Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1657 Mission to the Imperial Capital

After the battle, a grand celebration banquet was held in Xihai City.

Before this, no one thought that such a brilliant result could be achieved in this battle.

At this moment, Fu Jing's reputation has reached an unprecedented level. Even if anyone disrespects her in the slightest, it is a huge sin and will be criticized and condemned by everyone.

The heirs who had previously competed with Fu Jing were now completely convinced by her and chose to be loyal to her. They no longer had any thoughts of overthrowing the Xita City regime again.

Even Fu Tianlin made the same choice. Originally, in order to ease the relationship with Duke Hengda, Fu Jing released him from the dark prison and asked him to return to Hengzhou to join his mother's family, the Luo family. However, he did not expect that he would take the initiative. I chose to stay.

At this moment, everyone felt that Xihai City had a bright future.

And reality soon proved this. The Darui Empire directly sent envoys to canonize Xihai City...

"The Grand Duke of the West Sea?"

After receiving the envoy from the Darui Empire, Lu Yu looked his father up and down and said with a surprised look on his face: "So, should I give you a big gift?"

Fu Jing rolled her eyes at him: "Are you mocking me? Everyone is very happy to see this matter come to fruition, but I know that this is a troublesome matter..."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "You can't say that. If they can't defeat us, they have no choice but to recruit us and offer us various favorable conditions. This is also their good intentions!"

Fu Jing glanced at him and said lightly: "Do you really think this is a good intention? The conditions they offered are indeed very generous. It can be said to be a strong support for our Xihai City. If this continues, it won't take long for us to The development momentum will collide with the Principality of Hengyue... Therefore, on the surface, they are giving us preferential treatment, but in fact they hope to use us to contain the Principality of Hengyue! "

Lu Yu said: "It's really normal for emperors to play with the balance of power... There were originally seven principalities under the Da Rui Empire, but now we have almost eliminated four of them at once. The original balance has been completely broken. Da Rui Empire It’s understandable that Emperor Wei wants to support new forces.”

Fu Jing said in surprise: "Do you think you agree with this?"

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "I didn't say that, but it shouldn't be wrong to think about it, right?"

Fu Jing said: "If we proceed according to Emperor Darui's wishes, we will eventually embark on the path of hostility to the Hengyue Empire..."

Lu Yu said: "Hostile is hostile. As long as the price is right, it is not unacceptable... Besides, the Darui royal family also has power that cannot be underestimated. Since they have put forward such conditions, if you don't give any face, it seems Isn’t that appropriate?”

Fu Jing gave Lu Yu a serious look and said, "It seems... you really want to agree to the conditions with the Darui royal family. Why is this?"

"I don't want to agree to their conditions, I just want to discuss the conditions with them. As for the reason..." Lu Yu smiled, "Of course it is so that our Xihai City can have a land suitable for development."

"Territory?" Fu Jing asked doubtfully, "What exactly are you looking at?"

"Feng Hezhou."

Fu Jing couldn't help but be startled, and was silent for a moment before saying again: "Is there really a so-called miraculous treasure there?"

"Who knows?" Lu Yu spread his hands, "But I think there must be a reason why the miracle happened there. How can we know what is hidden there without a deeper investigation?"

Fu Jing said: "It's not easy to get there now..."

Fenghe State was originally a fortress with an extremely critical geographical location, and due to the arrival of the miracle, it had attracted the attention of all forces. It was not easy to monopolize it.

"That's why we need the support of the Darui royal family even more." Lu Yu said.

Fu Jing frowned: "But if you want to facilitate this matter, you must go to Da Rui Imperial Palace to interview the emperor, but it is not convenient for me to leave now..."

Lu Yu thought thoughtfully: "Is it because the madam is teaching the young lady the skills?"

Fu Jing looked at him in surprise: "How do you know..."

Lu Yu naturally knew that since that day when Fu Jing used a new secret to drive the Galaxy Sword and killed Grand Duke Ouyang with one sword, he had been paying close attention to her. Over the past few days, he had been paying close attention to the growth of Fu Jing's bloodline power. , he knew it clearly.

However, he only knew what it was and didn't know why. Until now, he still hasn't figured out whether the secret that Fu Jing used that day was a brand-new secret of the stars or another type of secret...

Lu Yu naturally tried to inquire about this issue from Fu Jing, but the power of that secret was hidden in the bloodline. She had not yet figured out what was going on, so naturally she could not explain it further to Lu Yu. .

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said, "In that case, how about you let me go to the Imperial Capital on your behalf?"

"I just happened to hear that there is a Ten Thousand Furnace Palace over there, which is a holy place for alchemy. I can just stop by there and ask them for a few alchemy furnaces..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but be stunned: "Is this okay?"

"What's wrong with that? Just write me a note and let me be your plenipotentiary representative."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Although the other party is Emperor Rui, don't take him too seriously. You are the majestic Sword Emperor of the West Sea, and you still have to maintain your airs..."

Fu Jing hesitated: "You shouldn't be in any danger, right?"

"With you, the Sword King of the West Sea, keeping me safe from behind, what can happen to me? Unless they don't want to mess around, who dares to touch me?"

"In that case... well, you can go to Da Rui Imperial Capital!" Fu Jing finally nodded in agreement.

Lu Yu rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Well, I'm not in a hurry to go to Ruidi Capital. Miss, can you take some time to teach me two self-defense moves? The move you used to deal with Grand Duke Ouyang was pretty good. Not bad…”

Therefore, Lu Yu began to learn swordsmanship from Fu Jing.

It's a pity that after studying with Fu Jing for two days in a row, he still couldn't understand the essence of the sword technique.

In the end, Lu Yu had to give up and began to prepare various matters for his mission to the Imperial Capital.

This trip will definitely be very complicated, but Lu Yu's ultimate goal is still to win Fenghe State.

Others don't know the whole story of Feng Hezhou's miracle, but he knows it clearly.

He knew that the Ark of the Other Shore was now hidden in Fenghe State. Even if he wanted to bring the Ark of the Other Shore to light again, he had to control Fenghe Province in his own hands.

What he didn't expect was that the excitement of this trip far exceeded his expectations. Not long after he left Xihai City, he was intercepted first.

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