Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1702 Asking for it

After hearing Ning Wanqing's last words, Lu Yu finally couldn't help but laugh.

"why are you laughing?"

Ning Wanqing asked, "Do you think that I don't dare to kill you like everyone else? Maybe if my second brother and sister were here today, they really wouldn't kill you. They are just typical thinkers. So many, all day long, scheming and scheming..."

"But I'm different. Didn't you just say that I have a big chest and no brains? Maybe to a certain extent, you are right. I like the simple and direct method best. If you are not willing to surrender to me today, , I really have to kill you!"

"Do you believe that as long as I wave my finger, I can flatten everything here immediately?"

As she spoke, she raised one of her arms high, as if she really wanted to give an order for the Snow Dragon cavalry outside to launch a general attack.

Although Lu Yu did not see the figure of the Snow Dragon Cavalry outside, judging from the momentum he showed when he approached before, he did not doubt that the other party had such strength.

But he was still fearless and said with a smile: "After you have said so much, I can only confirm one thing now, that is, you are indeed big-breasted and brainless... Don't you still understand the situation? You could just wave it. Show me your fingers?"

Ning Wanqing was startled and realized that something was not right. She suddenly felt that her body was becoming a little out of control.

The arrows commanding the Snow Dragon Army were stored in her sleeve armor. Originally, she only needed to wave her hand to send out the arrows. However, this was originally a very common action, but now she felt a little powerless. She continued I tried several times but failed to activate the command arrow.

"what did you do to me!"

Ning Wanqing showed a look of horror, her eyes no longer as calm and calm as before.

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Strictly speaking, I didn't do anything. It was Zhenzhen who made all this... Zhenzhen actually didn't do anything. If you hadn't taken the initiative to knock over the alchemy furnace just now and spread the toxins everywhere, If it were everywhere, she might not have the chance to do this. In fact, all this is thanks to your cooperation!"

As he spoke, he spread his hands toward the corner.

At this time, Cui Zhenzhen was standing in an inconspicuous corner in that direction, with colorful lights gathering on her body.

Ning Wanqing suddenly realized that the situation in the courtyard had changed drastically at some point. Cui Zhenzhen suddenly became the Qi center of the entire courtyard, and it seemed that all the Qi interactions around her were evolving through her.

"Cui Zhenzhen? You... dare to use poison on me?" Ning Wanqing was shocked and angry.

Cui Zhenzhen did not respond to her, and did not even look at her. She only focused on controlling the colorful light in her hand. For every extra point of light in her hand, the power in Ning Wanqing's body was reduced by one point.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't add gold to your face. You can only blame yourself for this. You don't even know what we are refining, so you dare to rush in like this. Isn't this your own fault?" Did you find it?"

Ning Wanqing was furious. However, as Cui Zhenzhen continued to act, the toxins penetrated deeper and deeper into her body, and the pressure she felt became heavier and heavier. In the end, she no longer had the strength to express her anger to Lu Yu. , directly collapsed to the ground.

"Sir, it's finally done!"

Cui Zhenzhen gathered a colorful ball of light in her palm and said with joy on her face.

Lu Yu looked at the ball of light in her palm, then at Ning Wanqing who was lying limply on the ground, and said, "This is only temporary. Your control over her will not last long, but this is indeed a phase." It was successful..."

"Uh...really? So what exactly did I do that wasn't good enough?" Cui Zhenzhen asked.

Lu Yu looked at Ning Wanqing on the ground seriously before saying: "First of all, you made the wrong first step in your attack just now. Maybe because you were too nervous, you didn't even find the third and seventh toxins correctly. Dip-dyed base tape…”

With that said, Lu Yu began to explain to Cui Zhenzhen on the spot. Ning Wanqing, who was lying limply on the ground, was like a teaching prop for them.

"Sir, Miss... Isn't it a little inappropriate for you to discuss this now?"

At this time, Bai Zimei, who had been hiding in the corner, also came out and reminded the two of them: "Didn't Sir just say that the control on her is only temporary?"

Taking advantage of the booth where Lu Yu and Cui Zhenzhen used her as a teaching prop to explain, Ning Wanqing was about to break free from each other's control, but unexpectedly she was suddenly reminded by Bai Zimei, and all her efforts were immediately wasted. For a moment, she couldn't help but I hate Bai Zimei with all my heart.

"That's right, I almost forgot about this..." Lu Yu came back to his senses, patted his head and said.

Bai Zimei reminded in a low voice: "Sir, this person has a special status and must be handled with caution..."

In fact, she was also a little scared by Lu Yu, because she was afraid that if Lu Yu disagreed, he would kill the person directly, which would not be easy to explain.

Fortunately, Lu Yu was not impulsive this time. He pondered for a moment, then looked at Ning Wanqing and smiled softly: "Miss Ning, what do you think I should do to you? Why don't I give you the same two choices? how?"

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