Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1658 Make a list

The person who intercepted Lu Yu was Dingjun Hou Tian Youliang.

Behind a small forest, a group of men in black suddenly rushed out and blocked the way of Lu Yu and the guards.

Lu Yu was still wondering in his heart, who had the courage to intercept Xihai City's troops at this juncture, until the leader pulled

"Brother Tian, ​​why are you here? And you're like this?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

Marquis Dingjun forced out a smile and said, "Brother Feng, can you lend me a moment to speak?"

Lu Yu looked at him for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

So, the two walked into the woods.

"Brother Tian, ​​I remember that you were not like this when we broke up last time. I'm afraid life has been very difficult during this period, right?" Lu Yu asked after walking into the woods and seeing no one around.

At this time, Marquis Dingjun's face was covered with scars. It can be imagined that he must have lived a very difficult life during this period.

Marquis Dingjun sighed softly and said with a smile: "This period of time is indeed difficult to describe, but fortunately I finally got through it..."

"These injuries on your body..." Lu Yu gestured with his hand, "Could it be that you were slapped by me?"

Dingjunhou was stunned, wondering whether to laugh or cry: "How is that possible? Brother Feng, how could you have such a strange idea?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Don't they all say that your father is a terrible person? Plus you haven't been here for so long, I thought you were tied up at home, hung up and whipped!"

Marquis Dingjun said: "Father is indeed very angry at my self-assertion, but just as you expected, Brother Feng, he will not kill me after all, but punishment is inevitable... These injuries were all caused by my actions. Left behind when we arrived at the front line of the battlefield.”

Then, Marquis Dingjun briefly talked to Lu Yu about some of his experiences during this period.

It turns out that when Xihai City was besieged by the three Grand Dukes, although there was no large-scale conflict between the Hengyue Principality and the Darui Royal Family on the surface, there were quite a lot of secret confrontations.

Ding Junhou was thrown directly to the front line of the battlefield by Grand Duke Heng. As a vanguard, he went to solve these troubles, euphemistically called - wiping his own shit.

"That's good!"

Lu Yu patted Ding Junhou on the shoulder and said, "If he really dares to slap you, even if he is your father, I will never spare him! What I said to you before is still valid, you are my My friend, Duke Heng is not."

Marquis Dingjun was startled, and quickly turned his head to look around, and whispered: "Brother Feng, I understand your intention, but please be careful about what you say!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly, withdrew his hand, and said, "So, Duke Heng Yu sent you here this time?"

Marquis Dingjun nodded: "Yes, father already knows the news that you are going to the Imperial Capital on behalf of City Master Fu to receive the title. He hopes that you can go to Hengzhou first before going to the capital..."

"What? Is he going to beat me up first?" Lu Yu asked with a smile.

Ding Junhou said quickly: "How dare you... However, in a situation like this, it is necessary for us to fully communicate with each other. Personally, I hope that Brother Feng can go to Hengzhou."

Lu Yu thought for a moment and asked, "How much does Grand Duke Heng know about me?"

Marquis Dingjun said softly: "Brother Feng, don't worry, I know the importance... Regarding the curse, I haven't leaked a single bit. My father only knows that you are the number one confidant of City Lord Fu Jing, and you have the most important position in Xihai City." He has a decisive influence, and he also holds clues to some miraculous treasures..."

Lu Yu nodded slightly and smiled: "Okay, even if it is to support Brother Tian that you can successfully secure your position, I will go to Hengzhou!"

The two walked out of the grove, and Lu Yu immediately announced the change of itinerary, first going to Hengzhou and then to Beijing.

The people responsible for escorting Lu Yu north this time were the Feishi camp soldiers headed by brothers Lu Guoguang and Lu Guoyong. Naturally, they would not have any objections to Lu Yu's order.

As a result, the team sent to Da Ruidi Capital had just left Xihai City and deviated from their planned itinerary.

Marquis Dingjun also followed the escort team, accompanying Lu Yu all the way.

Along the way, Marquis Dingjun also told Lu Yu a lot about the internal situation of the Hengyue Principality.

Different from the situation in Xihai City, although Grand Duke Heng also had many heirs, he determined the successor early, and that was his eldest son Tian Youcheng.

Now that the candidate for succession has been determined, the eldest son Tian Youcheng has received widespread support and has great power. He is known as the "Little Duke" in Hengzhou.

The other brothers of the Tian family can only perform as well as possible in other fields in order to gain more benefits.

Marquis Dingjun is one of the more outstanding among the brothers of the Tian family. Therefore, Grand Duke Heng had long requested the title of Marquis for him, in order to reassure him and tell him not to fantasize about other things...

Originally, Mr. Tian no longer regarded Marquis Dingjun as a threat, but his actions in Luzhou this time immediately aroused Mr. Tian's vigilance, thus triggering a fierce counterattack by Mr. Tian and his family.

Compared with Grand Duke Heng's punishment, it was nothing. These attacks from Grand Duke Tian's line were more deadly.

Because of this, Dingjunhou's life has been very difficult these days.

Even Prince Tian and his family directly reached out to Luzhou, not only taking away various benefits that originally belonged to Nanlu Dukedom, but also demanding to take away the control of the Shenhui Army.

In order to defeat Dingjunhou, Grand Duke Heng turned a blind eye to this obviously unfair behavior of Mr. Tian and his family, and allowed Mr. Tian and his family to take and take away Dingjunhou.

He just wanted to let Marquis Dingjun know that if he didn't obey his orders, all his efforts would be in vain.

It can be said that Marquis Dingjun has been very frustrated in Hengzhou during this period of time.

If Mr. Tian and his family just picked the peaches of Nanlu Dukedom, that would be fine. Marquis Dingjun could tolerate it, but they still want to take over the command of the Shenhui Army, which he worked hard for one by one. It was built slowly and with countless efforts put into it, which he could never bear.

It was under such circumstances that Marquis Dingjun came to Xihai City to intercept Hu...

After hearing what Ding Junhou said, Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh. He patted Ding Junhou on the shoulder again and said, "Brother Tian, ​​I think you should make a list for me!"

Marquis Dingjun was stunned without hesitation: "What list?"

"That's the list of names of people who bullied you!"

Lu Yusenran smiled: "You give me their names. When you go to Hengzhou this time, I will help you teach them a lesson one by one. I guarantee that you will be satisfied!"

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