Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1669 Real Name Characters

Lu Yu slowly shook the oar and approached the building in the center of the lake to get it.

Now there was no fog to cover him, he no longer had to go around in circles, and he quickly reached his destination.

At this time, he finally saw the appearance of Grand Duke Heng from a close distance.

According to rumors, this Grand Duke has been fighting for nearly a hundred years since he rose to power. Originally, Lu Yu thought that he should be old.

In fact, he is very young. He looks like he is thirty or forty years old at most. If you don't know the truth, no one will doubt him if you say that he is the eldest brother of Tian Youcheng and Tian Youliang.

No wonder he is so old and strong. He married the 27th concubine a few years ago. Yunyange tried his best to stuff Cui Zhenzhen into his bed...

"Grand Duke Heng, I finally met you in person. I didn't expect you to be so...fengshen handsome! Are you really a hundred years old?" Lu Yu said carelessly, without any trace of the indignity when facing a big shot. Feeling of restraint.

Grand Duke Heng could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were sharp: "It seems that you are really not afraid of me at all?"

"What am I afraid of you for? Are you going to eat me again?" Lu Yu smiled, "Since you don't dare to touch me, then everyone should stop being so hypocritical and pretending to do things. Don't you always Aren't you tired of carrying the air? "

Duke Heng Yue was astonished. He never expected that Lu Yu would say such words.

Not to mention that he has been in a high position for a long time, even when he was young, not many people dared to be so unscrupulous in front of him.

Grand Duke Heng narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered: "Are you so sure, are you sure I won't dare to touch you?"

In an instant, the sky changed, dark clouds rolled in and covered the moon. The surrounding air was almost solid, the trees were crushed one after another, and the lake was surging. It seemed that the weight of the entire world was imposed on this small building in the center of the lake.

But Lu Yu remained calm and looked straight at Grand Duke Heng: "I told you to stop doing these pretentious things, but you still don't listen. If you have the guts, why don't you touch me?"

Grand Duke Heng was completely shocked now. He really couldn't figure out how Lu Yu, with his weak body and minimal cultivation, had the confidence to dare to talk to him like this.

After all, he is a powerful and powerful man. How can he continue to swallow his anger in the face of such a provocation? So he snorted heavily and said: "I really didn't want to hurt your life, but do you think that the only way to teach you a lesson is death? Do you know that there is a way of living called life is worse than death!"

After saying that, the surrounding lake water rose up and rolled back toward Lu Yu with a shocking force, looking like it would swallow him completely in the blink of an eye.

But at this moment, Lu Yu suddenly and unhurriedly explored his arms and took out a stone shining with gleaming white light. It was the moon-closing stone unique to Xihai City.

I don't know what he did, but suddenly a circle of white light burst out in the closed moon fashion. The halo surrounded Lu Yu, forming a milky white light curtain that enveloped him.

Then, a scene that horrified Duke Heng happened! The blow that he thought he was full of confidence and foolproof was unable to shake the light curtain on Lu Yu's body at all.

Lu Yu stood quietly, like a solid rock, facing the roaring waves. No matter how hysterical the waves were, he remained unmoved.

Duke Heng Yue was shocked.

He had never encountered such a situation. He knew that the light curtain on Lu Yu was actually a protective barrier, but in his opinion, that protective barrier did not have strong spiritual power fluctuations, which meant that it Its power is extremely limited, but it can withstand its own full blow, which is really unbelievable.

The shocking offensive stopped and gradually subsided, and the light curtain on Lu Yu slowly receded. At the last moment when the milky white light disappeared, Duke Heng Yue noticed that a strange character seemed to appear on it. This character seemed to have some kind of character. It was like magic, and it immediately attracted all his attention.

He had a premonition that it was this strange character that caused everything in front of him.

"What is this..." Duke Heng Yue asked with a look of astonishment, regardless of losing his composure.

"What? Did you see it?" Lu Yu smiled faintly: "As expected of a dignified and powerful man, he indeed has wisdom..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu drew the two characters in the void again with his bare hands. Although it was just a few simple strokes, it brought a huge impact to Duke Heng Yue. He only felt that it contained infinite magic power. .

In fact, these two characters are the language of the stars, and what they represent is the true name of this world - "Guan Tian".

It represents the lowest level of logic and the most basic laws of this world, and is the cornerstone of the construction of this world.

Lu Yu used it as a kind of inscription and carved it on the Moon Stone. In this way, the Moon Stone had unparalleled protective capabilities. Unless Duke Heng was powerful enough to subvert the world, he would not be able to break through it at all. A small barrier for defense.

This is also a little trick that Lu Yu has specially researched this time. Since there is no Galaxy Sword by his side, he must have some means to protect himself.

Obviously, at this time, Grand Duke Heng's power could not surpass the two characters of his real name, and he could not even understand them. He just felt that they were full of endless mysteries.

Of course, Lu Yu couldn't tell him the whole truth. He just pushed everything on Fu Jing. Anyway, the bigger Heng was, the more likely he was to confront Fu Jing.

"This is the supreme secret that my young lady realized through a miracle. How powerful does the Grand Duke think it is? Now, can you stop being pretentious and start talking to me properly?"

Duke Heng Yue was completely shocked.

Another miracle...

Originally, he was very surprised by the miraculous sword in Fu Jing's hand, but now it seems that what the other party got from Fenghezhou's miraculous thing was not just a miraculous sword, but also gained far more. Exceeded expectations...

In this way, the so-called miraculous treasure is indeed real...

Duke Heng's heart could not be calm for a long time.

He deliberately chose this time because he wanted to give the opponent a show of strength at the time when he was the most powerful, so as to suppress the opponent's arrogance.

Unexpectedly, the result now is that he is suppressed by the opponent, and completely, without any room for struggle...

Seeing the two characters still flashing on Lu Yu's hand, for some reason, Grand Duke Heng suddenly felt a sense of inferiority at this moment, feeling that he was just an ant crawling in the soil...

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