Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1654 Confrontation between the two armies

Godforge Castle.

An internal guard was called into the Divine Furnace Castle. Lu Yu took out a pill and handed it to him and asked him to take it.

The inner guard looked confused, but out of his trust in Lu Yu, he still took the pill.

Then, a magical scene happened. The golden elixir in the inner guard's body expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and combined with the power of Tiangang Earth Evil, he was promoted to a great golden elixir monk in the blink of an eye.

The guard's face was full of surprise, but before he could check the changes in his body, Lu Yu suddenly reached out and pointed at a big tree in front of him: "Try punching me!"

The insider punched out as instructed, and his energy suddenly surged wildly, shocking the world, and a towering tree was instantly shattered to pieces.

This is the real power of golden elixir modification.

The inner guard couldn't help but have a look of astonishment on his face, unable to believe that this was a punch he had thrown.

At this time, Lu Yu patted his shoulder again and said, "Hurry up and experience it. This effect won't last long!"

After saying that, he turned to look at the mother and daughter next to him who also had dull faces, and said with a smile: "How is it? Can this effect be comparable to that of the three grand dukes?"

Mrs. Ru raised an elixir in her hand. This elixir was exactly the same as the one under the previous talisman. He put it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully, with an incredible look in his eyes: "This is really, this is What is the effect achieved by this pill?”

"That can still be false. Didn't you see it with your own eyes just now?" Lu Yu said, spreading his hands.

Madam Ru took a deep breath, barely suppressed the shock in her heart, and asked: "How many pills like this are there in total?"

"Not many, just a thousand or so in total..." Lu Yu replied.

"A thousand or so!" Mrs. Ru couldn't help but widen her eyes again, "Xiao Feng, are you kidding? A thousand or so, that means more than a thousand Great Golden Pill monks!"

"How could I make such a joke..." Lu Yu said, "The most important thing is that there are not enough materials, otherwise I would not be able to try to practice other elixirs, and the elixir furnace would be blown up..."

The mother and daughter were immediately speechless. From what he meant, it was obvious that he could refine more elixirs if he had enough materials.

This kind of output is really terrifying. In the past, the Divine Furnace Castle had to squeeze out toothpaste every year to produce a little bit of elixir, but the effect and quality were far inferior to what Lu Yu refined...

Now, Mrs. Ru is convinced that this guy is indeed the Alchemy God... or at least the reincarnation of the Alchemy God!

In a daze, she involuntarily came closer to Lu Yu and reached out to touch Lu Yu's face.

Lu Yu couldn't help being startled, and quickly retreated: "Madam, what are you trying to do! Please respect yourself!"

Mrs. Ru was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses, and said with an awkward smile: "I just want to see if you are a real person, or if you are pretending to be a big shot..."

After saying that, he turned to Fu Jing and laughed at himself: "Originally, I thought that our cultivation has made rapid progress in the past few days, but now I suddenly feel that everything is in vain..."

Fu Jing was also speechless for a while. After practicing so hard, he could not achieve the improvement effect of a pill, especially since this pill could be refined in large quantities. This was indeed very discouraging.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "How can this be the same? What you cultivate is your own. The improvement of the elixir is only temporary and can only last for a moment. It will not last long after all..."

"Besides, if it weren't for your hard work, Miss, I wouldn't be able to refine this kind of elixir..."

"Me?" Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned: "What does this have to do with me?"

Lu Yu said: "Of course it does matter. It is precisely because I witnessed your promotion to the Great Golden Pill Monk, Miss, that I mastered the secret of refining this kind of pill. Otherwise, I wouldn't even have a Golden Pill myself." How can you learn by yourself without a teacher?”

Fu Jing was stunned and speechless.

Anyway, this is still too surprising after all.

After a moment of silence, Fu Jingcai said: "The force composed of thousands of Dajindan monks, even if it is only temporary, this force cannot be underestimated. I think even if several Grand Dukes of the Da Rui Empire join forces, it will not be able to defeat them at all. It’s impossible to resist such a force! Mother, I think we can follow the method mentioned by A Feng and directly confront the three princes!”

Mrs. Ru said: "If all these pills have this effect, a frontal attack will not be a problem, but the problem is that the other party still has these three grand dukes sitting in charge..."

Fu Jing's eyes suddenly burst into sharpness: "The three Grand Dukes will naturally be left to me to deal with. I just want to test how the cultivation has progressed during this period!"

Lu Yu clasped his hands on his chest and said nothing, thinking silently in his heart: After awakening the power of blood, Fu Jing should be able to become a better mediator between himself and the Xinghe Sword, right? I think I won't make myself as tired as before...

The three of them did what they said, and immediately returned to Xihai City, counted their troops, and rushed towards the main army of the three Grand Dukes.

Since they ultimately relied on the power of the elixir, it didn't matter whether the training was excellent or not, and they directly dispatched the Miracle Army that had just been established.

Originally, there should be huge doubts about such an order, but at this time, Fu Jing had an unparalleled reputation in Xihai City. As long as it was an order she issued, no one would question it at all.

Therefore, the newly formed army, under the pressure of three people, rushed towards the enemy camp that was waiting for the battle. The first to bear the brunt was the side of Grand Duke Ouyang.

The vanguard of the Ouyang Principality, led by the Ouyang representative who was thrown out of the City Lord's Mansion by Lu Yu before, was Ouyang Chun. Although he was not a direct relative of Grand Duke Ouyang, he was also Grand Duke Ouyang's family.

The last encounter in Xihai City was regarded by him as a great shame, so this time he attacked Xihai City with all his strength, the purpose was to avenge the previous shame and make Xihai City pay a painful price, especially the arrogant Afeng, who must be made to kneel in front of him to admit his mistakes!

At this time, seeing that there were troops marching out of the city in the direction of Xihai City, he was shocked at first, but he immediately reacted and asked his subordinates: "Which unit is this coming out?"

"It seems to be the Miracle Army..." The subordinates replied.

"Miracle Army?" Ouyang Chuan couldn't help but look confused: "Which army is it? Does Xihai City have such a number?"

"Well, this is a number that was just established not long ago."

"In other words, this is a group of new recruits?" Ouyang Chun was very surprised: "What is Xihai City doing? They actually sent a bunch of new recruits to take the initiative to attack? Even if those two women are ignorant, the elders of Xihai City didn't persuade them? Don't they all want to live?"

The subordinates were speechless. Xihai City's behavior was indeed very strange.

"Forget it, no matter what they think, since they took the initiative to give us a chance, we can't let it go!"

Ouyang Chun grinned.

"Brothers! Get ready, our chance to make a contribution is here!"

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