Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1679 Power Dispute

Lu Yu returned to the carriage angrily.

Seeing his deflated look, Bai Zimei's face couldn't help but light up.

This guy was so arrogant before that he didn't even give any face to Grand Duke Heng and Yunyan Pavilion. Unexpectedly, he was now being squeezed out of power by an ignorant second generation ancestor.

Especially the source of the cause involved is Cui Zhenzhen. While Bai Zimei hates Lu Yu deeply, she also naturally has no good impression of Cui Zhenzhen. The current situation of "evil people will have their own troubles" really makes her feel happy.

"Are you happy?" Lu Yu glanced at her lightly and said.

Bai Zimei was stunned, and her face suddenly turned pale. She was happy, but if Lu Yu noticed it, it would be another matter... She couldn't bear the other party's anger now.

"I'm sorry, sir, it's me who has caused you trouble..." Cui Zhenzhen said in a low voice.

"What does this have to do with you?" Lu Yu shook his head and sneered, "You are just a reason these people use to test me. Even without you, they will find other reasons..."

"Testing?" Cui Zhenzhen showed a puzzled expression.

Lu Yu said: "You don't really think that today's matter is as simple as it seems on the surface? That Young Master Tong may indeed be an idiot, but why did he act stupid at this time?"

When Bai Zimei heard the exchange between the two, his heart suddenly shivered.

Lu Yu's eyes were clear at this time, and he looked calm and alert. He didn't seem to be affected by his emotions at all...could it be said that his performance just now was just acting?

If this is the case, then this guy is really terrible!

"By the way, Xiaobai..."

Lu Yu suddenly turned his head and looked at Bai Zimei. This sudden move immediately startled Bai Zimei.

"Isn't it said that Qingshi Tan is mainly responsible for the various affairs of Yunyan Pavilion in the Da Rui Empire? As the elder of Qing Shi Tan, you should be very familiar with the internal situation of Da Rui Empire... Do you know that today Who is behind this drama?" Lu Yu asked, staring at her closely.

"Uh..." Bai Zimei suddenly felt at a loss, "How do I know this..."

Lu Yu smiled softly: "Just take a guess. Just make a bold guess. I don't want you to be responsible anyway!"

For a moment, Bai Zimei felt that Lu Yu's gaze was extremely sharp, as if he could count the number of intestines hidden in her stomach. This was an experience she had never had as an elder of the Blue Lion Altar.

"I really don't know about this. There are too many possible situations..." Bai Zimei said bravely: "The royal family of the Darui Empire is divided, and there are many conflicts between the royal members. It has become the two major factions of the imperial party and the rear party. Factions, they are not monolithic, otherwise Grand Duke Heng would not have the chance to take advantage of the situation... But I really can’t tell what the specific situation will be. "

Although these words did not explain the actual situation, they also pointed the finger of the problem at the royal family of the Darui Empire.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "It's a good start. I hope you can put yourself in our shoes like you do now and never show that gloating expression again, because we are now a whole, understand?"

Bai Zimei wanted to defend herself, but facing Lu Yu's sharp gaze, she didn't know why she didn't say a word. In the end, she only responded weakly: "I understand..."

Lu Yu nodded, the expression on his face seemed to be more satisfied.

"Sir, how should we deal with it now?" Cui Zhenzhen asked with a frown.

Since the issue involves the Darui royal family and the struggle between the imperial party and the rear party, it can be said that this issue is quite complicated and thorny. No matter how it is dealt with, it may involve deeper problems.

Lu Yu sneered: "I'm actually not interested in the overt and covert fights between them, as long as it doesn't involve me... But if it involves me, they won't have the final say on this matter!"

"No matter who is behind this incident today, I will make him pay an unbearable and painful price!"

"I hope they can understand one thing. I am not a pawn that they can manipulate at will. If they can't understand this, then I will help them figure it out this time!"

Cui Zhenzhen and Bai Zimei could not help but be stunned.

Judging from the meaning behind his words, it was clear that he wanted to turn the world upside down.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu knew that behind this incident was the overt and covert struggle between the Darui royal family, and yet he still acted so tough. It seems that he is really a master who is not afraid of anything...

But thinking about it, this is normal. He even dared to plot to overthrow the Yunyan Pavilion. What did the royal family of the Darui Empire mean to him?

It seemed that the person who was plotting everything behind the scenes this time kicked the iron plate.

In Bai Zimei's heart, he began to mourn for this person silently.

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