Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1664 You are not worthy

"Brother, what are you doing..."

Marquis Dingjun on the side also noticed something was wrong and immediately started to strike.

However, before he could make any more moves, he fell down.

Apparently, he has also found it.

"Second brother, you are drunk."

Tian Youcheng said lightly.

"Someone, come here and help the second young master down to rest!"

Immediately, someone came over and took Marquis Dingjun down.

Seeing this, other people around him also took the initiative to leave.

Soon, only Cui Zhenzhen, Tian Youcheng, and the already shaky Lu Yu were left in the huge venue store.

At this moment, Lu Yu felt as if a violent force exploded in his blood, spreading like a flame, impacting his brain nerves, and burning his mind and consciousness.

He truly felt how overbearing the poison in his body was.

If he is really just Lu Afeng, he will definitely not be able to withstand the power of this poison. This time he will definitely catch them. Fortunately, he comes from another world. Not only is his mind and consciousness extremely powerful, but the power of the red lotus in his body is even stronger. It was so mysterious that this bit of poison was nothing to him.

However, in order to paralyze Tian Youcheng and Cui Zhenzhen in front of him, Lu Yu did not choose to get rid of the toxin immediately, so his shaky appearance was all fake, and it seemed that the skin all over his body was already red, and his whole person was suffering from great pain.

"Then...what do you think the eldest son should do for me?" Lu Yu looked at the other party with a weak look and said.

Tian Youcheng said slowly: "What are you planning to do? This is your own business in Xihai City. Why do you come to ask me? However, from the perspective of a friend, I can give you some suggestions..."

"Master, please tell me."

Tian Youcheng showed a proud smile and said: "Mr. Lu, aren't you very capable of making trouble? Looking at your footprints, wherever you go, there are people who are restless... After arriving in the Imperial Capital, you just need to continue to maintain your style!"

Lu Yuruo realized something: "The eldest son wants me to continue to cause trouble after arriving in the imperial capital. It is best to make the world angry and make people unhappy so that Xihai City and the Dari royal family cannot live in harmony, right?"

Tian Youcheng laughed: "Mr. Lu is indeed a very smart person. He can tell the truth at once. It seems that I don't need to worry about Mr. Lu's ability at all. As long as you agree, you will definitely be able to do this well... Only in this way can we It’s in the best interest of both our families!”

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "This can only be said to be in the best interest of the Hengyue Principality, but it may not necessarily be in the interest of Xihai City."

Tian Youcheng sneered: "Mr. Lu, I just praised you for being a smart person. Haven't you understood the current situation? It seems that it is necessary for Miss Zhenzhen to explain to you in detail the poison you have been exposed to." What kind of harm is there..."

Cui Zhenzhen covered her mouth and smiled sweetly: "Mr. Lu, I know you are a hero, but the poison in you was designed for heroes...

"It will not kill you immediately, but will first torture you continuously. For a period of time from now on, you will suffer similar pain to now three times a day, but each time the degree will be worse than now, until it lasts for almost one month. In a matter of months, you will become as skinny as a stick and die from exhaustion..."

"Don't think that you can interpret it in other ways. This poison is mixed with a variety of toxins, and the ratio is very complicated. If you take the medicine on your own, it will only make your situation worse..."

"If you want to relieve this kind of pain in your body, you have only one way, and that is to take the antidote specially prepared by me..."

As she spoke, she took out a pill, sandwiched it between two green onion-like fingers, and deliberately shook it gently in front of Lu Yu.

"Do you want it? If you want it, just agree to the eldest son's request!"

Lu Yu looked at the antidote in Cui Zhenzhen's hand and frowned: "So, wouldn't I have to be coerced by you all my life?"

Cui Zhenzhen smiled and said: "It doesn't take a lifetime. As long as you take an antidote every day, the poison will naturally be cured after seven or forty-nine days. This time should be enough for you to go to the Imperial Capital and back for a round trip, right?"

Lu Yu said: "It seems that you have already made plans for me. So, in the future, Miss Zhenzhen will be with me?"

Cui Zhenzhen chuckled: "You don't need to worry about this. As long as you obey and do as I'm told, I guarantee that an antidote will be delivered to you every day."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "But what if I want Miss Zhenzhen to stay with me every day?"

Cui Zhenzhen said in surprise: "Aren't you afraid of me? If you stay with me, you don't know when you will fall into trouble!"

Lu Yu said: "What's there to be afraid of? You don't dare to kill me anyway? Look, you haven't killed me now, right?"

Cui Zhenzhen suddenly became speechless and couldn't help turning his head to look at Tian Youcheng beside him.

Tian Youcheng said: "I didn't expect Mr. Lu to be a romantic figure. He would rather die under the peonies than change his infatuation with Miss Zhenzhen. This matter is not non-negotiable... I can be Mr. Lu, have you agreed?" "

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "No, I refuse."

Tian Youcheng couldn't help being stunned.

Cui Zhenzhen couldn't help but look at him in surprise.

Initially, the two of them thought that everything was under control, but they didn't expect that Lu Yu would not accept this trick.

There was a hint of coldness in Cui Zhenzhen's beautiful eyes, and her voice suddenly turned cold: "Mr. Lu, is there anything I just said that is not clear enough?"

"Miss Zhenzhen, you have made it very clear..." Lu Yu laughed: "But do you think you can deal with me with just this little poison?"

As he spoke, he held out his finger.

I saw a dense red mist wrapped around his fingertips. The red mist was constantly struggling as if it were alive, but it was tightly bound by an inexplicable force and could not break free from his fingertips.

He actually forced the poison out of his body and gathered it on his fingertips.

Cui Zhenzhen suddenly showed a horrified expression, as if this was the most terrifying thing she had ever seen.

Tian Youcheng also looked shocked. He knew Cui Zhenzhen's methods very well and could not imagine how Lu Yu did this.

"Young Master..." Lu Yu called softly, the expression on his face turned into a sneer.

"Although my trip to the Imperial Capital was not originally intended to be amicable, it is not your turn to direct me in this matter. You are not even qualified to discuss this matter with me!"

"If you want to talk about this matter, let Grand Duke Heng come to me in person! You are all unworthy!"

After speaking, Lu Yu curled his fingers and flicked, and suddenly the red mist at his fingertips shot into Tian Youcheng's body like lightning.

Tian Youcheng's body suddenly felt like he was struck by lightning, and now he tasted the same bitter pill.

Cui Zhenzhen looked at Lu Yu in astonishment, his whole person seemed to be turned to stone.

"It seems that today's dinner is over, so I'll leave first!" Lu Yu said boredly.

After taking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, Miss Zhenzhen, come to my room to sleep tonight."

Cui Zhenzhen was startled, and then she got angry: "What are you talking about? Go ahead and dream about your dreams!"

Lu Yu smiled softly: "You will come because you have no choice at all."

After that, he walked away with a big smile.

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