Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1655 Just Teach Me

Ouyang Chun was not a fool either. He said he was relaxed, but in fact he was rough in details. If not, he would not have been able to send an envoy to Xihai City on behalf of Grand Duke Ouyang.

He was also worried that the opponent was cheating, so before the two armies faced off, he observed it very carefully and found that the opponent's formation was messy, the coordination was improper, and even the uniforms were not completely unified. It was indeed a new recruit. Then I felt relieved.

"Brothers, come with me!"

Ouyang Chun took the lead.

If it were other times, he would not have been so reckless, but now he was just facing a group of new recruits, and they were completely abusing them. Naturally, he would not let go of this opportunity to gain merit for nothing.

"Where is A Feng? Let him come out and die quickly!"

Ouyang Chun held the broadsword in his hand and pointed forward, activating all the strength of the Great Golden Pill cultivator in his body, and he moved forward with unstoppable momentum.

Originally, he thought that the opponent's formation would be shattered by him, but what he didn't expect was that his first attack was like hitting an iron plate. The huge force of the counterattack shook his whole body and rebounded immediately. Got out.

"Great Golden elixir monk?"

Ouyang Chun's face was filled with shock.

He couldn't figure it out clearly. They were just a group of new recruits. How could a Great Golden Elixir monk suddenly appear?

There were only a few Great Golden Elixirs in Xihai City. He had already observed them carefully. At this time, he did not appear in the enemy formation at all. How could a Great Golden Elixir cultivator appear for no reason?

Then, a scene that made him even more horrified appeared.

I saw the subordinates beside him exploding and dying one by one. The other party had more than one Great Gold Pill cultivator, but more than ten. The first time the two parties came into contact, everyone on the other side had the Great Gold Pill cultivator. The strength of Monk Dan!

How can this be!

"General! Retreat quickly..."

Suddenly, one of his subordinates rushed towards him. Before he could finish his words, he opened his mouth and sprayed blood on his head and face.

Then, the subordinate finished the rest of his words: "We fell into a trap. The opponent is very strong. They are not new recruits at all..."

After saying that, the subordinate fell down, his eyes bulging, and he refused to close his eyes...

Ouyang Chun couldn't help but feel confused. It proved that he heard his subordinates' words clearly, but it still didn't solve the doubt in his mind: Where did so many Dajindan monks come from...

"Could it be reinforcements sent by Grand Duke Heng?"

Ouyang Chun suddenly thought of a possibility, and his heart was shocked.

"No, I have to escape quickly and tell the Grand Duke this information..."

Ouyang Chun could no longer care about commanding the situation at the scene and immediately turned around and fled.

As the only Dajindan cultivator on his side, he was the only one who could possibly break through the encirclement.

However, before he could escape very far, a voice suddenly sounded that shocked him: "There is another one here, don't let him escape!"

"This guy was a leader! I remember him!"

"He seemed to be scolding Master Feng just now, but we must not let him go!"

Then, fierce attacks came one after another, far beyond the limit that Ouyang Chun could bear.

Before he fell, he finally saw the situation in front of him clearly...

Not a dozen, not a few dozen, but hundreds of enemy troops, all of whom were all Great Golden Core cultivators!

This is beyond the scope of reinforcements. Even under the command of Grand Duke Heng, it is impossible for there to be so many Dajindan monks.

"How can this be!"

After saying this, Ouyang Chun fell down on his back, his eyes widened with the same round eyes.

He never figured out where these Great Golden Pill monks came from until his death...

After Grand Duke Ouyang's forward army fell, the Miracle Army continued to charge at Grand Duke Ouyang's headquarters with unabated momentum.

Seeing this scene, Grand Duke Ouyang finally couldn't sit still anymore and went to the front line of the battle in person.

In an instant, the color of heaven and earth changed.

Countless rocks and trees fell down, as if the sky was falling apart.

The majesty of the Grand Duke can be seen from this.

The Miracle Army's offensive came to an abrupt end and was blocked in front of the opponent's territory.

Perhaps the Dajindan monks can rely on their numerical advantage to confront the Great Justice, but the prerequisite is that they must be close to the opponent. Being blocked from the field like this, no matter how many there are, there is nothing they can do, because there is simply no way. It cannot harm Grand Duke Ouyang's body.

After several more rounds of fighting, Grand Duke Ouyang finally saw through the secrets of the Great Golden Elixir cultivators of the Miracle Army, and snorted coldly: "It turns out they are just a group of fakes! The entire army immediately entered a defensive state after hearing the order! As long as a small amount of energy is used up, In time, their offensive will collapse on its own!”

Hearing what Grand Duke Ouyang said, his subordinates immediately became more confident and turned into a full-scale defensive stance. Coupled with Grand Duke Ouyang's domain support, they actually managed to hold on.

Although Lu Yu and others still have elixirs on hand that can be put into use, there are a total of three great workers surrounding Xihai City at this time, and they cannot use all the elixirs here.

For a while, the scene entered a stalemate.

"Looks like it's my turn!" Fu Jing clenched the Galaxy Sword in his hand and strode forward.

"Be careful!" Mrs. Ru warned.

Fu Jing nodded slightly, then turned to look at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I wish you a good start in advance!"

Fu Jing also smiled back, then turned around and strode forward.

Lu Yu originally wanted to follow up so that he could respond at any time, but when he saw Fu Jing's first move to draw his sword, he suddenly stopped.

An overwhelming force swept the entire place.

At this time, Fu Jing already gave him a completely different feeling, but in just a few days, she had completely transformed.

"Is this the power she awakened from the depths of her bloodline..." Lu Yu murmured to himself.

He suddenly felt that Fu Jing would have no big problem even without his help at this time...

"Duke Ouyang, how dare you take my sword!"

Fu Jing shouted coldly.

A bright brilliance suddenly burst out from the Galaxy Sword, illuminating the entire world.

At this time, Grand Duke Ouyang was unable to escape.

If he chooses to retreat, then the surrounding areas will also have to give up, and naturally he will not be able to continue to withstand the impact of the Miracle Army. In that case, the entire Duke of Ouyang's troops will be annihilated.

And if he doesn't retreat, there will only be one battle.

"Why don't you dare!" Grand Duke Ouyang responded coldly.

This is a direct confrontation between the supreme commanders of both sides.

The Galaxy Sword thrust straight out, and lightning flashed across it.

I thought this would be a dark and final battle, but I didn't expect that the winner would be decided in the blink of an eye.

Grand Duke Ouyang collapsed, and his realm fell apart.

Among the mountains, Fu Jing stood with a sword, looking down on the heroes.

"As expected of Jing'er, it's really good!" Mrs. Ru said with a face of joy.

Lu Yu also looked shocked. He sensed that Fu Jing's sword just now used a brand new secret, but it did not belong to any of the star secrets he knew.

At this time, after hearing Mrs. Ru's words, he couldn't help but turn around, put on a smile and said:

"Madam, what special skills have you taught young lady these days? Can you... also teach me by the way?"

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