Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1674 Trouble is coming

"So, with Qiu Yan on top and Gang Teng on the bottom, supplemented by Kundi Ling, you can get the energy of eating gold..."

"Moon sand is on the left, cinnamon twigs are on the right, supplemented by green sheep pods to get the energy of earth and stone..."

"The two are opposite each other from east to west, spinning upward and sinking, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, fast at the top and slow at the bottom. They are for the clutch and the dispersion of Qi..."

On the carriage, there were waves of awkward conversations.

This is Lu Yu's refined experience of discussing and exchanging various materials with Cui Zhenzhen. Although the words are obscure, there are extremely profound mysteries hidden in them.

Lu Guoguang, Lu Guoyong and others were waiting around the carriage. They were all confused and confused.

But Cui Zhenzhen, who was inside the carriage, listened with interest and her eyes sparkled.

"Okay, what I mentioned above is the operation essentials of clutch and Qi. You should experience it yourself first! If there is anything you don't understand, come and ask me!" Lu Yu finally said.

Cui Zhenzhen nodded, said "yes" softly, and then began to fiddle with the various materials in front of him.

She has a straight nose, and her jewel-like eyes are full of concentration, and she still looks a bit stubborn. I believe that with her energy, the operation essentials of "Clutch and Dissipate Qi" will soon be used. She's in control.

Compared with many advanced alchemy operation skills such as extraction, collapse, and triple calcination, clutching and dispersing qi can only be regarded as the foundation among the basics. However, in this world with extremely weak alchemy foundation, this is already a very advanced skill.

Cui Zhenzhen was able to learn to such an extent in such a short period of time. Lu Yu was very satisfied with her. It seemed that his vision was indeed correct. This woman was indeed a talent.

Lu Yu shook his head, ignored Cui Zhenzhen, and let her do whatever she wanted. He stretched himself and walked out of the carriage.

This carriage is also very luxurious. The carriage is so spacious that it takes sixteen horses to pull it... But luxury is luxury. If you sit for a long time, you will still feel sore and depressed, and you can't bear it. I want to go out and get some fresh air.

"Where is this?"

Lu Yu asked the Lu brothers next to him while observing the surrounding mountains and landforms.

Lu Guoguang held a map in one hand and pointed forward with the other, saying: "The mountain col in front should be Jiguanling. As long as you pass Jiguanling, you are considered to have left the area of ​​Hengyue Principality and officially entered the Liufu area controlled by the Zhili Central Committee. , after crossing the Six Prefectures of Zhili, we arrived at the Imperial Capital!"

Lu Guoyong on the side added: "As long as we get to the Six Prefectures of Zhili, it is the official road. The road is much easier to walk than before. In two or three days at most, we will be able to reach the Ruidi Capital!"

Lu Yu nodded and smiled happily: "The Imperial Capital of Rui, a fireworks destination, is extremely prosperous. I have been famous for a long time... I don't know what kind of colorful world there will be!"

Lu Guoyong smiled and said: "I'm afraid you will be disappointed. With such an outstanding person as Miss Zhenzhen, you have already seen the most beautiful scenery in the world. I'm afraid you will no longer be interested in the colorful world of the Imperial Capital." coming!"

Everyone also laughed.

They admired Lu Yu very much. At the beginning, everyone was very cautious, for fear of making a mistake in front of Lu Yu.

But as they got along with each other along the way, they discovered that Lu Yu was actually a very easy-going person. As long as he didn't make any principled mistakes, it wouldn't hurt to make some jokes on weekdays.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and did not explain the true relationship between himself and Cui Zhenzhen to everyone.

Firstly, there is no need for this, and secondly, this is actually a kind of protection for Cui Zhenzhen.

Anyway, now that Cui Zhenzhen is with him, this has become an established fact. If Yunyan Pavilion has other plans for this, then let them come to him first.

In addition, there is also a third reason...

That is this kind of unclear relationship, which sometimes has greater influence. For example, if Cui Zhenzhen is said to be his assistant, maybe no one will take her seriously at all, but if he is said to be his woman If she does, everything will be different. Everyone will pay special attention to her opinions or words... This will be of huge benefit to her future actions.

Lu Yu never returned to the carriage and sat quietly on the carriage, silently watching the scenery along the way.

In the blink of an eye, the convoy arrived at Jiguanling.

Lu Guoguang suddenly waved his hand to signal the team to stop, and said in a low voice: "Sir, there seems to be something wrong with the situation ahead..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but glance at him, with a flash of approval in his eyes.

In recent times, the growth rate of the Confucian brothers has been extremely gratifying, and now they are increasingly able to stand alone.

"It doesn't matter, keep going." Lu Yu said.

Lu Guoguang then ordered to move forward again, but Lu Yu said it didn't matter, but he couldn't really think it didn't matter. He still reminded his subordinates to be alert and ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

Not long after, something unusual happened.

I saw a woman standing precisely and gracefully on the dividing line between the Principality of Hengyue and the Six Prefectures of Zhili. My position happened to be blocked on the only way for the convoy to pass, and my whole body exuded an extremely powerful air. .

With the strength of Lu Guoguang and others, it is impossible to tell the depth of this person's cultivation, but it can be clearly felt that this woman has a powerful aura that is enough to deal with thousands of troops.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking our way?" Lu Guoguang asked loudly.

However, the woman ignored Lu Guoguang, looked straight at Lu Yu on the bicycle frame, and asked, "Are you Lu Afeng?"

Lu Yu's eyes were calm and his face was calm: "I am."

The woman said calmly: "I am Bai Zimei from Yunyan Pavilion."

Lu Guoguang and others were immediately shocked. Although they did not know the relationship between Cui Zhenzhen and Yunyan Pavilion, they knew that Yunyan Pavilion was a behemoth in this world, and nothing good would happen if they came to their door.

However, Lu Yu still looked as normal, cupped his hands and said, "Nice to meet you!"

The woman smiled coldly: "You should know my purpose of coming here!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "What Miss Bai said is too strange. I'm not a roundworm in your belly. How can I know what your purpose is if you don't say anything?"

Bai Zimei said directly: "Is Zhenzhen on your carriage? If you hand her over, the matter will be wiped out. Otherwise, you will be in big trouble. Even Xihai City behind you can't protect you. you!"

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