Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1682 Don’t test me next time

"Sir, will Elder Bai really succeed?"

Cui Zhenzhen couldn't help but ask as she looked at the figures disappearing into the night.

Lu Yu said: "You know this person better than I do, why are you coming here to ask me now?"

Cui Zhenzhen thought about it seriously and said: "Under the guidance of the adults, everyone in the Feishi camp has perfected the skills of manipulating the closed moon stone. In addition, with enough elixirs at hand, they can exert their full combat power." beyond imagination……"

"Elder Bai is also a very capable person. Such a powerful fighting force, coupled with Elder Bai's methods, plus she can also have other hidden connections to assist... I think, even if the Huayin Hou family is super It’s a tough nut to crack, but this shouldn’t be too difficult.”

Lu Yu smiled and said: "That's really good news. Originally, I was not without doubts about this matter, but when I heard you say this, I completely let go of my mental arithmetic!"

Cui Zhenzhen hesitated to speak, looking a little depressed.

Lu Yu asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Are there any other questions?"

"Nothing..." Cui Zhenzhen whispered: "It's just...if you don't consider the issue of position, Elder Bai is actually a very capable person. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to reach the position of elder of the Blue Lion Altar at such a young age. She can help adults. Do many things..."

"She does have some talent, that's why we put so much effort into trying to conquer her completely, right?" Lu Yu said.

"But... in comparison, it seems that I can't help you much..." Cui Zhenzhen said with clear eyes.

Lu Yu immediately understood what she was thinking. It turned out that she saw that Bai Zimei was being put in a high position by him and even gave Feishi Camp to her to command, so there was some gap in her heart.

"How could it be?" Lu Yu said with a smile, "You can help me a lot. Didn't I say that Bai Zimei will only be one of your servants, even if she becomes the leader of the Blue Lion Altar? , and it can only be this identity.”

"Your Excellency shows your favor and care for Zhenzhen, and Zhenzhen feels very guilty about it, but Zhenzhen also knows that the things you are teaching me now, you can obviously do it yourself, and even do it better than me. What I have done is The role it can play is really minimal..."

Cui Zhenzhen's voice gradually became lower and her tone became a bit resentful.

"Sir, Zhenzhen really can't understand why you treat me in this way... Maybe in the minds of others, Zhenzhen is a somewhat pretty woman, suitable to stay around and act as a vase, but for the adults' thoughts , but I really couldn’t guess. In fact, you had a chance to treat me that night, but you didn’t do that..."

Lu Yu had a weird look on his face: "So, you think I did something wrong that night, right?"

Cui Zhenzhen glanced at him quietly, as if she had mustered up a lot of courage: "What you do, of course, has your deep meaning. How can I dare to comment on your behavior? I just want to explain one thing to you. Originally, I I am very resistant to becoming a vassal of Vase, which is why I don’t want to stay in Yunyan Pavilion anymore..."

"But if the person I want to be a vassal is your Lord, and what I want to be is your vase, then I will be happy to do so. As long as you are willing, I can sacrifice myself for you at any time, even if I have to pay my golden elixir for it. I There will never be any hesitation!”

When she said the last sentence, Cui Zhenzhen's face turned red and her eyes were as charming as silk.

At this time, all she needed from Lu Yu was a word or a small movement, and she would volunteer herself without hesitation and show Lu Yu her truest and most original self.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little moved. In fact, sacrificing herself was nothing. The most important thing was that she was willing to donate pills, which showed that she had truly surrendered sincerely.

In fact, it's no wonder that as the contact deepens and she sees Lu Yu's many methods, she now worships Lu Yu like a god.

She didn't know what Lu Yu saw in her. If it was talent, she didn't think her talent was that outstanding, at least it was completely inferior compared to the Lu Yu in front of her; if it was beauty, , he clearly had the opportunity to ask for anything from himself, but he gave up on his own initiative...

This uncertainty can't help but make Cui Zhenzhen feel hesitant in her heart.

She was afraid that everything at this moment would suddenly disappear one day, especially now that a potential competitor like Bai Zimei had appeared. If she could use her own body to maintain the relationship she had with Lu Yu at this time, then she would sacrifice her life for it without hesitation.

In an instant, Lu Yu saw through all her thoughts, which made him feel happy, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

God knows how much perseverance it took for him to finally reject the tempting idea of ​​​​executing the other party on the spot. With only one finger, he gently lifted the other party's chin, which was as smooth as snow, and said:

"Don't doubt that I have very high expectations for you. You may not know your own characteristics, but I do understand it very well. At present, you are irreplaceable. Otherwise, why do you think I would waste so much? Time is on you? I’m also very busy, okay?”

"I hope you will stop thinking wildly in the future and study and understand carefully according to the knowledge and methods I imparted. Your future achievements will surely amaze the whole world! I am not talking about a certain family, a certain empire, or a certain sect. , but the entire world we live in now, including those supreme beings!”

"So, for the sake of our grand plan, please can you focus a little more and stop thinking about these things? It's very simple to turn you into my woman, but do you know the changes in the relationship? It means that many things will change accordingly. I finally took this step out of respect for you..."

Cui Zhenzhen couldn't help being completely stunned.

She knew that Lu Yu seemed to have some arrangements for her, but she didn't expect that Lu Yu's arrangements were as high as this.

Lu Yu withdrew his hand, couldn't help but put his fingers on the tip of his nose, sniffed gently, and finally said:

"Besides, you know what? It's not easy for me to reject you, so you must not test me like this next time..."

After saying that, they turned around and walked away, leaving enough space for each other.

Cui Zhenzhen looked at Lu Yu's back and couldn't help being stunned.

After a long time, he murmured: "So... there will be a chance next time, right?"

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