Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1650 Unkind Invitation

Fu Jing couldn't figure out why Lu Yu had such a strange habit and why he slept on the pile of materials for three days and three nights...

Normally speaking, shouldn't men want to be accompanied by beautiful women and have fun every night?

In the end, she could only attribute Lu Yu to a weirdo...

Hearing the news that everyone was going back to Xihai City, Ding Junhou was very surprised and tried his best to keep them, saying: "Brother Feng, Lord Fu, are you leaving now? I originally wanted to ask you to go to Hengzhou with me..."

He also couldn't stay in Luzhou any longer. After causing such a big incident, if he didn't want to turn against his father and son, he had to explain the situation to Duke Hengyue. Moreover, only with the support of Duke Hengyue could he withstand the huge pressure from the entire Darui Empire.

"We won't go to Hengzhou. In order to deal with the troubles that come, we must prepare early." Lu Yu said, "Even if we go to Hengzhou, we can't help much. Instead, staying in Xihai City can provide you with more help..." "But if Brother Feng and you don't go, I'm not sure I can convince my father..." Ding Junhou smiled bitterly, "It is very likely that he will chop me directly and then take my head to the imperial capital to apologize!" Lu Yu smiled: "Don't worry, he doesn't dare." Everyone was stunned and looked at him in surprise. With Ding Junhou's strength, status and identity, there is nothing in this world that he dares not do... Lu Yu smiled and said, "We just chopped off the head of Duke Nan Lu. He has to think about how much harder his head can be than Duke Nan Lu... This is exactly why we can't go to Hengzhou with you. This is called strategic deterrence, understand?" "In addition, do you think that if he takes your head to the imperial capital to apologize, Emperor Da Rui will let him go? Even if Emperor Wei believes that all this is your own initiative and has nothing to do with your father, Emperor Da Rui will still chop it off. Your father's head..."

"Because only in this way can he give an explanation to others, otherwise the remaining grand dukes will play this game every day, so how can he still be the emperor of Wei?"

"If your father is really that stupid, then he is not worthy of being the Duke of Hengyue..."

"So, just relax! Although he will suffer a little, he will not do anything to you after all. We will wait for you to come to negotiate as a representative in Xihai City!"

After speaking, Lu Yu patted Ding Junhou on the shoulder, got on the carriage, and embarked on the return journey back to Xihai City.

Ding Junhou stood there for a long time, until Lu Yu's carriage disappeared at the end of his sight, he still did not move.

"Marquis, do you really believe what he said?" Du Rulong stood behind Ding Junhou and asked softly.

In the entire Shenhui Army, he was the only one who knew the whole story, so he has now become Ding Junhou's number one confidant.

"Whether we believe it or not, do we have any other options now?" said Ding Junhou, "Old Du, go and prepare, let's return to Hengzhou as soon as possible!"

Du Rulong sighed silently and was about to turn around and leave.

Ding Junhou added: "Oh, by the way, don't forget to take the head of Duke Nan Lu with you!"

Du Rulong was stunned: "What's the point of taking the head?"

Ding Junhou smiled coldly: "Whether Brother Feng's inference is right or not, he is right about one thing. At this time, we have the ability to kill the Duke. Father should really think about it... I hope that the head of Duke Nan Lu can help him face the reality as soon as possible!"


Although Lu Yu said that he would sleep on the pile of medicinal materials for three days and three nights after returning to Xihai City, in fact, he slept all the way back, and occasionally woke up listless.

He was really tired this time.

In the process of killing Duke Nan Lu, Ding Junhou and Fu Jing were just a cover on the surface. In fact, he was the real main force.

The transfer of spells and the secrets of the stars were driven at the same time, and the consumption of the two-pronged approach was far greater than he expected.

Fortunately, everything was safe, and after this battle, he had a more intuitive understanding of the power of the Grand Duke.

In fact, the Grand Duke is very similar to the Tiangang Realm powerhouse, except that the Tiangang Realm powerhouse uses the power of the Tiangang, while the Grand Duke draws a more complex power.

It can be said that the Grand Duke is the Tiangang Realm of this world.

The reason for such a difference between the two is due to the different laws between the two great worlds.

In this world, there is no pure Tiangang power like the world where Lu Yu originally lived.

In other words, this is actually a world where heaven and earth are not separated, and there is no clear boundary between Tiangang and Disha.

Therefore, the practitioners in this world cannot call Tiangang or Disha on a large scale, so they can only retreat to the next best thing and draw the mixed power of Tiangang and Disha.

This method allows the practitioners to be more closely combined with Tiangang and Disha, and even merge into one, which has never happened in Lu Yu's original world.

Because of this, there was another cultivation realm before the Grand Duke - the Great Golden Pill cultivator. In fact, the cultivation state of the Great Golden Pill cultivator was preparing to absorb the mixed power of the Tiangang underground.

"The reason why there is no such situation in the original world is because the laws there do not allow it... But in this Guantian world, these are not a problem!"

Lu Yu analyzed calmly.

"However, directly touching the power of Tiangang or Disha is still a very dangerous move. It is unimaginable that Grand Duke Nanlu can combine with Tiangang and Disha to the extent that Grand Duke Nanlu did... How did all this happen?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but have a new question.

He knew that for the top masters in this world, Grand Duke Nanlu was just a small role. There were many more powerful Grand Dukes above him. Even if there was a new realm of cultivation above the Grand Duke, Lu Yu would find it a little strange...

This means that a Grand Duke-level master must have mastered some kind of cultivation method that can combine a large amount of Tiangang and Disha into one.

But what kind of method is this?

Lu Yu was puzzled.

In the end, he had to give up thinking independently.

Since he couldn't figure it out, he could find someone to help him... After this series of battles, Fu Jing's cultivation had greatly improved, and she was almost on the verge of being promoted to a great golden elixir cultivator. If he could see her promotion to a great golden elixir cultivator up close, and see with his own eyes how the power of the heavenly and earthly evil spirits combined with the golden elixir law, then he would be able to uncover the mystery.

So, when the carriage was about to arrive at Xihai City, Lu Yu suddenly made this unwelcome request to Fu Jing:

"Miss, can we practice together?"

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