Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1678 Give an Explanation

"Welcome to the special envoy!"

"Welcome to the special envoy!"

The surrounding formations also shouted in unison, their voices loud and clear, shaking the sky.

I have to say, this time is really full of momentum.

In terms of the scene alone, the Han Kui'an in front of him was indeed better than the previous Li Zongyang in Hengzhou City. Of course, this was also related to the power gap between the two.

As the prefect of Kangding Prefecture, Han Kui'an had full power. Li Zongyang, as the prefect of Hengzhou City, only had political power but no military power. Naturally, he could not play so many tricks.

Lu Yu smiled and exchanged a few words of greetings, and also made some special remarks.

The two walked side by side, greeted by flowers, swaying flags, and even fireworks on a sunny day, creating a very lively atmosphere.

Amid the laughter and joy, the group walked into Kangding Fucheng together.

This was another large number of officials who came forward and praised Lu Yu again.

Lu Yu greeted them with a smile and responded to them one by one. His attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, neither hasty nor slow. He advanced and retreated in a measured manner, which was very appropriate.

Although these compliments may not necessarily be sincere, as an envoy representing Fu Jing, the purpose of his trip is not only to accept the reward from Emperor Darui, but also to promote the image of Xihai City. These scenes are all It's what he has to deal with.

It is impossible to have any substantive conversation in Kangding Mansion. Everyone is just giving each other face, so the atmosphere has always been very harmonious.

After the part of the journey is completed, the next step is a grand reception dinner.

However, just as the welcoming ceremony for entering the city was about to be completed, a man standing at the end of the queue suddenly stood up and said: "Special Envoy Lu's actions in Hengzhou City are really very satisfying. I heard that you are still in Hengzhou." The city has gained a stunning beauty, is this true or false? "

Lu Yu couldn't help being slightly startled, raised his eyes, and took a deep look at the person in front of him.

Han Kui'an on the side couldn't help but his face darkened slightly.

The two big figures changed colors one after another, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed.

But the man was still unconscious and continued: "I heard that the beauty was extremely beautiful, good at singing and dancing. She was specially trained by Yunyan Pavilion to give to Grand Duke Heng, but unexpectedly, Lotus got there first... …When we heard about this, we were all envious of Special Envoy Lu. I wonder if Special Envoy Lu can invite this beauty out so that everyone can experience her together!”

Lu Yu's face gradually turned cold.

When Han Kui'an saw this, he quickly coughed and said, "This is Tong Yisheng, the eldest son of the Marquis of Huayin. It was the Marquis of Huayin who was supposed to come out to greet Special Envoy Lu today, but unexpectedly, the Marquis of Huayin suddenly fell ill and was unable to arrive. , so we temporarily found Mr. Tong..."

"Master Tong is a romantic and unrestrained person. He always likes to drink and have a good time. It is said that when we found him today, he was still in the Chun Tower. But there is no way. On such a grand day today, the Huayin Hou family cannot be without someone present, so I captured him by force, but I didn’t expect that he was still drunk... What he just said was just drunken talk. Please don’t take it to heart, Special Envoy Lu!”

Han Kui'an tried his best to explain. On the surface, he was explaining, but in fact, he was removing himself, indicating that the matter had nothing to do with him.

After saying that, he waved to the guard on the side and said: "Come here, Mr. Tong is still drunk! Drag him down quickly to sober up!"

Han Kui'an's order was originally to help save the situation, but Master Tong didn't appreciate it at all. He became completely excited, pulled his neck and shouted:

"Am I wrong? Haven't you heard about this? Aren't you all curious about what kind of beauty that beauty is? Why are you guys so pretentious!"

"This man named Lu has now completely offended the Hengyue Principality! Everyone in the Hengyue Principality is sharpening their knives and preparing to attack Xihai City! The only person this guy can rely on now is our Imperial Capital. Bian! If he offends us again, he will only die. Why are you so afraid of him!"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Mr. Tong in disbelief. The official word has two mouths. These people at the scene were originally eloquent people, but now they didn't know what to say.

But Mr. Tong in front of him still seemed not satisfied, and showed a meaningful smile to Lu Yu, and said: "Special Envoy Lu, if you are wise, you'd better call that beauty out and let everyone have fun together." Hey, let’s have a taste of what it’s like to cuckold that old bastard, Duke Heng Yue. In this case, I guarantee that your trip to Beijing will be worthwhile!”

At this time, even Lu Yu couldn't help laughing angrily. He ignored Young Master Tong in front of him, turned to Han Kui'an and said, "Prefect Han, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Han Kui'an looked stunned. Hearing this, he quickly said: "Special Envoy Lu, please calm down, please calm down! These are drunk words. These are drunk words. Please don't take it to heart!"

"Drunk talk?"

Lu Yu smiled coldly, his eyes as sharp as knives: "Prefect Han, are you drunk too?"

Han Kui'an choked, and big beads of sweat broke out on his forehead. He would never forget that the special envoy Lu killed someone in public on the first day he arrived in Hengzhou City, and he was also the brother-in-law of Grand Duke Heng...

Even if he finally fell out with Duke Hengyue, it would be on the territory of Duke Hengyue, and he finally walked out unharmed.

This person is definitely not as simple as Mr. Tong thought!

Han Kui'an naturally knew that Mr. Tong was indeed an ignorant playboy, but his performance today was obviously that he was being used as a weapon, and the things behind this were even more complicated!

The former Special Envoy Lu naturally saw this, what should you do yourself? It's not about what to do with Mr. Tong, but what to do about the series of things behind it.

After thinking for a moment, Han Kui'an's expression became serious and he said: "Special Envoy Lu, don't worry, I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly and give you an explanation!"

Lu Yu said coldly: "Prefect Han had better hurry up. I only give you half a day. If you can't give me an explanation before dark, then I will give you an explanation!"

After a pause, he continued: "It's okay not to enter this city!"

After saying that, he led a group of Feishi camp soldiers to turn around and walk away, and returned to the carriage in front of a group of officials and thousands of soldiers and civilians.

It can be said that this move did not save Han Kui'an any face.

Han Kui'an's face was ashen, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Then he looked gloomily at Mr. Tong in front of him, as if he wanted to vent all his resentment on this handsome young man.

"Come here! Please escort Master Tong to me first!"

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