Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1672 A farewell gift

I don't know how many people were frightened that night.

The first person to bear the brunt was Ding Junhou. When he heard the news that Duke Heng's Tuodi Xiaobailou was destroyed by Lu Yu in one fell swoop, he rushed over as soon as possible, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

However, Lu Yu had already left and returned to Kaihong Pavilion.

Marquis Ding Jun was trembling with fear and waited for a long time by the Yuanma Lake. He did not see any action or reaction from Duke Heng Yue, but he did not dare to take it lightly, because this was probably the last calm before the storm.

After waiting for most of the night, I still didn't see any reaction. It seemed that Grand Duke Heng was really not angry at all.

However, the Grand Duke of Hengyue did not respond, but it did not mean that his subordinates did not respond. At this time, troops everywhere had been mobilized urgently. The entire Duke of Hengyue was full of troops and seemed to be in a state of war at any time.

Marquis Dingjun was even more anxious when he heard the situation reported by his subordinates, but there was no response from his father. He didn't know what was going on, let alone how to persuade him.

So he quietly went to Kaihong Pavilion again, intending to discuss countermeasures with Lu Yu.

However, at this time, Lu Yu acted as if nothing had happened and had already gone to bed. He also specifically asked no one to disturb him.

Although Marquis Dingjun was full of complaints, he did not dare to disturb him rashly, so he had to wait outside the door all night. He was so uneasy that he fell asleep leaning against the door of the red hall at some point. past.

When he woke up the next morning, Lu Yu was already standing in front of him.

"Brother Tian, ​​what do you mean by this?" Lu Yu said with a smile: "When you learned that I was leaving today, did you come here to see me off so early? Are you reluctant for me to leave, or are you looking forward to my leaving early? ?”

Marquis Dingjun was stunned for a moment: "Brother Feng, are you leaving now?"

Then his expression changed, and without waiting for Lu Yu's reply, Necessary continued: "Brother Feng, you might as well leave as soon as possible! Although I don't have military power now and can't command the troops of the Hengyue Principality, the location of the deployment of these troops cannot be hidden from me. I can plan a suitable walking route for you, which should help you leave the Hengyue Principality smoothly... But what happened last night? Can you tell me first?

It turned out that he thought that the reason why Lu Yu left early in the morning was because he was worried about the Dongchuang incident, so he wanted to escape early from the Hengyue Principality, a place of right and wrong.

Lu Yu looked at him funny: "Brother Tian, ​​it's not that serious. We are just leaving normally. Nothing will happen. You don't need to be so nervous..."

Marquis Dingjun was stunned again: "Brother Feng, what do you mean by this? Do you still not know the situation outside?"

He also thought that Lu Yu did not understand the seriousness of the matter, so he described to Lu Yu the state of Hengyue Palace at this time, which was like a cockfight.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu still didn't take it seriously. He patted Junhou Ding on the shoulder and sighed softly: "It's really hard for your old father. He is really a good actor..."

Marquis Dingjun was completely dumbfounded. What on earth did this mean?

Why is Grand Duke Heng's reaction so strange, and why is Lu Yu's reaction so strange?

It was only then that he suddenly realized that this matter might be a little unusual...

"Brother Feng, what on earth is going on?" Marquis Dingjun asked.

"It's actually very simple. Before I left, I asked your father for a big gift, and this is the big gift he gave me..." Lu Yu said with a shrug.

"I was originally going to the Imperial Capital, but suddenly I changed my route and ended up here. Now I'm leaving. I can't leave in peace. Otherwise, what will the people in the Imperial Capital think if they see me?"

"Your father has obviously understood this, so he deliberately kept silent and allowed his subordinates to panic... He also didn't want Emperor Darui to see our two families living in harmony with each other."

"So you don't need to worry at all. These are actually just superficial efforts."

Marquis Dingjun was stunned.

He had no idea that all this was just the tacit cooperation between Lu Yu and Grand Duke Heng.

"So, last night..."

"Don't worry!" Lu Yu smiled again and patted Junhou Ding on the shoulder: "Although there were some twists and turns in the process, the overall negotiation between me and Duke Heng Yue went smoothly. You will be waiting to be reused next. Bar!"

Marquis Dingjun was stunned. It turned out that everything was just a false alarm. The ups and downs in life happened too fast. Only then did he finally relax a little.

Lu Yu gave instructions to Lu Guoguang himself, asking them to pack their things and prepare to leave. While everyone was packing, he said to Marquis Dingjun: "Do you remember what I said before that I would give you a big gift? Follow me. Come on, it's time to hand it over to you!"

Marquis Dingjun was confused, but he still followed Lu Yu into the room.

Unexpectedly, he saw a familiar figure in the room, it was Cui Zhenzhen. At this time, she had taken off her palace clothes that showed off her graceful figure, and put on a green cloth robe. She looked like a girl in a shop. A handyman.

It seemed that Lu Afeng had indeed brought this woman into his room, but he had just met Duke Heng Yue, and even Duke Heng Yue didn't say anything about it, so naturally Ding Junhao wouldn't say anything more.

He was just curious, why did the charming Cui Zhenzhen suddenly look like this?

Could it be that this is Brother Feng’s special hobby?

"Master Hou."

Cui Zhenzhen bowed slightly to Marquis Dingjun.

Ding Junhao returned the favor quickly, not daring to look at her with lowered eyes. Now this woman's identity was completely different from before.

"How's the heat?"

Lu Yu asked Cui Zhenzhen.

Only then did Marquis Dingjun notice that there was a small alchemy furnace placed in front of Cui Zhenzhen. Judging from this posture, she had been guarding the furnace here.

"I have been following your instructions carefully, and there have been no mistakes. I guess it's almost done." Cui Zhenzhen said cautiously.

Lu Yu nodded and said, "Leave the rest to me. You should watch carefully from the sidelines..."

"Yes." Cui Zhenzhen responded, twisted her waist, and stepped aside.

Lu Yu looked at Marquis Dingjun again and said, "Brother Tian, ​​there's still a little bit of heat left. Just wait a moment and I'll fix it right away!"

Marquis Dingjun nodded, but he was very curious in his heart. He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Lu Yu's gourd.

Then he rolled up his sleeves and began to operate the alchemy furnace in front of him.

I saw that his moves were like the wind, as fast as lightning, but there was a strange rhythm between each move, full of a pleasing rhythm.

After a while, bursts of fire and thunder and lightning flashed in the room.

Marquis Dingjun finally saw it at this time. Lu Yu was obviously refining a certain kind of elixir, but it was incredible that elixir refining could produce such an effect!

Is this the gift he wants to give to himself?

What effect will this gift have?

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