Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1652 Royal Bloodline

Fu Jing was elected as the Lord of Xihai City. If there was some reluctance before, no one would question this matter at this time.

In the minds of many people, the Grand Duke is already the supreme being. Unexpectedly, the Supreme Grand Duke cannot even withstand Fu Jing's sword now.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Fu Jing is a god in the minds of everyone at this time, a supreme god.

Originally, everyone was still panicking about the arrival of Duke Heng's offensive, and even issued a wartime mobilization order for this, but they did not expect that it would be resolved in this way.

At this time, Xihai City has reached an unprecedented state of unity and high morale.

However, while everyone felt that the situation was great and their morale was high, only one person appeared worried.

This is Mrs. Ru, Fu Jing’s mother...

"What's going on between you and Afeng?"

Liu Ru was in the middle, and Mrs. Ru looked at the daughter in front of her with stern eyes.

"What's going on?"

Fu Jing couldn't help but feel a little panic, even though he himself felt that there was no reason for this panic.

"Are you still pretending to be stupid? Everyone has seen that you two came back in the same carriage, and after returning to the City Lord's Mansion, you stayed in the carriage together for so long?"

Fu Jing said bitterly: "How many times have I told you that we were practicing at that time, and didn't everyone see it at that time? It was at that time that I broke through and became a Great Golden Pill monk..."

"It's understandable that you are breaking through the realm, but why was A Feng inside at that time?" Mrs. Ru's eyes were sharp and she asked relentlessly.

"He was also practicing at the time. He encountered some problems, so he needed to learn from my practice process... Oh, in short, he and I are completely innocent. You can think whatever you want!" Fu Jing said angrily.

Seeing that her daughter was about to go crazy, Mrs. Ru did not continue to pester her, and instead said: "No matter what, in short, you should arrange the matter I mentioned to you before as soon as possible!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned: "What happened..."

Mrs. Ru glared at her daughter with dissatisfaction: "What else could it be? It's naturally a matter of marrying Afeng!"

"You mean to betroth cousin Qiutang to Afeng and let them combine elixirs together?" Fu Jing said, "But I have already asked Afeng, and he doesn't seem to be happy, so let's forget it for now. …”

"If he doesn't like it, just let him go?" Mrs. Ru's eyes widened, "Do you know how popular he is now? In the past few days, the elders who have unmarried women at home have almost leveled the threshold here. , Fortunately, they don’t know that this guy is hiding in the medicinal material warehouse, otherwise they would definitely tie up the female family members and give them to him!”

Fu Jing looked at her mother and said calmly: "Then what do you think we should do?"

This question stopped Mrs. Ru for a while. She was silent for a while, and then sighed leisurely: "Okay, then let everything take its course! As long as there is no personal relationship between you and him!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but look surprised. She wanted to ask the reason, but in the end she was too embarrassed to ask and looked like she was hesitant to speak.

"Didn't you always want to ask what secrets were hidden in my mother's body? Now that you have not only defeated Duke Heng Yue, but also been promoted to a Great Golden Elixir monk, it's time to tell you part of it..." Mrs. Ru Said again.

Fu Jing suddenly became energetic. In fact, she had wanted to ask this question for a long time, but her mother took the lead.

"Do you know the Central Dynasty?" Mrs. Ru asked.

Fu Jing couldn't help but be startled: "Central Dynasty?"

There are many kingdoms in this world. In addition to the Da Rui Empire, there are also many empires such as the Da De Empire, the Da Xun Empire, and the Da Xie Empire. Each empire is a powerful dynasty.

But the only one that can be called the Central Dynasty is the disintegrated Guanlan Empire.

All existing countries were established on the basis of the split of the Guanlan Empire.

But I don’t know how many years ago this happened, and I don’t know why Mrs. Ru suddenly mentioned this.

"I am a descendant of the royal family of the Central Dynasty." Mrs. Ru said slowly, "So, the same goes for you... In addition, in fact, you are not a bloodline of the Fu family. Fu Borong is not your biological father, and even your adoptive father is not Not really, just a caretaker at best.”

Fu Jing looked at her mother in surprise. These few words had completely overturned her previous life.

"Care? Why is he looking after us? Who is he looking after?" Fu Jing asked: "Also, since he is not my biological father, then who is my biological father?"

"You don't need to know these questions now." Mrs. Ru kept her secret. "You only need to know that as the royal descendants of the Central Dynasty, we possess powerful blood power, but this blood power is extremely hidden. Deep, it is not easy to activate it. You must use a unique product of Xihai City - Linghui grass. "

"This is the reason why I have stayed here for so many years. Fu Borong also used this thing to control me... Now that you have finally become the Lord of Xihai City, you have temporarily eliminated the foreign enemies. It is also time for you to start activating your body." The power of blood!"

"I will teach you a set of exercises. Using this set of exercises together with Ling Hui Cao can gradually awaken the power of blood in us. Please listen carefully!"

Then, Mrs. Ru began to teach the oral formula skills.

Fu Jing originally had thousands of words in her heart, but now she had to suppress them temporarily and write down the formulas of the exercises first.

A moment later, after the transfer of power was completed, Mrs. Ru said again: "As descendants of the royal family, we shoulder the mission of reviving the dynasty. You need to strengthen your strength as soon as possible. In addition, there is another thing. You must also pay special attention to it." Notice!"

Fu Jing asked blankly: "What's going on?"

Mrs. Ru looked at her deeply, leaned close to his ear, and whispered: "Keep your virginity!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned again.

"Anyway, just remember what I say. My mother will not harm you. You don't need to delve into the reasons. Just obey me..."

Mrs. Ru said earnestly.

"Even if you really like that Feng, you must abide by the bottom line, otherwise there will be divine punishment. In this way, you will not only harm yourself, but also harm him..."

After saying this, she did not explain any more. No matter how much Fu Jing asked, she never said a word.

"Is it divine punishment..." Fu Jing muttered to himself.

Although she had never thought about committing herself to anyone, knowing that she had such constraints still made her feel suffocated and the air was full of depression.

She lowered her head and looked at the Galaxy Sword in her hand.

"Who arranged my destiny for me? I don't know if this sword can cut it through..."

Thinking of this, her heart was suddenly filled with high fighting spirit.

Next, she used the authority of the city lord to bring in Ling Hui Cao and started practicing according to the exercises and instructions taught by her mother.

Driven by her fighting spirit, she made rapid progress and her cultivation progressed by leaps and bounds.

On the other side, Lu Yu was busy refining a batch of new elixirs to cope with the possible war that would follow.

Just as the two of them were busy, a new crisis came again.

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