Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1670 Strong Guarantee

"Special Envoy Lu, your persuasiveness is really impressive. It can be seen that the strength of City Lord Fu Jing should far exceed my expectations... It seems that I have indeed overestimated myself..."

Duke Heng said in a low voice.

Even when facing Emperor Darui, he maintained his arrogance. It was not easy for him to make such a statement.

Lu Yu said with a smile: "That's right! Wouldn't it be much better if you could talk like this? Well, let's not talk in circles. You asked Ding Junhou to go to Xihai City to block me and pull me here first. , You should have some ideas of your own, right? Let’s open up the skylight and let’s talk directly about what you think!”

Duke Heng Yue couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This Lu Afeng is so frank that people are speechless! For many years, no one has ever negotiated with me in this way...

However, the opponent's performance just now completely defeated his defenses. The weight of the guy in front of him was unprecedented among the opponents he had ever faced.

"I did have my own ideas originally, but after seeing the special envoy's methods, all my ideas have been overturned..." Grand Duke Heng shook his head helplessly and said.

Lu Yu said: "If that's the case, then Grand Duke, you might as well listen to my thoughts first, how about that?"

Duke Heng Yue nodded and said, "I would like to hear the details."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I know that the reason why the Grand Duke suddenly intercepted me midway was because you were worried that the Darui royal family would try to win over Xihai City and stand on the opposite side of the Hengyue Principality, right?"

Duke Heng Yue remained silent without saying a word.

The other party had indeed guessed what he was thinking, but it was difficult for him to answer this question. After all, he was still nominally a conferred duke of the Da Rui Empire. If he admitted it, wouldn't it mean that he had a disobedient heart?

Lu Yu continued: "You don't have to answer my question. Regardless of whether my guess is correct or not, I can assure you that Xihai City is not interested in the territory within your sphere of influence, as long as the Duke of Hengyue does not take the initiative. If you are provocative, Xihai City will never stand against you!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Grand Duke Heng showed a different look, and his eyes were full of questions, as if he was asking: If this is the case, what is the purpose of your going to the Imperial Capital?

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "We in Xihai City have only one purpose, and that is to take Xianfeng Hezhou. Apart from that, we are not interested in anything else. Even the Da Rui Empire will one day change its If it’s another surname, we don’t care at all!”

Duke Heng Yue couldn't help but frown.

This Lu Afeng is really direct, he really dares to say anything...

"Feng Hezhou..." Grand Duke Heng murmured in a low voice, "So, the miraculous treasure is real..."

"What? Do you still have doubts about this issue?" Lu Yu said, taking out the special closed moon stone amulet, "How about I give this to you to study carefully?"

After saying that, he threw the moon-closing stone directly into Grand Duke Heng's hands.

Duke Heng Yue was shocked.

The power of the protective barrier formed by this closed moon stone was obvious to all. He had never expected that Lu Yu would throw such a valuable thing at him, which made him a little confused for a while.

As a powerful archduke, he has never been in such a difficult situation in many years...

Naturally, he didn't know that this stone had infinite power in Lu Yu's hands because Lu Yu had mastered the secret of the world's true name. It would be different if it were replaced by someone else.

For those who have not yet comprehended the true meaning of the Great World, such as Grand Duke Heng at this time, there is actually not much difference between this closed moon stone and an ordinary stone.

"This... this, this..."

Grand Duke Heng held the moon-closing stone and couldn't help but feel at a loss, as if he were holding a hot potato.

Lu Yu waved his hand gently and said, "Just think of it as a meeting gift that I give to the Grand Duke on behalf of my young lady. A small gift is not a sign of respect!"

Duke Heng was naturally unable to activate the defensive barrier on the Closed Moon Stone, but this stone was still of some use to him. It would be a shortcut to observe the true meaning of the world.

If his understanding is enough, he may be able to understand the true meaning of this world and learn the origin and truth of this world. This will be an extremely huge improvement for him.

At this moment, Grand Duke Heng naturally didn't know all this, but he also knew that this stone was so precious that he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Lu Yu smiled softly and said: "Duke Heng, I really can't help but want to advise you... You should really take a longer view. The status of imperial power is only fleeting, and only the true meaning of power is eternal. I think you Wouldn’t it be better to follow my young lady and explore the mysteries of the miraculous treasure together?”

The corners of Duke Heng Yue's mouth twitched.

It's not that he hasn't thought about the miraculous treasure. In fact, before meeting Lu Yu tonight, he was still thinking about what kind of means he would use to get the other party to reveal more clues about the miraculous treasure. …

But after the negotiation just now, he knew that this matter was completely out of his control. Wait a minute.

He couldn't hold down just Lu Afeng, let alone Fu Jing who was holding the Miracle Sword behind him.

Therefore, he could only leave it to chance as to the final ownership of the miraculous treasure...

"Then I would like to thank City Lord Fu and Special Envoy Lu for their generous gifts!" Grand Duke Heng said with a slight bow.

He didn't respond to Lu Yu's teasing suggestion. After all, he was also a powerful figure, and it was still difficult to accept that he wanted to be subordinated to a younger person who was born late.

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "Anyway, I'm leaving it here. This is what my young lady meant. If the Grand Duke becomes interested in miracle treasures at any time, he can talk to us at any time, but the place for discussion is not here. Well, I need you, the Grand Duke, to go to Xihai City in person!"

Grand Duke Heng said calmly: "Thank you Special Envoy Lu and Deputy City Lord for their kind words. I know about this..."

Lu Yu smiled softly, paused and continued, "Okay, after saying so much, it's just empty talk. Let's talk about something practical next..."

"Duke Heng, you also know that Xihai City is rich in all kinds of medicinal materials, which are excellent alchemy materials. However, the alchemy technology in Xihai City was not good before, and the production of elixirs was extremely low... This time my lady brought back from the miracle Harvest has completely changed this point. In the previous battle with the coalition forces of Ouyang, Jialan, and Yuchi, the reason why the victory was achieved was because the elixir played an important role in it..."

"There was also a battle between my subordinates and nobles outside Echizen-den last night. The elixir also had a decisive effect..."

"So, Xihai City's elixir manufacturing capabilities are now very strong, which can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of its troops!"

"Next, we will open the elixir trade between Xihai City and Hengyue Principality. We will sell various types of elixirs to Hengyue Palace Kingdom to help Hengyue Principality improve its combat power!"

Lu Yu said with a smile on his face, like a devil that confuses people's hearts.

"Grand Duke, do you think our measures like this can be regarded as a strong guarantee not to confront the Hengyue Principality head-on?"

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