Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1683: Sharing your worries

Lu Yu Lu Yu meditated alone and adjusted his breath for a long time before he finally suppressed the nameless evil fire in his heart and gradually calmed down his restless emotions.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw flames rising into the sky inside Kangding City, and the sound of shouting and howling was faintly heard. He knew that Bai Zimei's action had already begun.

It seems that Cui Zhenzhen's statement that she left a secret line in the city is indeed true. Without the cooperation of the secret line, the soldiers of Feishi Camp alone would not be able to achieve this level.

With the cooperation of the hidden line and the powerful combat power of Feishi Camp, Lu Yu felt that this matter should not be a big problem. It was only a matter of time before the final success.

Not long after, sure enough, a pair of men and horses hurried out of the city and rushed directly to where Lu Yu's carriage was. It was the prefect Han Kui'an leading a group of subordinates.

"Special Envoy Lu, what do you mean?"

Han Kui'an's face was full of panic. He no longer cared about basic etiquette and asked Lu Yu directly.

Lu Yu sat on the edge of the carriage with his legs crossed and said calmly, "Where did Prefect Han start talking about this? What do you mean by me?"

", why did you send someone to forcibly control the Tong family of Huayin Hou? You threatened your life and didn't allow anyone to get close, otherwise you would be, you, you, what on earth do you have in mind?"

Han Kui'an was almost incoherent. He had never encountered such a bold guy.

"Oh, so that's what you're talking about..." Lu Yu suddenly realized, "Speaking of this, I want to ask Prefect Han about you! I heard that many people in Kangding Prefecture have been scolding me behind my back in the past few days. , is this true?”

"Actually, it's okay to scold me. I'm going to die. They scolded me if they wanted to, but they didn't get enough of it. They even insulted my young lady!"

"My young lady is the majestic lord of Xihai City and will soon be named the Grand Duke of Xihai. Is this something they can comment on? As a parent official of Kangding Mansion, you don't care about such a situation?"

Lu Yu's eyes were sharp and he asked in a cold voice.

"I..." Han Kui'an couldn't help but was stunned by the question.

There has been a lot of buzz in the city recently, and there are quite a few people saying weird things and shouting about beatings and killings. But everyone knows exactly what the source of this incident is. He didn't expect Lu Yu to be able to beat him up?

Lu Yu snorted coldly and continued: "As the governor of Kangding Mansion, Mr. Han can ignore matters that have nothing to do with him, but I am a subordinate of Xihai City and my responsibilities are my responsibility. I can never turn a blind eye to this... "

"The manpower I sent was only to deal with the most scolded group, the Huayin Hou family. In addition, there were many others who were too late to deal with. I think what I am doing now is considered very merciful. "

Han Kui'an was furious. The other party was clearly using the topic to make excuses!

However, the other party made it clear that he wanted to be unreasonable. With such a grand reason, he really didn't know how to refute it for a while.

First of all, there is a situation of cursing. Not to mention the Huayin Hou family who bore the brunt, even he himself did not know how many times he scolded Lu Yu secretly. If it was just because of cursing, he would have to go to the line like this, but I am afraid that all Everyone will be thrown into jail.

But he couldn't rebuke Lu Yu in person. After all, it was about the dignity of Xihai City. Unless he wanted to fall out with Xihai City directly, he couldn't say such things. This was far beyond his authority.

Han Kui'an's chest rose and fell sharply. After a while, he finally managed to hold back the breath and said in a suppressed voice:

"Special Envoy Lu, haven't we already agreed that your Majesty will decide how to deal with the Huayin Hou family? Now there is no instruction from His Majesty and you are taking action without permission. How will Your Majesty deal with this?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Prefect Han, you are worrying too much. It has been two or three days since the news was published, but there has been no response from the Imperial Capital. This shows that Your Majesty is also in trouble... Since Your Majesty is in such a difficult situation... If so, then I will take the initiative to help him make the decision. I am just sharing the worries for His Majesty!"

" are simply..."

Han Kui'an wanted to scold him for being "treasonous", but the Royal Capital did not respond, which indeed showed the complexity of the matter.

In the end, he still did not dare to pin the label of "rebellious" on Lu Yu's head. He just snorted heavily and said, "I'll see how you end up!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked away.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I won't bother Prefect Han about this. This situation is actually very easy to handle! Look, aren't they back?"

Han Kui'an was startled and turned his head to look, only to find a group of people walking from the city gate. Each person had a terrifying aura on their body, so that the city guards at the gate not only did not dare to stop them, but also He involuntarily stepped aside... Couldn't this be the same group of guard soldiers who were around Lu Yu before?

Han Kui'an was shocked. He didn't expect that the guards around Lu Yu had such strong combat power and aura.

What surprised him even more was that Hua Yinhou himself was among the array of guards, following closely behind a woman in white.

"Master Tong..." Han Kui'an stopped quickly and asked Hua Yinhou.

Hua Yinhou glanced at him lightly, but his face was ashen. He said nothing to him and followed the woman in white silently, but his pace was more steady than when he showed up before. Much more powerful...

Han Kui'an was shocked to realize that the woman in white in front of him seemed somewhat familiar.

"Sir, we are back. Fortunately, we have fulfilled our mission!" Bai Zimei stood in front of Lu Yu and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you for your hard work...what was the final result?" Lu Yu asked calmly.

Bai Zimei glanced at Marquis Hua Yin who was standing aside.

The Marquis of Huayin did not hesitate and knelt down in front of Lu Yu: "The Tong family is willing to surrender under the special envoy! From now on, the Tong family will move to Xihai City. From now on, Xihai City will follow its lead, and only the lord of the city will Follow the orders of the special envoy without any second thoughts!”

Hearing what Marquis Huayin said, Han Kui'an almost fell down. Doesn't this mean that the Huayin Marquis family will really be merged into the West Sea City?

Although the Imperial Capital has not yet nodded in agreement, as long as the Huaying Hou Family and Xihai City have reached an agreement, it doesn't matter whether the Imperial Capital agrees or not!

"Master Tong, how could you..."

Han Kui'an was filled with grief and anger, and wanted to question the other party loudly, but for a moment he didn't know where to start.

Marquis Huayin sighed sadly: "Master Han, no matter what, our Tong family is just a chess piece in the hands of those big shots. I don't want to play anymore. I just want to find the safest way to get ashore... "

Han Kui'an was completely speechless.

Lu Yu laughed out loud: "Master Tong, just think about it. In fact, no matter where we are, aren't we sharing your Majesty's worries? Master Han, are you right?"

Han Kui'an couldn't help but think of Lu Yu's remarks just now. Now it seems that His Majesty has indeed one less thing to consider.

However, there are more troubles to worry about...

For a moment, Han Kui'an felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

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