be attracted by the changes in the Xinghe Sword, and his eyes showed a bit of solemnity.

When he heard Dingjun Hou's words, he couldn't help but be startled, and then suddenly burst into laughter: "Dingjun Hou, do you know what you are talking about? Even if the Duke of Heng Yue came to visit, he would not dare to say such a thing to me. !”

"You want me to submit to him? What? Could it be that your Tian family finally couldn't help but rebel openly?"

"Your Majesty has always wanted to get the handle on your Tian family. Unfortunately, Grand Duke Heng is doing things right and has never had the opportunity. It would be a good thing for you to take the initiative and give the handle to the King!"

"In vain, I always thought you, Marquis Dingjun, were a smart man, but I didn't expect you to be so unwise. Now you have single-handedly dragged the entire Hengyue Principality into trouble!"

Grand Duke Nanlu laughed crazily.

Marquis Dingjun said coldly: "I think you are mistaken about one thing. What I said was not that you should submit to the Hengyue Principality, but that you should submit to me!"

As he spoke, he raised his spear and rushed straight towards Grand Duke Nanlu.

With the appearance of the Galaxy Sword, most of the pressure on the scene has been shared. Therefore, he is now able to move freely and extremely quickly.

The spear in his hand flashed with light and burst into a burst of silver.

The secret of Yinhua!

This was originally the unique skill of Grand Duke Heng. Fu Tianlin had the opportunity to understand it because of his outstanding military achievements. As the second son of Grand Duke Heng, Dingjunhou naturally also mastered this secret skill early on.

Grand Duke Nanlu shook his sleeves and snorted coldly: "You don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Although Yinhua Proud Yi's offensive was extremely sharp, such an offensive was obviously not enough for Grand Duke Nanlu. His more attention was attracted by the Galaxy Sword in Fu Jing's hand.

However, it was this seemingly insignificant offensive that caused him to fall completely into the bottomless abyss.

Just as he expected, the Yinhua offensive launched by Ding Junhou was completely defeated by him in one stroke.

But the offensive did not stop immediately. Countless rays of light continued to emerge from Dingjunhou's body, and then quickly disappeared into Nanlu Grand Duke's body.

If you distinguish carefully, you can see that these rays of light are actually strange characters. They are spliced ​​together and connected end to end to form the shape of rings, and the rings are endless.

Grand Duke Nan Lu was shocked and quickly tried to stop them, but he found that all his methods had no effect on these characters. The defense power of the huge area covering the entire Luzhou City was useless in front of these characters.

Soon, Grand Duke Nanlu stood motionless. At this time, there were only rings in his eyes, endless and repeated.

This was the transfer of the spell. The infinite circle spell was transferred from Marquis Dingjun to Grand Duke Nanlu, leaving him no longer able to resist.

Just at this moment, Xinghe Sword struck over.

Facing an opponent like Grand Duke Nanlu, Fu Jing did not dare to be careless at all. At this time, she remembered Lu Yu's instructions, aimed at the opponent's neck, and chopped off the opponent's head with one sword.

The divine light suddenly fell, and blood spurted out.

Grand Duke Nanlu's head was rolling on the ground...

If other weapons were used, it would be impossible to cause substantial harm to Grand Duke Nanlu within his domain, but the power of the Galaxy Sword is beyond this world and cannot be bound by the laws of this world. of.

Although there were only three people present, Lu Yu, Fu Jing, and Ding Junhou, there were actually countless pairs of eyes watching everything here closely.

At this time, when they saw Grand Duke Nanlu's head being chopped off with a sword, everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing and kept rubbing their eyes.

However, no matter how hard they rubbed it, they still saw the same result.

This moment is an extremely terrifying moment.

Marquis Dingjun dragged his bloody body up from the ground, raised his arms and shouted: "Generals, listen to the order! Grand Duke Nanlu is dead, occupy Luzhou City immediately! Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!"

In an instant, the Shenhui Army poured out from the camp like a torrent of steel.

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