Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1687 Underground World

At nightfall, Lu Yu set up the small alchemy furnace again and started working with Cui Zhenzhen for a while.

Not long after, a cup of orange-yellow liquid was refined from the alchemy furnace. It was more colorful than the cup Bai Zimei drank before, and it looked like liquid gold.

It is said that this is an improved version, and its effect is more outstanding than the previous cup of amber poison. It is the result of Cui Zhenzhen's hard work in the past few days.

Lu Yu gave this poison liquid a brand new name - Blue Lion Water, which means that it is specially used to deal with the Green Lion Pool. Under the influence of this poison, the Green Lion Pool will be reshuffled and glow with a completely different appearance. of vitality...

Although the name was a bit nonsensical, Bai Zimei did not dare to underestimate its effect. When she saw Cui Zhenzhen introducing it into the small porcelain vase, she couldn't help but shudder.

"take it easy……"

Lu Yu took the small porcelain bottle from Cui Zhenzhen's hand, weighed it gently in his hand, and comforted Bai Zimei softly: "Although this Blue Lion Water is an improved version, the changes are not particularly huge. , you already have similar toxins in your body, it won’t have much impact on you... Besides, it’s not prepared for you.”

Bai Zimei took a deep breath and asked: "How do you plan to make Elder Kong take this bottle of potion? Elder Kong refused to show up, and instead invited me to his territory, which shows that he was already on guard. You won’t get caught in our ways easily again…”

As she spoke, she glanced at Cui Zhenzhen casually. She knew that Cui Zhenzhen was as poisonous as a god and could inflict poison on the opponent without even realizing it. However, in fact, this method required specific toxins. Different poisons were used. The methods used by poison are also different.

I just don’t know if Cui Zhenzhen has mastered the techniques to poison this brand-new poison invisibly...

Cui Zhenzhen obviously understood what she meant, shook her head and said: "This poison is different from other poisons. If it were other poisons, I could hide it and poison it invisibly... But the Blue Lion As for water, I still can’t do this with my current ability..."

Bai Zimei couldn't help but frown. If this difficulty could not be overcome, even if the poison was prepared, it would not have the expected effect.

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll figure it out!" Lu Yu said with a smile.

The two women couldn't help but be stunned and looked at him in surprise.

"What else do you have in mind?" Bai Zimei asked.

Lu Yu weighed the small porcelain bottle in his hand, weighed it several times, and said with a smile: "You see, this small bottle is similar to my moon stone. If the time is right, I guarantee that I can throw it away right away." Enter Elder Kong's mouth... Of course, such an opportunity is probably not easy to find, and I need your cooperation to provide some cover..."

Bai Zimei was speechless. He didn't expect Lu Yu's method to be so simple and crude, but this was exactly his style...

Bai Zimei couldn't help but think of the scene when the two met for the first time. At that time, Lu Yu also used a flying stone attack to directly keep her here. The attack at that time was like a ground-breaking attack, which left a very deep impression on her... If he did the same thing in front of Elder Kong, it would indeed be very likely to succeed.

After confirming the plan, the three of them no longer delayed, each changed into the clothes of a Feishi camp soldier, and took advantage of the night to quietly find out the temporary residence arranged for them by Yunyan Mansion.

At this time, the mission was attracting attention from all parties. There were countless pairs of eyes outside the residence watching everyone's every move. Naturally, the actions of the three people could not be hidden from everyone's eyes and ears, but no one would have thought that these three people would One of them turned out to be Special Envoy Lu himself, and he only regarded them as personnel who were ordered to go out on business.

The three of them walked forward in the night, with Bai Zimei leading the way, followed closely by Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen.

Soon after, the three of them came to a deserted open space.

"Is this here?" Lu Yu asked.

Bai Zimei shook his head: "This is the place where they made an appointment with me, but it doesn't mean we will meet here. According to Yunyan Pavilion's way of doing things, they should send someone to pick us up on the next road..."

Sure enough, not long after he finished speaking, a carriage drove through the night and stopped in front of the three of them.

"Elder Bai, please get in the car!"

The handlebar on the carriage was covered with a cloak, and the whole body was shrouded in shadow. It could only be judged from the voice that this person should be an old man.

The three of them didn't say much. In order not to reveal their identities, they didn't even make eye contact and boarded the carriage directly.

The carriage galloped through the night. About half a quarter of an hour later, there was a sudden loud bang, and the carriage seemed to collide violently with something.

Before the three of them had time to be surprised, they felt their feet go empty. They instantly entered a state of weightlessness and flew down with the entire carriage.

A moment later, there was another loud bang, and the carriage finally fell into place.

The three of them were filled with surprise and uncertainty. They hesitantly opened the car door and walked out. Only then did they realize that the handlebars, horses, roads, cities, and traffic had all disappeared. They had arrived at an underground world like a palace. .

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