Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1653 The war cloud rises again

Xihai City is once again covered with war clouds.

Soldiers and horses from the three principalities, Ouyang, Jialan, and Yuchi, gathered at the border of Xihai City, and the three principalities also arrived at the scene at the same time.

Faced with such a situation, Fu Jing could only suspend his training and deal with the situation at hand.

After beheading Grand Duke Nanlu, everyone had already known that they would suffer revenge from the Da Rui Empire. They had already imagined a similar situation, but they never expected that the other party's revenge would come so violently.

It was just a small Xihai City, but it actually sent out three principalities, and all three principalities were in charge at the same time.

Faced with this situation, the Presbyterian Council once again had a quarrel, and Fu Jing had no idea for a while.

As for Lu Yu, who was the initiator of all this, he did not attend the meeting at all, but hid in the Shenru Bao and continued to refine elixirs.

So there was no other way. After the meeting, Fu Jing had no choice but to go to the Divine Furnace Castle in person to ask Lu Yu's opinion on the matter in person.

Also accompanying her was Mrs. Ru. Perhaps because of previous experiences and lessons, she was worried that her daughter would be instigated by Lu Yu again and play the trick of going deep alone, so he also came with her.

At this time, the Shenfuro Castle has changed drastically again. The interior of the fort is like a huge market, filled with various medicinal materials in a certain order. However, there is no one in the market, and the atmosphere is particularly strange.

"What on earth is this guy trying to protect?" Mrs. Ru couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

Fu Jing shook his head with a confused expression, saying that he didn't know either.

Soon, the mother and daughter came to the sacred furnace. Here they finally saw Lu Yu, who was sweating profusely. It seemed that Lu Yu was very busy, constantly operating the alchemy furnace in front of him, and he didn't even have time to talk to the mother and daughter. .

"A Feng..." Fu Jing shouted.

"Oh... Miss, Madam, you are here! Wait for me first, I'll be fine soon!" Lu Yu finished speaking without looking back, and then continued to operate the alchemy furnace in front of him, using various strange techniques in an endless stream. Obsession, the mother and daughter were dazzled.

Mother and daughter couldn't help but look at each other for a while.

Madam Ru asked in a low voice: "All his alchemy techniques are derived from your miraculous sword?"

Fu Jing shook his head: "I don't know either, I don't know how to do it myself..."

"Then why is he so skilled?"

"A Feng used to be an alchemist. I think he may come from a certain alchemy family, but it's not necessarily true. He specializes in alchemy. It's normal for him to understand the method of alchemy faster than me!" Fu Jing explained.

Mrs. Ru said nothing more and silently watched Lu Yu refining alchemy, but the more she watched, the more frightened she became. Whether it was her past experience as a royal family or her many years of sitting in Xihai City, she had never seen this before. Who can achieve such a momentum in alchemy.

"Alchemy God..."

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but think of what Mrs. Xu had said about Lu Yu before she died. At this moment, standing next to Lu Yu and the alchemy furnace, she actually had the illusion of being next to a god.

Finally, a dragon-shaped energy spurted out from the alchemy furnace.

Fu Jing and Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be shocked. They had never even thought about such a scene. They didn't expect that they could practice alchemy like this?

However, just when the dragon was about to take shape, there was a sudden loud bang, and the alchemy furnace shattered. The originally majestic dragon form also disappeared and completely collapsed...

The scene was filled with dust and smoke.

When the dust gradually settled, Lu Yu sighed: "Oh, it still doesn't work..."

"Did you fail?" Mrs. Ru asked while patting the dust on her body.

"The quality of the alchemy furnace is too poor and cannot withstand the fusion and intersection of the alchemy... So, yes, it failed..." Lu Yu couldn't help but show a regretful expression.

The potion of elixir just now was originally for practicing the Shenglong Baoyuan Dan, which used extremely high-end materials. He not only regretted his hard work, but also the waste of materials.

Neither mother nor daughter knew what to say.

Although they didn't know what kind of elixir Lu Yu was refining, they could tell from the momentum just now that this pot of elixir must be extraordinary. If it could be successfully refined, it would have earth-shattering power, but they didn't expect it after all. Falling short of success.

"It doesn't matter, just keep working hard next time! I have already sent a letter to the Shenhui Army, asking them to move Grand Duke Nanlu's alchemy furnace to me. It should arrive in a few days!"

Unexpectedly, he comforted himself. As he spoke, he turned to look at the mother and daughter. This was the first time he finally looked at the mother and daughter.

"Miss, your cultivation has improved again...and madam, you too!" Lu Yu said with a surprised look on his face.

He could tell at a glance that Fu Jing had awakened the blood power in his body.

The same goes for Mrs. Ru. Apparently she had been deliberately suppressing her own power before. Now that she no longer suppressed her power, she has been successfully promoted to a Great Golden Pill monk, and her cultivation level is even higher than that of Fu Jing. .

"It seems that our Xihai City will be giving birth to two grand dukes in the near future!" Lu Yu burst out laughing, "If that's the case, then what's there to worry about? No matter what kind of trouble we are not afraid of!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but look at him strangely: "Do you know why we are here?"

Lu Yu said: "I don't know what the specific thing is, but it's just a few things that allowed the young lady and the madam to come here at the same time... Tell me, who called here?"

The mother and daughter looked at each other, secretly stunned. This Afeng was really smart.

"The Ouyang, Jialan, and Yuchi families are all here, and the three grand dukes are also sitting with the army!" Fu Jing said.

"Three families?" Lu Yu couldn't help but look surprised, "Is there any reaction from Grand Duke Heng?"

"No news received yet!"

Lu Yu showed a thoughtful look and said: "It seems that Emperor Darui wants to use us to scare the monkeys... He doesn't dare to deal with Grand Duke Heng directly, so he picks the weak ones first, so he might as well do the surgery on us first!"

Mrs. Ru said: "So, you should know how serious the situation is now! The other party will not give us a chance to breathe at all. It is simply impossible for you to wait for us to achieve the level of Grand Duke before dealing with them!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but fell silent. The problem was indeed more difficult than imagined.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Fu Jing asked, "Do you want to ask Tian Youliang for help?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "Forget it, I guess Xiaotian is too busy now! There is no response from Hengzhou so far, which means that Grand Duke Heng also wants to take the opportunity to see what we have, so let's let them do it. Look! We’re on our own this time!”

Seeing his appearance, it was obvious that he already had a plan in mind. Mrs. Ru couldn't help but said in surprise: "Rely on yourself? How? Do you still want to repeat the same trick? Go deep alone again?"

It's obviously not feasible to go deep alone again. First of all, there are already three Grand Dukes on the opposite side this time, and after what happened to Grand Duke Nan Lu, they will definitely be wary.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "How can you keep playing the same tricks... I have long said that the materials in Xihai City have huge potential. As long as they are refined into elixirs, they will form huge combat effectiveness... …”

"Madam, you don't think that I just blew up the alchemy furnace after staying here for so many days, right? This time we will face them openly and openly!"

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