Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1661 The Invincible Master

Although the man sounded arrogant, he did have some arrogance.

As he joined the battle group and danced with great force with a thick-backed sword, the situation immediately changed. The Lu brothers were no longer as powerful as before, and their offensive was frustrated.

After a while, all the Feishi camp soldiers were covered with wounds.

However, this group of warriors from Feishi Camp showed extremely bravery, never giving up in defeat, and becoming more courageous as they fought, as if they didn't even know that the other party was a Dajindan monk.

Under such a situation, the Great Golden Pill cultivator did not take any advantage. After several rounds, he was also covered in blood.

You know, this is not about a dozen Feishi camp soldiers attacking a single Dajindan monk. The opponent also has a large number of guards assisting him. The number is several times more than the Feishi camp soldiers. Under such circumstances, he can still Achieving such an impressive record is truly commendable.

"Brother Feng, is it almost done?" Marquis Dingjun couldn't help but persuaded from the side.

He was also a commander himself, and the fighting will and fighting qualities displayed by the Feishiying soldiers left a deep impression on him. But after all, the opponent has a numerical advantage. If they continue to persist, the Feishi camp soldiers will definitely suffer. As a commander, he really couldn't bear to see such an excellent warrior being ruined here.

"The lesson you have taught this guy today, I think he has learned enough lessons that he will never forget for the rest of his life..."

Lu Yu was unmoved at all and said casually: "Who is this guy?"

"This man's name is Zhao Ju. Three years ago, under the arrangement of the eldest son, his sister was taken into the twenty-seventh concubine by my father. After all, I have to call him uncle..."

"Room 27? Or is it arranged by the eldest son?" Lu Yu couldn't help but clicked his tongue, "Brother Tian, ​​are you, the old Tian family, having such a good time? But then again, the old man is really getting stronger... "

Marquis Dingjun smiled awkwardly and pretended not to hear Lu Yu's teasing. Anyway, he had already said the more outrageous things before...

Lu Yu said again: "So, this Zhao Ju is still the brother-in-law of Duke Heng Yue? Didn't you say before that Duke Heng Yue knew everything about what happened here? You see, since even he is not in a hurry, we are in a hurry. What’s the strength?”

Dingjun Hou Xin said, why would his father be so anxious? Anyway, he has more brothers-in-law and brothers-in-law. The problem now is that if the consumption continues, all of your subordinates will die.

However, just as he was thinking this, the situation on the field suddenly changed. Three Feishi camp soldiers suddenly burst out with powerful combat power. In a few clicks, they killed the opponent to death.

"Great Golden Pill monk?" Marquis Dingjun asked in surprise.

In the blink of an eye, the three Flying Stone Camp warriors were no longer ordinary Jindan realms, but had grown into Great Jindan monks.

"So, the rumors are all true... It is said that Xihai City has the ability to give out magical elixirs, which can enhance the strength of the soldiers to the realm of the Great Golden elixir monks in the blink of an eye. It is precisely because of this that Xihai City defeated the Three Gorges in one fell swoop. The princes join forces..."

Marquis Dingjun's eyes were full of astonishment. Although he had heard similar rumors for a long time, seeing this scene with his own eyes still shocked him greatly.

"Is it a magical pill?" Lu Yu smiled faintly, "Actually, it's not that magical. This improvement effect is only temporary and can only last for a moment, but it should be more than enough to solve the current battle!"

As he spoke, the battle on the field was over. Although all the flying warriors were bruised and bruised, they still won the final victory with the temporary improvement brought by the three pills.

Zhao Ju had been knocked to the ground, and the large back knife in his hand fell into Lu Guoyong's hand, and was slashing towards his neck.

"Stop!" Suddenly a loud shout came.

Lu Yu didn't even raise his eyelids, and the knife in Lu Guoyong's hand didn't pause at all, and slashed hard on Zhao Ju's neck.


Blood splattered and heads fell to the ground.

The whole audience was shocked.

No one thought that Lu Yu would really dare to kill people in public here, and his men actually did it without any discounts.

Lu Guoyong picked up the bloody head on the ground and walked back to Lu Yu. At this time, he was like an evil god, and the remaining guards around him did not dare to stop him at all.

"Sir, this person is dead! Just go and consume three Jin Yuan Dan."

"Very good." Lu Yu nodded and said, "Three Jin Yuan Dan is nothing. Do you have the healing elixir with you?"

"Bring it." Lu Guoyong replied.

"Take the elixir and rest on the spot." Lu Yu explained.


Then, Lu Guoyong took out a healing elixir, greeted the Feishiying soldiers behind him, and drank the elixir.

The rest of the Feishi camp soldiers also took out the elixirs and drank them.

Then something magical happened.

I saw that the injuries on these Feishiying soldiers who were already scarred were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. If this rate continued, it wouldn't take more than a cup of tea for these people to recover as before.


Everyone involuntarily felt a sense of terror!

Even Marquis Dingjun, who was standing next to Lu Yu, felt his scalp numb from this. An army with such a powerful combat power did not question or discount the commander's orders at all, and could still do so in a very short time. Recover quickly within a period of time...

For a moment, four words appeared in Marquis Dingjun's mind involuntarily - Invincible Division.

"Elixirs like this... how many did you bring in total?" Marquis Dingjun felt that his voice seemed a little tight.

"Quite a lot." Lu Yu responded casually: "In short, it shouldn't be a problem to support me through this mission..."

Marquis Dingjun fell silent immediately, not knowing what to say.

No wonder Lu Yu acts so carelessly, he does have such capital.

The Feishi camp soldiers sat down and rested on the spot, and no one dared to come and disturb them.

"You... are so brave!"

Only then did the man who had yelled to stop react.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked around, only to see a man wearing a crown and rich clothes. He was very noble in his life, and his appearance was somewhat similar to that of Marquis Dingjun next to him.

Lu Yu suddenly understood that this person was probably Tian Youcheng, the eldest son of Grand Duke Heng.

"Brother Tian, ​​why don't you introduce me?" Lu Yu turned to Marquis Dingjun and said.

Marquis Dingjun said hurriedly: "Brother Feng, this is my eldest brother, the eldest son of Hengyue Principality - Tian Youcheng."

"Brother, this is Lu Afeng, the envoy who fully represents City Master Fu Jing."

Tian Youcheng stared at Lu Yu, his eyes seemed to be on fire.

Lu Yu laughed loudly: "So this is the eldest son! I'm not telling you, eldest son, the dog you raised is too disobedient. He knew that guests were coming, but he still yelled at the guests. Call……"

"In my hometown, dogs like this are slaughtered directly. Sir, I couldn't hold it back just now and helped you deal with it. You won't be surprised, right?"

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