Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1673 The Uncrowned King

After a while, Lu Yu finally stopped moving, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, let's call it a day!"

Marquis Dingjun couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Cui Zhenzhen on the side also had bright eyes, looking at the alchemy furnace in front of Lu Yu without blinking.

Both of them were very curious as to what kind of elixirs could be produced in this small alchemy furnace...

Lu Yu didn't show any concern and directly opened the alchemy furnace. After a burst of white steam, suddenly the room was filled with bursts of glow.

"Ah! This..."

Marquis Dingjun and Cui Zhenzhen exclaimed in unison.

The rays of light shone, this was a sign that could only be found in the best elixirs. In this world where alchemy skills were not very developed, this was a scene that only existed in legends. Unexpectedly, it was actually presented in front of them now. .

Before the two of them had time to marvel, Lu Yu took out a fiery red pill and handed it to Marquis Dingjun.

"Brother Tian, ​​take it!" Lu Yu said.

"I take it? Really?" Marquis Dingjun said doubtfully.

He was not worried about any bad effects after taking it, but he felt that such a pill was too precious. Wouldn't it be too wasteful to just take it directly?

"This is the gift I give you. If you don't accept it, how can you see its effect?"

After hearing what Lu Yu said, Marquis Dingjun stopped struggling. He took the elixir from Lu Yu's hand and swallowed it in one gulp.

Suddenly, bursts of flames spurted out from his body. There were blazing fires everywhere in his hair, mouth, nose, and limbs. Even the golden elixir in his body was burning rapidly. In an instant, he was determined to Junhou has become a burning man.

Cui Zhenzhen was shocked and thought something had gone wrong. He quickly wanted to rescue, but was stopped by Lu Yu.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Lu Yu said.

Sure enough, although the flames were intense, they actually did not harm Marquis Dingjun at all. Even his clothes were intact, as if the flames were just a false illusion.

But Cui Zhenzhen knew that this flame actually existed, but the way it existed was far beyond the scope of normal understanding.

After a while, the fire gradually extinguished.

And Ding Junhou's whole person has also undergone earth-shaking changes. His skin has become more transparent, and the golden elixir laws in his body have become more stable. His whole person is as if he has been tempered by that illusory flame. A radical change.

"Is this... a transformation pill?"

Marquis Dingjun noticed the changes in his body and was surprised.

He had already heard of the name of the Metamorphosis Pill. Lu Yu had used this pill to change the quality of many people's golden pills when he was in Xihai City. He also used the influence of this pill to create the "Miracle Army" in one fell swoop. ".

Marquis Dingjun once learned that this kind of elixir seems to have a significant effect only on practitioners of the Golden Elixir Mirror. It cannot be said that it has no effect on the Great Golden Elixir cultivators, but the effect is minimal.

However, the elixir just now completely changed his perception. It was not only effective, it was simply magical. At this time, the quality of his golden elixir had been improved to an unparalleled level.

Although he is the son of the Grand Duke, Xiao Wei has already reached the level of great golden elixir modification, but in fact the quality of the golden elixir has always been his shortcoming, and his golden elixir does not have the highest quality to be perfect.

He has always been envious of those practitioners who possess the golden elixir that determines their quality, which means that their future prospects are even brighter.

He had never thought that one day he would be able to possess such a pure and powerful first-grade golden elixir.

"This is indeed a good transformation pill, but it is slightly different from ordinary transformation pills, because this is a transformation pill that I customized for you." Lu Yu explained with a smile.

If it is not tailor-made, you will experience such a significant effect.

And because Marquis Dingjin was already a Great Golden Elixir cultivator, it was far more difficult to improve the quality of his Golden Elixir than it was when he improved Fu Jing before, so he went to a lot of trouble.

Marquis Dingjun was so excited that he bowed deeply to Lu Yu: "Brother Feng's gift today will be something I, Tian Youliang, will never forget. Please rest assured, Brother Feng, I will definitely repay you generously in the future!"

Lu Yu shook his head and smiled: "I am not doing this to repay you, Brother Tian. I am just fulfilling my original promise... Brother Tian, ​​do you still remember that I once said that I would help you get a big position?" What do you think is the most important thing if you want to truly secure your position?”

Marquis Dingjun couldn't help but be startled, showing a thoughtful look.

Lu Yu continued: "Actually, if you really want to secure a high position, it does not depend on how many troops you have, how many people support you, or whether your father, Heng Dae, loves you very much. …”

"The really key point is your own cultivation attainments. If you can break through your own limits and become a strong man at the level of a Grand Duke, will anyone be able to suppress you and prevent you from becoming a brand new Grand Duke?"

"In that case, even if you don't have the title of Grand Duke, you are actually an uncrowned king!"

"On the other hand, if you just inherited the title of Grand Duke and the title does not have the merit to match it, how long do you think you can sit in this position?"

Marquis Dingjun couldn't help being stunned.

Lu Yu's words are indeed thought-provoking.

In fact, this truth is very simple. It’s not that I didn’t think of it, but that I didn’t dare to think about it.

How difficult it is to become a strong man with great power. Among hundreds of millions of cultivators, it is rare for a great master to appear. The quality of his original orders is far from the top, so how can he dare to expect to become one? A strong man?

However, all this has completely changed at this time. After today's improvement, he also has the qualifications to aspire to be the powerful Grand Duke.

"Thank you, Brother Feng! Tian has learned a lesson! I will definitely make good use of this gift from Brother Feng and strive to become an uncrowned king!"

Marquis Dingjun bowed deeply to Lu Yu again, his attitude was sincere and sincere, and even had a hint of piety.

Lu Yu laughed: "I didn't say I wanted you to become an uncrowned king. If you have a choice, it's better to be a crowned king..."

"Anyway, do your best! I hope to see a completely different Brother Tian next time we meet!"

After saying that, Lu Yu asked Cui Zhenzhen to pack up the small alchemy furnace in the room and prepare to leave for the Imperial Capital.

This small alchemy furnace could only be regarded as inferior in its original world. Even a young apprentice who had just learned alchemy might not necessarily be able to use such an alchemy furnace.

But in this world, such an alchemy furnace is extremely precious, and Cui Zhenzhen spent a lot of effort to find it.

After the alchemy furnace was packed away, the Feishi camp soldiers outside had also packed up.

Lu Yu led the crowd and left the Kaihong Pavilion, and set out on their journey to the Imperial Capital amidst the commotion and chaos.

This time he really left, without any nostalgia.

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