Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1656 A great victory

When Grand Duke Ouyang was killed by Fu Jing's sword, the two Grand Dukes Jialan and Yuchi on the other side had just received the news that the Miracle Army had come out in force to attack Grand Duke Ouyang.

The two Grand Dukes were very surprised by the news.

"What is going on? Xihai City actually dares to take the initiative to attack?"

Grand Duke Jialan frowned. He was also very confused about Xihai City's reaction, and he couldn't figure out the reason behind it.

"This must be that Feng's idea again!"

Liu Xun, the special envoy who had previously sent an envoy to Xihai City on behalf of Grand Duke Jialan, said, "Judging from previous contacts, that Afeng likes to use strange weapons the most. He must be repeating his old tricks and trying to imitate the previous assassination of Duke Nan Lu. Take action and plan to kill Grand Duke Ouyang with lightning speed!"

"If he succeeds, it will definitely have a great deterrent effect on us!"

"Kill Grand Duke Ouyang directly?" Grand Duke Jialan couldn't help but smile coldly, "How could a dignified Grand Duke be killed so easily? It was Grand Duke Nanlu. If it weren't for the traitor Tian Youliang who deceived Nanlu If the Grand Duke had let down his guard, they would not have been able to succeed!"

"Grand Duke, what should we do now?" Liu Xun asked for instructions: "The key is to support Grand Duke Ouyang, or to directly raid the base of Xihai City?"

Grand Duke Jialan's eyes became serious: "Let's find out first and see where the miraculous sword is!"

In the entire battlefield of Xihai City, the only thing that really made him a little afraid was the Miracle Sword.

So the spies under his command were dispatched immediately and soon found out the news: "Fu Jing has left the city with the Miracle Sword and is now attacking Grand Duke Ouyang's camp!"

Grand Duke Jialan suddenly focused his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Okay! Then we will attack Xihai City directly! We will raid the opponent's lair first!"

Liu Xun said: "Grand Duke, over to Grand Duke Ouyang..."

Grand Duke Jialan smiled coldly: "Grand Duke Ouyang is not Grand Duke Nan Lu. He is powerful and has superb cultivation. He will not be unable to deal with a girl. He will definitely be able to support us until we regain Xihai City!"

Liu Xun immediately understood that Grand Duke Jialan wanted to take the opportunity to weaken Grand Duke Ouyang. Even the Grand Duke and the Grand Duke were not in harmony.

"But if Fu Jing loses, won't the Miracle Sword fall into the hands of Grand Duke Ouyang again?" Liu Xun reminded in a low voice.

"So what?" Grand Duke Jialan snorted coldly: "Even if it really fell into his hands, I don't think he would dare to take it all for himself!"

Liu Xun didn't say anything more.

The Duke of Jialan quickly mobilized all its troops and rushed towards Xihai City.

Grand Duke Yuchi on the other side had the same idea, so the troops of the two Grand Dukes met outside Xihai City. After a simple exchange of flags, the two troops, one from the south and one from the north, attacked Xihai City from different directions.

"My sons, work harder! We can't lose to those weaklings from Yuchi Principality!" Liu Xun encouraged his subordinates, "Xihai City is rich in all kinds of medicinal materials and has rich resources, especially the City Lord's Mansion. The treasure house inside is extremely rich! As long as we can get into it, all the treasures inside are ours!"

Everyone agreed with a roar, and their morale was high for a while.

The horn sounded, and soldiers like a torrent rushed towards the tall and majestic city. The whole city quickly entered a state of strangulation.

The troops of the two Grand Dukes attacked the city at the same time, and the Grand Duke was personally in charge. In Liu Xun's opinion, Xihai City's defense should be defeated instantly like tofu...

However, in fact, it could not be conquered for a long time.

"How is it possible? It's just a breach of Xihai City, how can the defense be so powerful?" Liu Xun was secretly surprised.

"Go and have a look! Is Grand Duke Yuchi deliberately letting things slip? If they want to use Xihai City's hand to consume our strength, they can't do what he wants!" Liu Xin frowned and said.

The scouts under his command hurried away, but were quickly rushed back, saying in a panic: "Sir, it's not good! Grand Duke Yuchi's army has been defeated!"

"What?" Liu Xun was shocked. "How is this possible? Did you read it wrong?"

"I can see clearly and clearly in my humble position. I can't be wrong!" the scout said seriously.

As if to verify his words, in the other direction of Xihai City, the sky suddenly became dark and the wind and clouds surged up.

This is a sign that the powerful Ecumenical One is opening up the realm!

You must know that although the Grand Duke is powerful, he will not open his territory on a large scale all the time, because this means huge consumption. Only in times of crisis or necessary moments will he open his territory on a large scale.

Apparently, Grand Duke Yuchi, who was on the other side of Xihai City, had encountered a situation where he had to open his own domain.

Before anyone could guess what was going on, a bright light suddenly shone in the sky, in stark contrast to the dark realm of Grand Duke Yuchi.

It is the Sword of Miracles!

Liu Xun was very familiar with the light of this sword. He was at the scene when Fu Jing defeated Fu Tianlin.

At the same time, a charming scream came out, and the sound resounded throughout the world.

"Grand Duke Yuchi, do you dare to take my sword?"

Liu Xun felt his scalp numb. He couldn't figure out why Fu Jing appeared here. Didn't it mean that she had brought the miraculous sword to attack Grand Duke Ouyang? To come back so quickly?

Also, why did the troops of Grand Duke Yuchi lose so quickly?

Before he could figure out the answers to these questions, a scream suddenly came from the sky, and blood was spilled in the sky, and a light hurriedly fled from Xihai City.

Liu Xun was stunned.

If he was not mistaken, the escaping light was Grand Duke Yuchi. He did not expect that he was not the opponent at all, and fled in a hurry in one move!

When he finally reacted from the shock, shouts of killing had already risen from all directions.

Hundreds of great golden elixir cultivators took the lead and rushed towards the troops of Grand Duke Jialan.

Now, Liu Xun finally understood how the troops of the other two grand dukes were defeated so quickly, and why he could not take them down for a long time...

It turned out that there were so many great golden elixir cultivators hidden in the battle formation of Xihai City.

Suddenly, a voice that frightened Liu Xun was heard again.

"Grand Duke Jialan, it's your turn! Do you dare to take my sword?"

Liu Xun ran without thinking, not caring about what the final battle between Grand Duke Jialan and Fu Jing would be like...

On this day, Xihai City won a great victory.

One of the three grand dukes died, one fled, and one surrendered. The troops they led were all defeated and no longer had the strength to fight.

Such a battle report quickly shook the entire Guantian World.

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