Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1651 Tiangang Texture

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Lu Yu's request.

She didn't say anything and got directly into Lu Yu's carriage. In order to facilitate Lu Yu's rest, he was riding alone in his carriage, and the carriage was very spacious and comfortable.

Fu Jing directly pulled Lu Yu into the carriage and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with you? Didn't you say you're just tired and you'll be fine after a rest? Why is your face getting worse and worse?"

Lu Yu was stunned: "Is there any?"

"How not?"

Fu Jing said, took out a small mirror from her body and stuffed it into Lu Yu's hand.

Although the world lacks storage space like Xiang Qiankun's, and it is extremely inconvenient to carry items, it is a woman's nature to love beauty, so Fu Jing still carries a small mirror with her to organize her image.

"See for yourself! Your face looks like a ghost now..."

Lu Yu picked up the mirror and took a look. Sure enough, he looked haggard and pale in the mirror, looking like he was seriously ill.

"Tell me honestly, what's wrong with you? Can't you cure it with all the methods you learned in the mountains?" Fu Jing said with a worried look.

Lu Yu knew what he was doing. In fact, he had already recovered from his drowsiness and the weakness caused by excessive consumption. The main reason why he was like this was because he had been studying how to combine Tiangang and Earth Evil.

His research was not just about thinking, he also practiced it while thinking, so it was naturally inevitable that he would come into direct contact with the power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil. It was precisely because of this process of direct contact that he became what he is now. appearance.

These are just minor problems, and they will recover naturally as long as you rest for a while.

But seeing Fu Jing's caring expression at this moment, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

"Yes, there are some problems with my practice, and my inner breath cannot be stabilized..." Lu Yu took advantage of the situation and said, "So, Miss, can you let me observe your practice process, which can be used as a reference... "

Fu Jing was stunned: "You want to see how I practice?"

Lu Yu blinked his eyes and said with an innocent and sincere expression, "Is it okay?"

"Will this work?"

"Of course, haven't you heard a saying? You can judge gains and losses by looking at people as a mirror. Miss's cultivation process will be my best reference!"

"Oh well……"

Fu Jing finally agreed.

Anyway, when she returned to Xihai City from Fenghe Prefecture, Lu Yu carried her all the way. The two of them had already been very close to each other. At this time, practicing together in the same carriage was nothing.

"Miss, how far are you from the Great Golden Pill cultivator?" Lu Yu asked again.

"I don't know, but it should be soon... Why do you ask?"

"If possible, I hope to see you, young lady, break through the process of breaking through to become a Dajindan monk. I think this will be of great help to me!" Lu Yu said with a look of longing.

"I try my best……"

Then, Fu Jing started to practice, while Lu Yu sat aside and observed quietly.

Fu Jing was a little uncomfortable at first, but gradually she felt at ease and entered a state of selflessness.

Lu Yu also entered a state of selflessness, but he did not forget himself in practice, but in observation, immersed in the mystery of the operation of laws and could not extricate himself.

The carriage was bumpy from time to time, but inside the carriage, it was an extremely quiet world.

I don't know how long time passed, but suddenly Fu Jing's golden elixir suddenly shook, and a powerful force burst out. The surrounding world also reacted immediately, with a burst of thunder and lightning, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

The golden elixir in Fu's crystal suddenly surged, and two brand-new powers were combined with it, one black and one white, one clear and one turbid, which was the power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil.

With the integration of these two forces, the golden elixir in my father's body became more round and smooth, and more indestructible.

She was finally successfully promoted to become a Great Golden Elixir monk.

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel shocked.

Suddenly, he felt a blissful feeling in his soul.

At this moment, he finally understood the mystery of the combination of Tiangang and Disha.

The answer is containment and superposition.

It is indeed difficult for Tiangang and Earth to blend with each other, even in this world where heaven and earth are not separated. If you want to integrate these two forces on a large scale, there is only one way, and that is to let them restrain each other.

Taking Lu Yu as an example, if he was allowed to directly touch a powerful force of Tiangang, he would naturally not be able to do it, but what if it was just a trace or a wisp? He could probably bear it through gritted teeth.

On the basis of withstanding this trace of Tiangang's power, he introduced the same trace of Earthly Evil's power to temporarily eliminate the pressure brought by the Tiangang's power. Then, between these two "wisps" On the basis of introducing two new "Xisi", we can achieve the result of the continuous accumulation of the power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil.

The principle is this, but the actual operation is extremely complicated, which is far beyond words that can be described clearly.

At this time, the power of Tiangang and Earthly Evil in Fu's crystal appeared in Lu Yu's eyes, and there were textures one after another. These textures were patchwork, very complex, but full of an indescribable beauty.

What connects these textures together is the law of golden elixir.

"I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh secretly.

He was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

Fu Jing was originally happy, but after seeing Lu Yu's reaction, she couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong? Did you succeed? Is it useful?"

Lu Yu nodded vigorously and said seriously: "It's definitely useful!"

Fu Jing smiled again: "That's good! Let's go and see how much my strength has improved!"

She was also too excited. In a moment of urgency, she dragged Lu Yu's hand and opened the door directly.

However, after walking out of the door, she was stunned.

It turned out that the outside of the carriage was not the road she remembered at all, but a very familiar scene-the City Lord's Mansion.

It turned out that the carriage had already arrived at the destination, but the two were too selfless in their practice in the carriage and did not notice this. When everyone saw that the two had not come out for a long time, they did not dare to disturb them rashly.

Moreover, right above the carriage, the Xinghe Sword was glittering and suspended in the air, as if on alert. Who would dare to come up and test its sharpness?

So the two continued to practice without knowing it under the onlookers, until Fu Jing successfully completed the promotion and finally came out.

For a moment, Fu Jing was at a loss. After Lu Yu carefully reminded her, she reacted and shook off Lu Yu's hand like an electric shock.

The people around turned a blind eye to such a small episode. As early as the moment Fu Jing appeared, everyone had already knelt down in unison, and their eyes were like looking up at the gods.

They had already received the news that three days ago outside Luzhou City, Duke Nan Lu was killed by Fu Jing with a sword and his head fell to the ground.

Everyone couldn't help but shout, and the sound was loud and vibrated the entire Xihai City.

"Meet the city lord!"

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