Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1688 Let me explain to you

Lu Yu quickly determined that this place was an underground palace. They followed the entire carriage and entered directly from a certain passage.

He couldn't help but marvel at the exquisite design here.

"It seems that this place should be a very important base of the Blue Lion Temple. Have you never been here before?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

Bai Zimei lowered his voice and said: "Of course I've been here before, but the way I come in every time is different, and it's not up to me to choose..."

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "It's just a mystery... But you can rest assured this time, you will soon understand everything here!"

Bai Zimei did not answer. There was only one way to completely understand everything here, and that was to completely subdue the elders who were in charge of this place. By then, there would naturally be no secrets here for everyone.

There were many lamps arranged in the underground palace. The three of them followed the instructions of these lamps and arrived at a hall before long. Here the three of them finally met the leader of the night, Elder Kong, and the people he led. There are hundreds of subordinates, and each one possesses the quality of high-grade golden elixir, and more than ten of them are as powerful as great golden elixir monks.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but be very surprised. He was also an elder of the Blue Lion Temple. Why was Elder Kong's team so strong, while Bai Zimei seemed so shabby in comparison... Or maybe she was also secretly hiding... A first hand?

Bai Zimei looked straight ahead, his eyes to his nose, and his nose to his heart. He could only pretend that he didn't see Lu Yu's evil-looking eyes.

"Bai Zimei, I didn't expect you to really dare to come!"

Elder Kong was sitting on a high-backed chair, surrounded by a circle of subordinates. The first moment he saw the three people appearing, he rebuked them loudly and unceremoniously.

Bai Zimei said calmly: "Elder Kong, what are you talking about? Why don't I dare to come?"

Elder Kong snorted heavily and said: "You made such a big mistake in Hengzhou City, which almost destroyed the many years of management and layout of the Blue Lion Altar, but this is after all a matter within your scope of authority. , I will not discuss that much with you for the time being. The elders of the Blue Stone Altar will naturally hold you accountable... But this time you actually acted without permission in Kangding City, using the power of the Blue Stone Altar to target the Huayin Hou family. Did you stretch your hand too far?"

Bai Zimei said: "It turns out that Elder Kong was angry because of this matter... I did not think carefully about this matter. I should have ventilated with you, Elder Kong, before I acted. However, the situation was urgent and I had no choice. ...Anyway, I did something wrong, Elder Kong, I apologize to you!"

With that said, she bowed deeply to Elder Kong, who was above the high power.

However, Elder Kong did not appreciate it at all and sneered: "Apologise? Is this a matter of apology?"

"Bai Zimei, your actions in Kangding Fucheng are no different from betrayal! I hope you can give a reasonable explanation for this, otherwise I will have to treat you as treason and escort you to Black Rock Cliff for three sessions. joint hearing!"

Bai Zimei looked around, silently estimated the distance between him and Elder Kong at this time, and said: "Of course I have reasonable reasons, but this matter is of great importance. Are you sure Elder Kong wants me to say it in public here? ?”

Elder Kong couldn't help but was slightly startled, and then his expression returned to normal, and he said: "What kind of reason can be so mysterious? There are no secrets in my underground palace, just say it!"

Bai Zimei said: "The reason is very simple. You should also know that Xihai City is very popular nowadays. In addition to their increased strength, the more important thing is that they also hold the secrets about miraculous treasures...

"Although my deployment in the Hengyue Principality failed, I unexpectedly found Lu Afeng. He was willing to reveal more details related to the miraculous treasure to us...

"If we can pocket the miraculous treasure, Elder Kong thinks, will this be enough to correct our mistakes in the Hengyue Principality? Is it enough to offset my reckless behavior in Kangding City?"

"Miracle treasure..." Elder Kong was stunned again when he heard this, "Does this thing really exist?"

After a pause, he continued: "The miracle in Fenghe Province is indeed huge. Because of this, the top powers from all forces have focused their attention there. They have not been able to do it for several months. There were no clues in the process, but now this statement suddenly comes out...Bai Zimei, are you being deceived?"

Bai Zimei smiled softly: "It just so happens that the real master is here today. How about you decide for yourself whether this matter is true or false, Elder Kong?"

Elder Kong frowned: "Bai Zimei, what do you mean?"

Sister Bai didn't answer. At this time, Lu Yu on the side had already pulled down the mask on his face.

Elder Kong was shocked: "It's you! Lu Afeng!"

Lu Yu smiled gently, with a harmless look on his face: "Elder Kong, the miracle treasure does indeed exist... If you don't believe it, how about I come and explain it to you in person?"

After saying that, he walked towards the other party carelessly.


Two steps...

Three steps...

Everyone's eyes were fixed on him, not missing any tiny movement on his body.

Everyone thought that even if he had any evil intentions, he would at least wait until he got close to Elder Kong. However, they didn't expect that Lu Yu only took five steps and suddenly reached into his arms and took out the small porcelain bottle containing the Blue Lion Water.

Although he was still dozens of feet away from Elder Kong on the high-backed chair, this was the distance where he could take action with full confidence.

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