Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1697 A moment of silence in advance

Next, Lu Yu followed the same pattern and visited the remaining twelve buildings and ships.

At first, the attitude of these building ships was very arrogant, but Lu Yu's methods were too cruel and fierce. In the end, these Fengyue Palace and Fireworks Holy Land, which were longed for by countless people, had to succumb to Lu Yu's power and were all looted. Once it was empty, only an empty box was left...

Of course, Lu Yu's reasons were very high-sounding. They were all about helping these women redeem their lives. He didn't even take out a copper coin. He just left a sentence and asked the big boss behind the scenes to find him to settle the bill in person.

After a night of uproar, the imperial capital canal's romantic scene was completely shuffled. Instead, Lu Yu's delegation turned into a large and mighty team dragging their families with their families.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shiping couldn't help but feel a huge headache. Originally, he was just to receive the envoys from Xihai City. He had expected that things would be more troublesome at first, but he did not expect that it would turn out to be this troublesome in the end.

But there was no other way. The matter had come to this, and no matter how troublesome it was, he could only bite the bullet and start arranging accommodation for this large group of Yingying Yanyan.

And Li Zhengxuan went to the palace overnight to see Emperor Qing'en, the Emperor of Darui. Firstly, he reported the progress of the situation to the emperor, and secondly, he dealt with the matter of "enemy spies" - this was naturally only a superficial reason, but in fact it was just Just to send the prince back to the East Palace.

Everything in front of him came to an end for the time being, and Lu Yu finally returned to his carriage.

He didn't care that Cui Zhenzhen and Bai Zimei were arranging the new Blue Lion Water on the carriage at this time. As soon as they got on the carriage, they spread themselves out into a big Chinese character, as if they were not worried at all about being attacked by the Blue Lion. Water effects.

"I'm almost exhausted..." Lu Yu said with a long sigh.

"Tired?" Bai Zimei couldn't help but replied angrily, "I think you must be in good spirits! All the girls in the Thirteenth Spring Tower were redeemed by you at once, surrounded by so many beauties. , The spring scenery is boundless, shouldn’t adults be very excited?”

Lu Yu glanced at her in surprise: "Hey, Xiaobai, your attitude is a bit strange...Are you jealous?"

"I-I'm so jealous!" Bai Zimei couldn't help but blush, "I-I'm just fighting for our Miss Zhenzhen!"

She did mean what she said.

Regardless of whether she wants it or not, Lu Yu has now dragged her onto the pirate ship, and on this pirate ship, the person who directly controls her destiny is Cui Zhenzhen. She and Cui Zhenzhen have a mutually beneficial relationship.

Under such circumstances, she naturally hopes that Cui Zhenzhen can get Lu Yu's "special favor", and does not want to see anyone "dividing" between them.

And these red-brand girls from Thirteen Spring Tower are masters at seducing men. They are all coquettish bitches and pose a great threat.

It's a pity that she made a mistake, that is, the relationship between Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen is actually far from developing to the point she thought.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Cui Zhenzhen scolded in a low voice: "Why do I need you to settle the injustice?"

Bai Zimei was dissatisfied, but did not dare to say anything more.

At this time, her relationship with Cui Zhenzhen had completely reversed.

Cui Zhenzhen glanced out of the carriage window and said softly: "I'm afraid this matter is far from over yet. Do you need us to do anything?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "No, you have a lot of things on your side. Let's concentrate on dealing with your problems first. If my predictions are correct, today's incident should speed up your progress." I can still handle the problems here!”

The so-called "problem on their side" is naturally the plan to incorporate the entire Green Lion Temple. They are now conspiring with Elder Kong to further control more Green Lion Temple elders.

Since what happened today involves the interests of many princes and dignitaries, there may be new elders of the Blue Lion Altar who will come forward, and then they will have to take action in advance.

Hearing what Lu Yu said, Cui Zhenzhen didn't say anything else, but Bai Zimei couldn't help but asked curiously: "I know that the reason why your Excellency did this today is to deal with that uncle... But you made things worse It’s so big, how will it end in the end?”

Lu Yu said nonchalantly: "If the soldiers come, we will block it, and if the water comes, we will cover it with soil. Finally, when the uncle of the country comes to the door, I will let him bleed out and it will be over! What's so difficult about ending this?"

Bai Zimei muttered: "I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until that time... Not to mention the interest disputes behind the Thirteen Spring Tower, you will offend quite a few guests tonight, right? I heard that even His Royal Highness Among them?"

Lu Yu nodded and said, "That's right, and I slapped him twice..."

Bai Zimei was stunned for a moment.

Cui Zhenzhen also looked at him blankly.

The two of them did not come to the scene in person. They only heard about the appearance of the prince, but they did not expect that Lu Yu would slap someone else twice. That was the dignified current prince, who represented the face of the Da Rui Empire.

"Then this must be very troublesome..." After a while, Bai Zimei finally came to his senses, "How are you going to deal with it now?"

"Are you talking about the prince? The prince's problem has been dealt with... As for the other people, I want to see who has the courage to come over. If they really come over, I have already prepared a copy for them. List!”

As Lu Yu said this, a smile appeared involuntarily on his lips.

This smell is so familiar...

Bai Zimei shuddered involuntarily.

Although it was unclear what Lu Yu's evil intentions were, she had already begun to mourn in advance for those who were preparing to confront him...

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