Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1690 Level-by-level division of labor

Bai Zimei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

She couldn't figure out why Lu Yu would take out the moon-closing stone at this time? Do you want to win two more bottom spots before you die? But what's the use?

However, before she could figure it out, she saw that Lu Yu had already held the moon-closing stone in his hand, and a special handprint was formed on his hand, which was completely different from when he threw the flying stone before.

In an instant, a strange light curtain enveloped him, forming a special protective barrier.

Bai Zimei was shocked. For some reason, she always felt that this light curtain was a little unusual, but she couldn't tell what was unusual about it. It just gave him an indescribable feeling.

Naturally, she would not know that the true name of Guantian World was hidden in this curtain of light. Even Duke Heng Yue could not see through the mystery, not to mention that her cultivation was still far behind Duke Heng Yue. distance.

Although Lu Yu gave the original moon-closing stone to Duke Hengda as a meeting gift when he was at the Prancing Horse Lake, naturally he would not prepare just one piece of such a useful thing. The one he took out at this time was spare.

In the blink of an eye, all the offensive attacks were in front of him, and a strange ripple appeared around Lu Yu's body. Suddenly all the offensive attacks were absorbed by the light curtain, without causing any shock or collision, as if they had never appeared. More than average.

The scene couldn't help but feel dull.

Everyone involuntarily opened their eyes, unable to believe the scene in front of them.

"Actually... it can still be like this?" Bai Zimei also had an incredulous expression on his face.

Because she was standing next to Lu Yu, she was even more shocked by the scene in front of her, because she clearly knew how powerful the attack Lu Yu had just endured was, but not a single trace of spiritual energy fluctuations was leaked out. It simply overturned her understanding of the world.

In a daze, it seemed as if the whole world collapsed in front of her...

"Of course, who told you that the Moon Moon Stone is only an offensive weapon?" Lu Yu shrugged and said with a calm expression, "Don't forget, this object was originally designed as a talisman in Xihai City. use……"

"But I am the only one who can use it to this extent for the time being. When we fought against the Huayinhou family in Kangding City, Lao Lu and the others didn't deliberately hide their clumsiness in front of you..." Lu Yu explained a little more.

Bai Zimei nodded, his face numb. It was obvious that Lu Yu's explanation did not have much effect.

This scene was so weird that everyone in the underground palace froze on the spot. They did not continue the offensive until the light curtain on Lu Yu disappeared.

In fact, they don't know that although this true name character barrier has amazing protective capabilities, it can last for a very short time. If they continue to launch attacks, Lu Yu has no good way to do it, and may have to be forced to Showing your strength...

However, the effect of this head start was so shocking that no one dared to make trouble again until Cui Zhenzhen completed the control of the toxin of the Blue Lion Water and completely hijacked Elder Kong's golden elixir.

At this time, the flames on Elder Kong's body began to gradually extinguish, and the overwhelming pain began to slowly diminish.

Elder Kong suddenly felt that the pressure was suddenly reduced, but he no longer had the fighting spirit to continue to fight against Lu Yu and others in front of him. He quickly wanted to turn around and run away, not even bothering to say hello to the surrounding men.

As soon as he exerted his strength, he suddenly felt that his body was empty for a while. The golden elixir that was always present in the past did not respond at all. He plopped and fell to the ground.

"Elder Kong, where are you going? It seems that our conversation is not over yet!"

The demon-like voice came from behind.

With horror and horror, he discovered that his body stood up uncontrollably, and then took the initiative to walk towards the demon-like man.

"You, you, you... what on earth did you do to me!" Elder Kong's face was full of horror, and even his tongue was trembling.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Isn't Elder Kong curious before about whether the miraculous treasure is real or fake? I'm just showing you... What if I told you that these methods just now actually originated from the gods? Trace treasure, what do you think about this? Do you need me to show you more?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Cui Zhenzhen on the side.

Cui Zhenzhen immediately understood and gently raised her slender hand again. Immediately, Elder Kong's body was twisted at 180 degrees, with a look of pain on his face.

"Enough,, no need..."

Elder Kong took a breath and said in a hoarse voice.

Lu Yu waved his hand lightly, and then Cui Zhenzhen took his hand back, and Elder Kong was able to stand up straight again.

"Okay, since Elder Kong has no doubts about this, let's talk about the next question!" Lu Yu said.

Elder Kong has been able to sit in the position of elder of the Blue Lion Altar for many years, so he is naturally a thoughtful person. When he heard what Lu Yu said, he immediately understood the elegant meaning of the song and quickly accompanied him and said carefully: "What are your orders, the envoy? Although sending villains is just..."

A good man does not suffer the immediate consequences. Since he knew that the opponent's power was difficult for him to withstand, Elder Kong kept his attitude very low. It didn't matter even if he lost face in front of his subordinates... After all, it is better to lose face than to lose his life. Be strong.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said, "I don't have anything to tell Elder Kong, but Elder Bai has something he wants to discuss with you. I wonder if you are interested?"

Elder Kong couldn't help but his expression changed slightly.

The meaning of this sentence is obvious. It means that he will succumb to Bai Zimei from now on and obey her orders... He is naturally unwilling to do this. However, at this moment, besides nodding in agreement, he can do anything else. choice?

"Please give me instructions, Elder Bai!"

Elder Kong was a pragmatic man, and he immediately turned to Bai Zimei and bowed.

Bai Zimei couldn't help but glance at Lu Yu who was standing aside. After seeing Lu Yu's consent, she said to Elder Kong, "Elder Kong, let's take a step to talk!"

Then, the two walked aside and started talking privately away from everyone.

For Lu Yu, this is the best way. He controls Bai Zimei through Cui Zhenzhen. Bai Zimei is directly responsible to Cui Zhenzhen. Other elders of the Green Lion Temple such as Elder Kong are directly responsible for Bai Zimei's instructions. In this way, Come, with a clear division of labor at all levels, everyone can become more relaxed.

Otherwise, Lu Yu would not have that much energy to directly intervene in the management of the entire Blue Lion world.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, he can't let go completely yet. He must wait until Cui Zhenzhen grows up further before he can truly let go completely.

At that time, the power under his hands will become a behemoth, and his power will completely shake the entire world.

Only then may it be the right time for the Ark on the Other Side to show his true face in Mount Lu. He will also return to the stars and find his way back.

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