Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1659: Welcome on both sides of the road

A few days later, the envoy team from Xihai City arrived outside Hengzhou City.

Under the arrangement of Marquis Dingjun, everyone originally planned to enter the city quietly and did not want to overreach.

After all, the real purpose of this mission is to represent Fu Jing to the Da Rui Imperial Palace to meet the Holy Spirit. It would not be a good idea if someone discovered that he had changed his route midway, as it would make Lu Yu passive and cause unnecessary trouble.

But what they didn't expect was that when they arrived outside the Shili Pavilion in Hengzhou City, there was a sudden burst of gongs and drums, firecrackers blasted, and countless people came holding flowers in their hands, creating a scene of greeting each other. .

Now everyone knows about the mission's arrival in Hengzhou City, and it is impossible to hide it even if it wants to...

Marquis Dingjun was suddenly so anxious that he was sweating profusely and angrily yelled at his subordinates: "Let these people evacuate, all of them!"

The men hurried away and soon ran back with a look of helplessness: "Master Hou, these people were organized by Lord Li Zongyang of Hengzhou Prefecture. They don't listen to us at all!"

Marquis Dingjun's face was livid with anger: "Li Zongyang! Does he even want to do something right with me? How brave he is!"

On the contrary, Lu Yu, the person involved, didn't care about this and said calmly: "Brother Tian, ​​why do you need to get angry about this trivial matter? Since they don't mind the trouble and start such a big battle, why should we refuse them? Good intentions?"

Marquis Dingjun said: "Brother Feng, their actions are obviously out of good intentions. If this matter is known to the Imperial Capital, it will inevitably cause trouble... They just want to use this method to cause invisible pressure on you..."

"Create troubles?" Lu Yu smiled faintly: "What kind of troubles could this cause? Are you afraid that the Imperial Capital will be unhappy if they find out about this?"

"Brother Tian, ​​my trip to the Imperial Capital this time is not to make the emperor happy. If it was to make the emperor happy, would you still appoint me as a representative?"

Marquis Dingjun suddenly became speechless.

Lu Yu looked at the happy people in front of him and said: "These people take themselves too seriously. I don't even care whether the emperor is happy or not, so how can I care about their feelings? Brother Tian, ​​I only have one person now. Question, is this Li Zongyang the person on the list? "

Marquis Dingjun was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses and said: "The position of Fu Yin is extremely important, and my father will not hand over such a position easily... This Li Zongyang could only be regarded as neutral in the past, and he did not completely fall in line with the eldest son. , but judging from his performance at this time, it has obviously changed..."

Lu Yu nodded lightly: "For this kind of wallflower who adapts to the wind, it is even more necessary to teach him a lesson, so as to have a warning effect... I know about this matter, and I will deal with it."

Marquis Dingjun was startled: "Brother Feng, what are you planning to do?"

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously: "Brother Tian, ​​don't be impatient, you will know later."

The mission began to enter the city.

The surrounding people cheered on both sides of the road.

"Welcome the Sword Emperor of the West Sea!"

"I heard that the Xihai Sword Emperor has been recognized by the gods and can give out magical elixirs. Everyone in Xihai City is already a Great Golden elixir monk!"

"Lord Sword Emperor, please give us some divine elixirs!"

It can be seen that these people have great respect for Fu Jing, and they always call her by the name of Sword Emperor. After all, it is an ironclad fact that Fu Jing has defeated four Grand Dukes in succession. These deeds make her in the It rose to an unparalleled status in the minds of ordinary people.

Due to the deliberate guidance of the mastermind behind the scenes, these people did not know that Fu Jing was not in the mission at this time, but just a representative. Otherwise, the effect of the scene would be greatly reduced.

Li Zongyang hid outside the crowd and watched all this with satisfaction. After such a fuss, it was no longer possible for the representatives of Xihai City to hide their identities, which meant that they no longer had the opportunity to curry favor between the Imperial Capital and Hengzhou. , the eldest son will definitely be very satisfied with this result...

Li Zongyang couldn't help but feel sincerely proud of his resourcefulness. Without any effort, he left a deep impression on the eldest son.

However, at this moment, the mission's motorcade suddenly stopped at the city gate.

Suddenly there was a buzz of discussion among the crowd. I don’t know what happened and why the mission suddenly stopped...

"Where is Lord Li Zongyang? My Lord wants to see you!" A guard stood up and asked loudly.

Li Zongyang couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't understand why the representative of the mission wanted to see him. Did he want to cause trouble for him? But now that things have come to this, what can he do?

But before he could figure it out, the eyes of everyone around him were all looking over. After all, he is the governor of Hengzhou. People who know him are not here, so he can't hide under the public gaze even if he wants to.

Li Zongyang simply calmed down and strode out.

He thought to himself: After all, he is a dignified governor, and the other party is just a small showman. Even if he wants to cause trouble, what can he do to him?

Even if Fu Jing comes in person, she has to think carefully if she wants to move her. After all, this is the territory of Grand Duke Heng.

So, Li Zongyang fearlessly walked to the city gate, stood in front of the carriage, cupped his hands and said: "Li Zongyang is here, what is the mission of the envoy?"

Lu Yu stepped down from the carriage with a warm smile on his face: "Are you Mr. Li Fuyin?"

Li Zongyang handed over his hand again: "I don't dare to take it, it's just me."

Lu Yu looked at the noisy people around him. At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them: "You prepared this welcome ceremony today, right? It really troubled Lord Li!" Li Zongyang smiled and said, "I didn't do anything. The main reason is that Lord Fu Jing's prestige is high, which makes the people of Hengzhou City yearn for it. The people who came here today are actually spontaneous. At most, I just sent people to maintain the order on the scene..." As he said, he also waved his hand very modestly. Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Lord Fu Yin, can you please stand a little closer? I have something to say to you." Li Zongyang was stunned, and a trace of doubt rose in his heart. But then he thought about it. There were so many people on the scene. What could he do to himself in the public eye? So he strode over calmly and stood in front of Lu Yu: "What do you want, envoy?" Lu Yu smiled coldly, suddenly raised his hand, and slapped Li Zongyang in the face. Snap! The voice was clear and crisp, and everyone heard it clearly.

Li Zongyang was stunned, covering his face, his eyes full of surprise.

"Messenger, what do you mean?"

Lu Yu's face suddenly turned cold, and he shouted angrily: "Li Zongyang, you are so bold, you dare to insult my city lord with such words!"

Li Zongyang's eyes widened, looking at the other party in disbelief: "What insults... I don't!"

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "Would I wrongly accuse you? Brother Tian, ​​did you hear his insults just now?"

Dingjun Hou walked up slowly from the back, shook his head with regret: "Li Zongyang, you really shouldn't do that! My father trusted you so much, but I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

In an instant, Li Zongyang felt cold all over.

Insulting the lord of Xihai City, disrespecting the number one VIP of Hengzhou City... If the two people in front of him joined forces to frame him, he would not be able to clear himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Besides, even if the Duke and the eldest son of Hengyue believed that he was innocent, what could he do? In order to give the other party an explanation, they would still use him as a scapegoat without mercy.

This time, he finally understood what it meant to be too clever!

In the game of big men, there was no room for a small man like him to jump up and down.

Now, he has become the first victim of these big men.

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