Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1668 Water Mist Maze

Prancing Horse Lake is just behind the Duke's Palace. The place is not big, but the aura is very rich. It is an extremely rare Feng Shui treasure land.

In the middle of the night, when Lu Yu came to this lake and saw strands of steaming white air emerging from the mirror-flat lake, he immediately understood that there must be an underground spiritual vein connected to the bottom of this lake.

This world is indeed a beautiful world with rich spiritual energy. Any scenery in the world can be compared to the fairyland treasures of the eight major sects in the original world.

Of course, as Grand Duke Heng’s training ground, this place cannot be said to be just any scenery, but in the world of Guantian, there are indeed many places like this. To say it is ordinary may be a bit too much, but it is not really What an outstanding place.

Because this world has abundant spiritual energy resources, the so-called "Fairy Mountain Treasure Land" is not the ultimate pursuit of these powerful people in this world. Anyway, it is the same wherever they practice, so the so-called "Fairy Mountain Treasure Land" does not seem so important.

"Brother Feng, we're here."

Marquis Dingjun escorted Lu Yu to the Prancing Horse Lake, "Father is waiting for you in the building in the middle of the lake. There are no roads around, so you need to row your own boat!"

Lu Yu looked towards the center of the lake and saw a three-story white building standing quietly in the center of the Prancing Horse Lake in the hazy night. The white building materials reflected the faint moonlight, making it look full of life. A holy breath, like a delicate ivory.

Judging from the location, the distance is not very far.

Lu Yu nodded and rowed as fast as he could. Anyway, it was only such a short distance and he would be there in the blink of an eye... Mainly because there was a powerful law shrouding the lake and it was completely in the forbidden air realm. Unless he directly attacked Duke Heng Yue, he would be there. Even if you want to fly there with your own power, you can't do it.

"Sir, what do you need us to do?" Lu Guoguang, who was following behind, asked in a low voice.

He has also noticed that the atmosphere tonight seems to be unusual, and something unexpected may happen.


Lu Yu shook his head and said, "You all go back. Even if something happens here, you can't help... It's better to go back as soon as possible to rest and refresh yourself. We will set off for the Imperial Capital tomorrow!"

Lu Guoguang was slightly startled. He didn't expect Lu Yu to be so optimistic about the current meeting.

However, he also knew that what Lu Yu said was indeed true. With their strength, if they faced off against Hengda University, they would not be able to play a big role, so he did not hesitate too much and led his troops back to Kaihong Pavilion as promised.

Lu Yu boarded a small boat parked by the lake, gently paddled the boat, and rowed towards the center of the lake.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the shuttle boat that came and went like lightning, and then thought of some people and things related to the shuttle boat.

Familiar faces from the past appeared in his mind involuntarily.

He was like a wanderer who went overseas alone. No matter how far he traveled and how many magnificent scenery he saw, his distant hometown was still the most lingering bond deep in his heart.

Suddenly, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little sad.

I don’t know what the other world is like at this time. Do the familiar faces and figures in the past miss me as much as I miss them now?

"I will definitely go back, no matter how difficult this road is." Lu Yu said silently in his heart.

Then he came back to his senses and realized that he had been rowing on the lake for a long time, but still had not reached the location of the building in the middle of the lake.

No... To be precise, the buildings in the center of the lake have disappeared, and the surroundings have become completely white, with only endless fog. He seems to be in a huge maze formed by fog.

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned, and then he laughed dumbly: Is this a test for himself?

Unexpectedly, he had just tested Cui Zhenzhen last night, and now it was Grand Duke Heng's turn to test himself. The reincarnation of heaven in this world is really unsatisfactory...

In fact, with the secrets of the stars that he mastered, he could break through the opponent's law barrier in an instant and accurately locate the specific location of the building in the center of the lake. However, this would be too shocking and would risk exposing his true strength.

Although he has exposed a lot of his strength during this trip, it has not been completely exposed after all. It is still necessary to keep a few important trump cards in hand.

Therefore, Lu Yu simply ignored his mistakes and deliberately continued to go around in circles in the water mist maze to see what other tricks the other party could come up with.

After a while, the surrounding fog suddenly changed drastically and began to billow.

The sounds of fighting and iron horses, mixed with the angry roars of ferocious beasts, came faintly from the mist.

Gradually, the sound turned into reality again, and the images of monsters and ghosts appeared and disappeared in the mist.

At this time, Lu Yu finally understood the specific plans of Duke Heng Yue.

To put it simply, he just wanted to demonstrate his strength in this way so that he could be completely convinced, which would make it easier for him to conduct subsequent negotiations.

If it had been anyone else, he would have been completely frightened by the sight in front of him, and his plan would probably have worked.

It's a pity that he is facing Lu Yu this time.

The scene in front of Lu Yu was like a three-year-old child threatening him with a fire stick, which made him laugh and cry.

"Duke Hengyue, is this the only trick you can do?"

Lu Yu suddenly raised his voice and laughed loudly: "Forget it, you can't scare me! If you want to get back in this way, I'm afraid you've made a wrong calculation!"

These words seemed to have a certain effect.

The changes in the fog stopped abruptly, and the scenes of the golden swords and the ferocious beasts disappeared in an instant.

"I didn't expect that I couldn't trap you like this. Envoy Lu is really a bit of a Taoist!"

A majestic voice sounded in the fog.

"You are indeed qualified to talk to me, please come over now!"

As the voice fell, the clouds and fog suddenly dissipated, and a passage in the heavy fog automatically appeared.

At the end of the passage, it was the three-story small white building in the center of the lake.

In front of the Little White Building, there stood a tall and majestic figure of a man, facing him. Although he could not see his specific appearance, he could clearly feel his powerful aura as if he was standing on the edge of an abyss. Lu Yu immediately understood that he had finally met the real master!

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