Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1665 Take the initiative to come to the door

"Brother Feng, why did you come out?"

Outside Yue Qian Hall, Marquis Dingjun couldn't help but show a surprised expression when he saw Lu Yu coming out intact.

After all, he was not the main target of Cui Zhenzhen and Tian Youcheng. The poison was not deep, so he quickly sobered up after leaving the dinner venue.

He naturally knew that Lu Yu had already tricked the two of them inside, but this was Duke Heng's territory after all. When Duke Heng didn't say anything, he didn't dare to rush in silently, not to mention that even if he rushed in, Most of them can't solve any problems, so they can only wander around anxiously outside.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Lu Yu actually walked out intact. This really surprised him. It was even more shocking than Lu Yu being carried out.

"Brother Tian, ​​are you okay?" Lu Yu asked.

"I'm fine...Brother, why did they let you out?" Marquis Dingjun said in a low voice.

"After we've finished talking, we'll come out naturally." Lu Yu said with a calm expression.

"You must have agreed to their conditions, right?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Brother Tian, ​​what do you think?"

"Uh..." Marquis Dingjun always felt that his smile was full of an unpredictable and profound meaning, and he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Lu Yu patted Ding Junhao's shoulder again and said with a smile: "Let's go, Brother Tian, ​​take me to our residence first... The eldest son should be responsible for arranging this matter, right? But I think he doesn't have time to take care of it now. That’s it!”

Marquis Dingjun couldn't help but feel even more surprised. He was sure that something unexpected must have happened to the three people in the palace just now, but he couldn't guess what it was.

It wasn't until he sent Lu Yu and others to their residence, and after everything was settled, that he returned to the Duke's Mansion, and then he realized that the eldest young master had actually been poisoned...

When Marquis Dingjun heard the news, he was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. Wasn't it obvious that the eldest son and Cui Zhenzhen teamed up to design Lu Yu? Why is it that the eldest young master is the one taking the blame now?

Marquis Dingjun was puzzled.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night for the Duke's Mansion, as the eldest son's painful wails resounded throughout the mansion.

In the end, it was said that even Duke Heng Yue took action, but he was still helpless.

At midnight, a graceful and beautiful woman hurriedly walked out of the Duke's Palace and rushed to Kaihong Pavilion overnight - this was where the envoy led by Lu Yu stayed.

The woman lingered in front of the Kaihong Pavilion for a moment, with a sad look on her face. Finally, she gritted her teeth and stepped into the door of the Kaihong Pavilion.

"Mr. Lu, the little girl Cui Zhenzhen wants to see you..." Cui Zhenzhen said softly, her voice trembling involuntarily.

"Come in yourself!" Lu Yu's voice said in the room

Cui Zhenzhen looked hesitant next time.

Entering the room meant what would happen. She never expected that things would develop to this point... The most annoying thing was that the guy had already anticipated this, and it was all part of his plan!

Cui Zhenzhen didn't hesitate for long, gritted her teeth, opened the door and walked in.

As the most distinguished guest of the Principality of Hengyue, the room is naturally extremely luxurious, with all kinds of furnishings and facilities, including a huge bathtub.

At this time, the room was filled with water vapor and smoke. From time to time, there were gentle sounds of water surging. It was obvious that Lu Yu was soaking in the tub.

"Miss Zhenzhen, you see, I guessed it right. I told you that you would definitely come!" Lu Yu said, lying very comfortably in the tub.

Cui Zhenzhen felt sadness in her heart, but she still had to force herself to calm down and said in a low voice: "Mr. Lu, I know I was wrong. I came here specifically to apologize to you this time... Please remove the poison from the eldest son. !”

The poison Cui Zhenzhen used before had a variety of toxins, which were combined according to a certain ratio. Different combination orders will produce different poisoning effects. Only in the appropriate order can the detoxification be successful.

Only Cui Zhenzhen knew the original order of combining the poisons, but when Lu Yu returned the poison to Tian Youcheng, he disrupted the original order.

But Cui Zhenzhen didn't know this, and still detoxified according to the original method, which aggravated Tian Youcheng's condition, which made him scream. The sound alarmed the entire Duke's Palace. In the end, even Grand Duke Heng did not take action. any effect.

It was under such circumstances that Cui Zhenzhen had to walk into Lu Yu's room.

She shoulders the mission of rescuing Tian Youcheng. If she cannot rescue the prince of the Duke of Hengyue, she doesn't know what will happen to Lu Yu, but she will definitely suffer the wrath of the Duke of Hengyue, which is simply not something she can bear. Affordable.

She was originally very proud of her poison combination design, but she didn't expect that it would end up in this situation. This can be regarded as reaping the consequences.

At this time, Lu Yu couldn't help but smile softly when he heard Cui Zhenzhen's words: "Look, you didn't mean what you said. You said you came here to apologize to me, and you asked me to detoxify Tian Youcheng. Which thing is your true voice? ?”

Cui Zhenzhen lowered her head and said: "Actually, what I really feel is my infinite admiration for Mr.... Mr.'s methods are astonishing, and I am completely convinced."

"Duke Heng Yue asked you to come?" Lu Yu asked.

Cui Zhenzhen continued to lower her head and said: "Sir, what you expected before is exactly the same. I have no choice but to come..."

"Since you have no choice, why are you so coy? Come here quickly!"

Cui Zhenzhen's body trembled slightly, and she closed her eyes in pain, but she still walked over as she was told.

In the haze, she saw Lu Yu's strong muscles, each with a clear structure, full of a pleasing beauty.

If it were any other time, she might not be able to help but take a few more glances, but at this moment, she just wanted to escape from this place.

"Come in!" Lu Yu gave another order.

Cui Zhenzhen's body trembled again, and she entered the bathtub as she was told.

After all, she did not take off her clothes, but Lu Yu did not seem to care about it.

But even if she did not take off her clothes, under the hot water, the exquisite curves that made people's blood boil were still exposed without reservation.

Cui Zhenzhen was like a little lamb caught in the wolf's claws, waiting for the final arrival of the fateful moment.

However, this moment did not come for a long time.

So much so that Cui Zhenzhen could not help but open her eyes in the end, only to see that there was nothing in front of her, and the man with a well-proportioned body had long disappeared, leaving only a cloud of smoke.

Cui Zhenzhen couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

At this time, Lu Yu's voice came over at the right time: "The key clue to unlock Tian Youcheng's poison is hidden in this bathtub. Whether you can crack it depends on your luck!"

Cui Zhenzhen looked down and found that the bathtub had been soaked with various medicinal materials.

Under the catalysis of heat, these medicinal materials stimulated wisps of mist, forming a very strange pattern.

The information hidden in this pattern made Cui Zhenzhen feel shocked.

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