Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1691 Want to drink flower wine

While Bai Zimei and Elder Kong were having secrets, Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen were not idle. Although Elder Kong had been controlled by the Blue Lion Water, there were still many Green Lion subordinates at the scene. If they didn't want to let them If the news is leaked, they must also be controlled.

However, for these people, there is naturally no need to use the Blue Lion Water. Cui Zhenzhen's original poison reserve is more than enough.

Naturally, these subordinates did not dare to resist, so Lu Yu's performance just now was so shocking that it left them frightened, so they all honestly took the poison Cui Zhenzhen brought out.

In order to prevent the news from leaking, this is a last resort.

After a while, everyone in the underground palace had taken the poison, and the eyes of Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen were filled with deep fear.

At this time, Bai Zimei and Elder Kong also ended their conversation and walked back together.

"Are you done talking?" Lu Yu snapped his fingers and said, "Let's go then! Let's go home!"

With that said, Lu Yu walked straight towards the exit of the underground palace. When he gave poison to all his subordinates just now, he had already found out where the exit of the underground palace was...

Bai Zimei and Elder Kong couldn't help but look shocked. Originally, they had prepared some words to express their determination to Lu Yu, but before he could do it, he just left like this?

Bai Zimei had no choice but to follow quickly. After walking out of the underground palace, she finally couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you curious about what we talked about?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "What are you curious about? It's just a few things. From now on, you can just report to Zhenzhen about the issues related to the Blue Lion Altar, but I don't have that much energy to deal with these things..."

Bai Zimei couldn't help but be shocked. You must know that the Blue Lion Altar is a huge thing, which means huge power. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu didn't care at all and instead threw it directly to Cui Zhenzhen...

For a moment, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous. She really didn't know what kind of good luck this Cui Zhenzhen had to be favored by him and control such huge power easily...

She would never believe it if there was no drama between the two of them.

"You don't care about other things, but there is one thing that you should be concerned about, right?" Bai Zimei said again, "That is the uncle Guo... I just asked Elder Kong about this uncle Guo. I haven't been in the Imperial Capital recently, but have been hiding in the suburbs. I don't know if it's because I'm afraid of getting into trouble with you, but it seems like your plan can only be aborted..."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows lightly and said, "If I had known earlier, why would I do it in the first place? A monk can't escape from the temple if he can escape. Since I want to cause trouble for him, will it be useful if he hides?"

"The dignified Uncle Guo should have a lot of properties in the imperial capital, right? Have you ever asked Elder Kong to find out what properties belong to Uncle Guo?"

Bai Zimei seemed to have known that Lu Yu would ask this question for a long time. He nodded and said, "I specifically asked Elder Kong to inquire. There are indeed many uncle-in-law's properties in the Imperial Capital, the most famous of which is Imperial Capital Thirteen. Spring Tower, these secrets are not known to outsiders. In fact, Uncle Guo is the controller of the Thirteenth Spring Tower..."

"Thirteen Spring Tower? What is that?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

"It literally means that in the imperial capital, fireworks are prevalent, and drinking flowers and wine to buy sex is a romantic affair... There are thirteen most famous brothels, each with its own unique brand and unique style. This The thirteen brothels are collectively called the Thirteen Spring Houses..." Bai Zimei explained.

Speaking of this to Lu Yu, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and her face turned crimson.

"I see!" Lu Yu chuckled and said, "As the Romans do, it seems I can't help but have to visit the Thirteen Spring Tower!"

Bai Zimei didn't answer, but he couldn't help but think to himself: I don't know how many troubles he will cause this time...

The three of them returned to their temporary residence. At this time, there were still many people watching and watching outside their residence, but soon Lu Guoguang and others came to rescue them, and the three of them successfully returned to the residence. No one is suspicious of anyone.

Everything was going as usual at the mission's foothold in the night, but not many people knew that the underground world of Yunyan City had undergone earth-shaking changes that night...

Early the next morning, Lu Yu was uncharacteristically urging Li Zhengxuan to hurry up and leave.

Li Zhengxuan couldn't help but be very curious about this. Lu Yu had been taking his time all the way before, so why was he suddenly so anxious now?

"Special Envoy Lu, has something happened?" Li Zhengxuan lowered his voice and asked, "Is there any urgent information coming from Xihai City?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Li Zhanshi, where did you think you were? There is nothing special, it's just that I suddenly want to drink flower wine!"

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