Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1662 The reception banquet

Tian Youcheng's face was ashen and he said slowly: "Master Zhao is not my dog, he is the dignified commander of the third battalion of the infantry."

Lu Yu looked indifferent and said: "No matter what he is, it's not your dog, it's the dog raised by Mr. Heng, it doesn't make any difference..."

Tian Youcheng said in a deep voice: "Don't forget, there is a saying that when you beat a dog, you have to look at the owner!"

Lu Yu said innocently: "That's right, but I didn't fight him!"

Indeed, he didn't fight, he just killed Zhao Ju directly...

Tian Youcheng had never experienced such a moment in his life. Someone dared to be so unscrupulous in front of him. Not only did he not take himself seriously at all, he did not even take his father Heng Grand Duke in his eyes at all.

If he had his own temper, he would have wanted to break the body of Lu Yu in front of him into thousands of pieces. However, he could not do this because his father, Duke Heng Yue, had not responded at all.

There was such a big commotion here, and it was impossible for Grand Duke Heng not to know about it. However, after such a long time, he did not show any expression. The meaning revealed in this is very thought-provoking...

In an instant, Tian Youcheng's mind was already spinning:

Is my father afraid of the power behind Lu Afeng?

Or are you looking at the value of this person?

Or perhaps his father had long been dissatisfied with Zhao Ju, so he just went along with the flow and stayed out of the matter...

Or maybe it’s all the above reasons…

Tian Youcheng had no clue.

But one thing was certain, his father didn't want Lu A Feng to die here, otherwise he would have taken action long ago.

The two of them just looked at each other silently, their eyes facing each other.

Anyway, Lu Yu was not in a hurry and was waiting to see how the eldest son on the opposite side would make a move.

After a while, Tian Youcheng suddenly laughed out loud and said loudly:

"Mr. Lu is really great. No wonder he was fully appointed as a representative by the Fu Jingcheng Group. His courage alone is rare in the world!"

"What happened just now, even if our Hengyue Principality and Xihai City are not acquainted with each other, if we can see such a transcendent method from Mr. Zhao, Zhao Ju's life is still worth it... Lu Sir, please come inside!”

With that said, Tian Youcheng turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation, his face changed into a spring breeze-like expression.

He finally figured out that today's banquet was not only a test for Lu A Feng, but also a test for himself.

As the heir apparent of the Hengyue Principality, he must have the structure and vision of a heir apparent, and must consider the overall interests of the Hengyue Principality. Any action that goes against this may cause him to lose points in the eyes of his father.

For the Hengyue Principality at this time, the guy in front of it still has huge use value.

Therefore, although he was already furious in his heart, he still had to put on a smile on Lu Yu's face again, and he could only swallow the broken teeth.

His purpose is not to kill the other party, but to make the other party finally surrender.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his brows slightly.

I didn't expect that the eldest young master could endure this, and his expression could change so freely, making it impossible to see any reluctance. Just this ability to endure anger made Lu Yu look good at the eldest young master. One glance.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. Since the other person had adopted such a posture, Lu Yu couldn't say anything else, so he followed Mr. Tian into the Echizen Hall.

The palace is magnificent and luxuriously furnished.

In addition to the exquisite dishes, there are also skilled musicians and graceful and slender dancers... It can be seen that the eldest son has indeed carefully prepared this wedding dinner, and the entire venue is extremely luxurious.

The guests and hosts took their seats.

Lu Yu was naturally the guest of honor and was located in the center of the entire venue; the eldest son Tian Youcheng was the host of the banquet and sat opposite Lu Yu; Marquis Dingjun sat under Lu Yu, taking the second place. It seemed that he was following Lu Yu and his group.

There were many other people accompanying him in the palace, all of whom were prominent figures in the Hengyue Principality.

Everyone was enjoying themselves and did not mention the previous unhappiness at all.

The whole banquet hall was filled with singing and dancing, as if the bloody conflict outside the hall had never happened before.

"Brother Tian, ​​it seems that this dinner is not as scary as you said. Didn't those people on your list come?"

Taking advantage of a stall where a group of dancers were performing, Lu Yu pretended to watch the singing and dancing, while approaching Ding Junhou and whispering.

Marquis Dingjun laughed at himself and said: "Brother Feng, if you want to blame, the performance you just performed outside was too eye-catching. A bodyguard who can burst out with the strength of a Great Golden Pill monk at any time. Such a performance With such great power, anyone else would feel helpless..."

"To be fair, if I were to sit next to the eldest brother now, I would also have a headache... Huh?"

Before he finished speaking, the accompaniment suddenly changed its rhythm, and the tune suddenly became louder.

Marquis Dingjun looked at the dancer in front of him with a look of surprise in his eyes, and murmured to himself: "Why is she here..."

Lu Yu followed his gaze and saw a tall woman with snow-like skin, dancing slowly to the rhythm of the music. At this time, she had become the center of the audience, and the other dancers around her were all dancing. Became her backup dancer...

The woman's makeup is exquisite to the extreme, her every frown and smile are captivating, her figure is as graceful as the undulating mountains, and her elegant curves outline the most beautiful picture in the world...

But what surprised Lu Yu the most was the state of the golden elixir in her body. The laws of the golden elixir in this woman's body were integrated and indestructible. It was obviously a top-notch golden elixir. In terms of the quality of the golden elixir alone, it was better than the one next to her. Ding Junhou is even better.

In this world, the quality of the golden elixir represents status. Lu Yu could not imagine that a woman with such an outstanding appearance and such an outstanding golden elixir would actually perform on stage as a dancer.

The woman kept dancing and her enchanting figure gradually came to Lu Yu's table. She and Lu Yu looked at each other across the distance, smiling beautifully, their eyes moving, and the fragrant wind blew.

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Until the dance ended and the woman slowly retreated, the two never exchanged a word, but the look back before leaving made people involuntarily have infinite reveries.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little distraught, and secretly exclaimed that it was awesome. He must know that with his rich experience in the two big worlds, it was not easy to make him feel distraught.

He immediately understood that the eldest son Tian Youcheng had made another move, and this time it was a honey trap.

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