Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1671 A big gift

"Are you willing to provide the elixirs from Xihai City to our Duke of Hengyue?" Duke Hengyue said in surprise.

The previous battle between Xihai City and the three Grand Dukes was too far away and he did not witness it with his own eyes.

But the conflict last night happened under his nose. Many subordinates under the Hengyue Principality had already fully discussed and analyzed the power of those pills.

At this time, there were hundreds of reports on his desk, all pointing to the same conclusion, that is, the power of these pills was unprecedented and unbelievably powerful.

Grand Duke Heng couldn't believe that Xihai City would release such a murderous weapon. This was completely different from the moon-closing stone just now.

No matter how powerful the closed moon stone is, it is only defensive in nature, and its effective range is very limited.

However, these elixirs in Xihai City are offensive in nature, and can be built into an invincible and invincible army at any time, which is enough to conquer the city and conquer the territory.

Lu Yu shook his head and corrected: "I'm talking about a transaction, not an offer. If the price offered by Duke Heng is right, what can't be bought?"

Grand Duke Heng's heart sank slightly: "What kind of price do you want?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, Grand Duke, I have no intention of blackmailing you... Materials, I need a lot of materials. This transaction can only be carried out in one way, and that is bartering. The Principality of Hengyue will provide us with materials, and we will provide you with elixirs. I guarantee that as long as you have enough materials, the categories of elixirs will be complete!"


Grand Duke Heng was stunned. Xihai Cost was a huge export source of pharmaceutical materials, and now there was actually a large amount of purchased materials. This was really strange.

"What does Xihai City need so much materials for?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "Don't you think that our elixirs come directly from the elixir furnace? In fact, the material resources consumed to refine these elixirs are huge. Xihai City is only one city after all. Even if the land is rich in materials, not all materials are available, so we need to purchase a large amount of materials from now on."

"The Principality of Hengyue is vast and rich in resources, and the categories of various materials are far more complete than those in Xihai City. Even if you have never had the resource advantages of Hengyue China, you can still trade with other forces, which is far more expensive than purchasing by ourselves. It’s much easier and less troublesome…”

Grand Duke Heng nodded slightly, acknowledging Lu Yu's statement.

If all what Lu Yu said comes true, it will not only be as simple as Hengyue China getting the elixir supply from Xihai City and becoming stronger in combat power, but the Principality of Hengyue will also become an important player in the supply chain of Xihai City's elixir industry. One link, this is of great benefit to the stability of the relationship between the two parties, and indeed they will not easily lead to confrontation.

The condition offered by the other party is indeed a practical guarantee.

Lu Yu continued: "The specific plan for this matter can be discussed in detail later, and various details can be gradually improved... But I have another suggestion, that is, it is best to leave this matter to Duke Heng. Marquis Dingjun will be responsible. After all, Marquis Dingjun, I, and my lady once killed Grand Duke Nanlu together. We have a life-long friendship, and we can talk about anything we want..."

Hearing this, Grand Duke Heng couldn't help being startled. He took a deep look at Lu Yu and said, "No wonder that traitor is so bold. It's probably because of your instigation by Special Envoy Lu... Now Special Envoy Lu has put forward such a condition. Could it be that he wants to interfere in the selection of the heir to the Hengyue Principality? "

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Why is the Grand Duke so aggrieved? It's not like you have done similar things to Xihai City before, but it just failed in the end..."

"In private, I have a good personal relationship with Marquis Dingjun. In public, the Hengyue Principality under the leadership of Marquis Dingjun is more beneficial to the development of Xihai City. It is impossible not to support such an excellent candidate but to support yours." The eldest son will only help with pimping, right?"

The corners of Duke Heng's mouth twitched again.

This Lu Afeng is really straightforward, without beating around the bush at all, and without saving any face for him...

"Anyway, this is our position. I'm just making a suggestion. It's up to you to decide whether you want to adopt it or not!" Lu Yu shrugged and said calmly.

But in fact, after he stated such conditions, how could Grand Duke Heng take it lightly? Now Xihai City is no longer an insignificant little player, but a behemoth that will make the entire Da Rui Empire tremble.

"I will consider this matter seriously!" Grand Duke Heng finally said.

Lu Yu smiled slightly. The fact that the other party could make such a statement actually meant that his inner thoughts had changed.

"Okay, let's talk about it here! In order to stabilize the relationship between us, I hope that the Grand Duke can promote the elixir transaction as soon as possible. Although the transaction cannot be officially carried out for the time being, various materials can be collected first. Stock up!”

Duke Heng Yue nodded: "This is a mutually beneficial matter for both of us. I will handle this matter as soon as possible. Please don't worry!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "In that case, my trip to Hengzhou is considered to be the end of the Puppet Manchukuo. I will immediately set off for the Imperial Capital..."

"You don't have to worry about my trip to the capital. I'm meeting the Emperor of Da Rui on behalf of my daughter. It's not only good for Xihai City, but also good for Hengyue Principality..."

"I wonder if the Grand Duke has ever thought about this question. If there is no Xihai City, what will the situation of Hengyue Palace be like now?"

Duke Hengyue was stunned.

Lu Yu did not pause for too long and continued to speak: "If there is no Xihai City, then there will be no room for buffering between Hengyue Principality and Da Rui Royal Family. You two sides will definitely be like water and fire. Maybe the imperial guards of Da Rui Royal Family are already at the gates of the city..."

Duke Hengyue was stunned and showed a moving look.

Indeed, Da Rui Empire originally had seven Grand Dukes, but after the battle of Xihai City, the remaining Grand Dukes were all vulnerable.

The old balance of power has been completely broken. If the Da Rui Royal Family did not plan to use Xihai City to balance Hengyue China, the two sides would definitely have torn their faces completely at this moment.

"So, Grand Duke should really think about it. There is a saying that goes, "Raising an enemy will bring you self-respect." You should perhaps experience it with your heart..." Lu Yu said with a smile.

Grand Duke Hengyue could not help but fall into thought.

Now the Darui royal family is afraid of the Hengyue Principality, so they are trying to win over Xihai City, but if one day they become afraid of Xihai City, they will in turn win over the Hengyue Principality.

This back and forth involves huge interests and benefits.

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he ignored Grand Duke Hengyue and turned to leave the Little White Building.

When he walked to the boat on the lake, he turned back and said, "Grand Duke, I'm leaving, won't you give me a gift?"

Grand Duke Hengyue was stunned: "What do you want?"

Lu Yu smiled strangely: "I want a big gift from you... How about this small building behind you?"

As soon as the voice fell.

The three-story, ivory-like, delicate little white building suddenly shook violently, and in the blink of an eye, it began to fall apart and collapsed...

This turnaround was far more violent than before.

Because when Duke Hengyue launched the offensive before, there was a blockade of laws around, and the outside world didn't know what was happening here.

But now as Lu Yu left the surrounding laws, the blockade has been lifted, and people outside can clearly see everything here.

Therefore, it is clear that the little white building, which symbolizes the authority of Duke Hengyue, was destroyed in front of Lu Yu in the blink of an eye.

This is indeed a gift that cannot be bigger.

It is enough for Lu Yu to brag about it in the capital of Darui!

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