Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1689 Blocking the Knife

The small porcelain bottle dragged up the bright light tail flame and flew towards Elder Kong who was sitting on the high-backed chair.

Everyone was shocked and shouted:



"Be bold!"

"you wanna die!"

They all wanted to intercept the little porcelain bottle, but the little porcelain bottle was like a flying elf, drawing an incredible trajectory, avoiding everyone's interference, and rushed straight towards Elder Kong.

Elder Kong couldn't help but his eyes darkened.

He didn't know what Lu Yu was throwing, but the other party was able to make the flight trajectory of the thrown object so flexible and freely. This obviously could not be the result of prediction in advance, indicating that the opponent was still on the thrown object even after taking action. Leave enough room to make adjustments at any time according to the situation.

Faced with such a situation, it was impossible to rely on others to block the attack. Only he could finally resolve the attack by himself.

Then Elder Kong snorted coldly and shouted: "Everyone, get out of the way!"

He shouted away all the men around him. These men staying around would not only not help the matter, but would also interfere with his response.

Although Elder Kong didn't know exactly what Lu Yu threw at him, he was certain of one thing. This thing was definitely not a closed moon stone.

After a battle in Kangding Fucheng, in addition to using elixirs to temporarily improve the realm of cultivation, Feishiying also made an extraordinary use of Moonstone, which left a very deep impression on the world. Elder Kong has also been familiar with the power of the Moon Stone for a long time. Now as long as this thing is not a Moon Stone, he believes that everything will be easy to handle.

Elder Kong exerted all his strength, and the golden elixir in his body burst out with bright light. All the power of the golden elixir law was condensed into one point, and he faced the oncoming flying stone attack head-on.

Sure enough, his judgment was correct. This was indeed not a closed moon stone. The power of the attack was far less powerful than the rumors. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was extremely weak...

The small porcelain bottle shattered with the sound, and the orange-yellow liquid inside flowed out and stained Elder Kong's palm, just like an egg smashed on a big stone.

Elder Kong couldn't help but be stunned. He picked up his hand and looked at it. He felt that the palm of his hand was sticky, but he didn't feel any discomfort. Compared with the shocking momentum of the opponent when he took action, the final result seemed... Somewhat anticlimactic.

"What do you mean?" Elder Kong asked with a frown.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Don't be impatient, you will know soon!"

As he spoke, he winked at Cui Zhenzhen who was standing beside him.

Cui Zhenzhen also pulled down the mask on her face. Everyone originally thought she was just Bai Zimei's personal attendant, but then they suddenly realized that the woman in front of them had such a stunning appearance.

A name quietly emerged in everyone's mind, but before they could react, Cui Zhenzhen gently raised her hand, and immediately the palm of the elder opposite was ignited with fierce flames.

This is the improved Blue Lion Water. Its subsequent changes are completely controlled by Cui Zhenzhen. It can be sent and received at will and controlled freely. This not only means more powerful power, but also more precise control.


Elder Kong screamed immediately and quickly mobilized his inner strength to extinguish the flames on his palms.

However, this flame was very evil. Not only could it not be extinguished, but it followed the force he exerted and followed it all the way back to his body.

Elder Kong was horrified. He was completely panicked for a moment, and he quickly continued to increase his efforts to "put out the fire."

This was a completely subconscious and instinctive reaction, but it made him fall into a bottomless abyss like a hornet's nest.


There was a loud bang.

Elder Kong's whole body seemed to be on fire, with bright flames igniting all over his body.

"Elder Kong!"

"Witch! How dare you use witchcraft to harm people!"

"Quick! Protect Elder Kong!"

Everyone shouted loudly again, and the scene became a mess.

However, no matter how many methods they tried, they were still helpless against the flames on Elder Kong's body, and the situation did not change in any way.

Elder Kong's whole body continued to twist, and he let out a heart-rending wail, which echoed throughout the underground palace. Finally, he managed to pull himself together, stretched out his finger in the direction of the kite, and roared: "Kill Her! Kill her!"

Everyone woke up like they were dreaming.

Indeed, since there is no solution to Elder Kong's situation at the moment, we can only start from the source. Obviously, the woman with the ultimate appearance opposite is the source of all problems.

As a result, everyone turned around and attacked Cui Zhenzhen.

Bai Zimei couldn't help but change his expression.

Someone was already launching an offensive against the three of them, but since most people's attention was focused on Elder Kong, the pressure was not too great.

But this time everyone's attention was diverted, and the pressure on the three of them suddenly increased exponentially.

This is what she is most worried about. Perhaps the poison prepared by Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen is indeed amazingly powerful, but after all, it still requires a certain response time. How should they spend this vacuum period before it officially takes effect?

"damn it!"

Bai Zimei cursed, secretly hating Lu Yu for acting recklessly. In fact, as long as he was more patient, there should be better opportunities and he would not be in this situation at all.

But at this point, she had no other better choice, so she could only stand up and stand in front of Cui Zhenzhen.

With the conscience of heaven and earth, if she had the choice, she would never take the initiative to block the knife for Cui Zhenzhen. But at this moment, she has only one idea, and that is to buy as much time as possible to let Cui Zhenzhen completely cure Elder Kong. , only in this way can the situation be reversed.

However, when he stepped forward and faced everyone's huge offensive, she suddenly remembered something. Her golden elixir was still locked. At this time, she could not use her own strength to block Cui Zhenzhen's knife.

For a moment, Bai Zimei felt that her scalp was exploding, but at this moment everyone's attack was already coming, and even if she wanted to regret it, it was already too late...

"Don't panic! I'm still here!"

At the critical moment, a magnetic voice suddenly came to her ears, and it turned out that it was Lu Yu who was standing beside her.

Bai Zimei felt a warm current in his heart, and then sank again.

Even if this guy is here, what's the use? Although he came up with all kinds of strange methods, in the end, he didn't even achieve the golden elixir. Faced with this situation, even if he was here, it would be of no help. At best, it would be just one more person to be buried with him.

However, just when Bai Zimei's heart was filled with darkness, Lu Yu reached into his arms again. This time, what he took out was no longer a small porcelain bottle encapsulating the poison, but a genuine moon stone.

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