Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1698 Taking advantage of the topic

"Too outrageous!"

"What is intolerable?"

"A country bumpkin from Xihai City dares to come to the capital to bully others!"

"How dare a mere boy to openly occupy all the girls in Thirteen Springs! Is there any law? Is there any justice?"

"The most infuriating thing is Zhang Shiping and Li Zhengxuan. These two are high-ranking officials in the court, but they are willing to be his lackeys and running dogs, helping the tyrant to do evil! They simply don't care about their dignity!"

"Poor the courtesans in Thirteen Springs. They originally had a pure heart, but they were so arrogant. She fell into the world of mortals but never fell, but now she can't escape the clutches of the devil!"

"I heard that when those courtesans were taken away, they almost cried. Among them, Yuanyuan, Chuchu, Yunyun and others were planning to die to show their loyalty, but were stopped by that villain..."

"Such a thing actually happened on the canal. We, the children of the capital, are simply unworthy of being men!"


Just as Bai Zimei expected, the trouble of this matter has just begun. Not long after Lu Yu and others left, many people were provoked.

These people are mainly young people. In their minds, these top courtesans of Thirteen Spring House have a very high status. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the white moonlight in their minds... Seeing their white moonlight being abducted like this, they are naturally full of anger.

Coupled with the instigation of some people with ulterior motives, these people were soon incited to the point of being passionate. So when Lu Yu's delegation arrived at the Swan Temple, these people also rushed to the Swan Temple. They were even faster than Lu Yu and others and blocked the door of the Swan Temple.

"Hand over the ladies!"

"We are willing to live and die with the ladies!"

"The West Sea bandits get out of the capital!"

"If you want to take the ladies away, walk over our bodies!"


Looking at this scene, Zhang Shiping couldn't help but frown.

In fact, moving to the Swan Temple was a decision he made at the last minute. Because a large number of top girls were kidnapped from the Thirteen Springs, the originally arranged place was not enough to live in, so he temporarily requisitioned the Swan Temple.

Unexpectedly, hundreds of protesters and opponents rushed over in such a short time. If he said that there was no one behind the scenes to add fuel to the fire, he would never believe it.

"What? Is Lord Zhang in trouble?"

Just when Zhang Shiping was at a loss, Lu Yu appeared beside him and asked with a relaxed look.

Zhang Shiping explained: "Special Envoy Lu doesn't know that these people have very special identities. They are all..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yu patted his shoulder and interrupted: "How special can they be? Could they be more special than His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

Zhang Shiping was speechless.

Lu Yu continued: "Lord Zhang, don't worry. If you feel embarrassed, let my people take care of this matter!"

After speaking, without waiting for Zhang Shiping to agree, he waved to the Feishi Camp soldiers on the side.

All the Feishi Camp soldiers came out immediately.

Zhang Shiping was shocked and said hurriedly: "Lord, please be patient. Please give me some time. I can take care of this matter..."

However, before he finished speaking, there was a loud bang, almost completely drowning out his voice.

It was the Feishi Camp soldiers who launched the Feishi offensive and directly fought with the people at the door.

Lu Yu thought the voice was too loud and he couldn't hear the other person's words clearly, so he pretended to be dumb and said, "Ah? What did you say, Lord Zhang? It's too noisy, I can't hear you clearly, let's talk later!"

Zhang Shiping was very confused. He knew clearly how powerful Lu Yu's guard team was. As early as when they were in Kangding City, this guard team directly defeated the Huayin Hou family. They had already proved their strength.

Although these opponents in front of them looked heroic, they were actually just the second generation ancestors of various families. Their real strength was not worth mentioning. Compared with these elite warriors of Feishiying, it was not an exaggeration to say that they were a group of rabble.

In the blink of an eye, people and horses were thrown to the ground in front of Tiane Temple. As Zhang Shiping expected, these second generation masters were shouting vigorously, but in fact they were not vulnerable at all.

Fortunately, these warriors of Feishiying still had a sense of measure and did not kill them, which made Zhang Shiping secretly relieved.

"Master Zhang, what did you say just now?"

After a moment, the voice gradually subsided. These pilots were indeed as strong as they were at that time, and the situation was quickly controlled by them.

"Nothing, it's not important anymore..." Zhang Shiping said.

He originally wanted to remind Lu Yu that this group of opponents were of noble status and must not be killed. Now that Lu Yu didn't seem to have the intention to kill them all, he had nothing to say.

"In that case, there is one thing I have to ask you for." Lu Yu said.

Zhang Shiping was stunned: "What is it?"

"Please help me register the identities of these people, Master Zhang!"

"Register? What is this for?" Zhang Shiping asked puzzledly.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "I see that these people are very energetic and seem to be full of energy, and our Xihai City is in ruins. Frankly speaking, we need such helpers...

"Help me count their names. Tomorrow I will suggest to His Majesty that they be moved to our territory in Xihai City!"

"Wha...what?" Zhang Shiping was shocked. He didn't expect that Lu Yu had such an idea in mind.

Bai Zimei, who was not far behind him, couldn't help but raise his forehead when he heard Lu Yu's words.

Now, she finally understood what Lu Yu meant by the "list" before.

I have to say, this is an excellent response.

This is different from the previous relocation of the Huayin Hou family. The last matter was ultimately a dispute over face. If he agreed, it would mean that the imperial power had bowed its head to Lu Yu.

But this time, the heads that should be lowered have been lowered, and the two sides have reached a consensus again.

Now that Emperor Darui has made it clear that he supports Lu Yu, if anyone else dares to make trouble at this time and openly challenge Lu Yu, he will make it clear that he belongs to the rear party.

In this way, we can take advantage of the situation and take advantage of it to attack the forces behind us.

Even after Lu Yu came up with such a list, Emperor Qing'en only had to discuss the matter several times and it would be able to play a very good role in swaying the mountain and shaking the tiger.

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